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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Безопасное пользование компьютером

Safely using of computerscreeneyesa back keyboardfingersan elbowarmsa neckmouse
Keys to “health- test”24-20 Your Safely using of computerscreeneyesa back keyboardfingersan elbowarmsa neckmouse Словникa Rules, how to use computer safely Rules, how to use computer safely Game “Explain the word” Make groups of four or
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Safely using of computer

a back
an elbow
a neck

Safely using of computerscreeneyesa back keyboardfingersan elbowarmsa neckmouse

Слайд 3

Словникa screen  [skri:n]

a screen [skri:n]

– екран
a keyboard [keibo:d] – клавіатура
a mouse [maus] - мишка
a neck [nek] – шия
a rule [rul] – правило
straight [streit] – прямо
injuries [in’d3eriz] – пошкодження
height [hai] – висота
direсtly [di’reltli:] – рівно
safely [’seifli:] – безпечно
a top [top] – верхівка

Слайд 4 Rules, how to use computer safely

Rules, how to use computer safely

Your eyes
Never sit to close to computer.
Look away from screen every 10-12 minutes.
The window shouldn’t be directly behind the screen.
Your hand
Rest your hands on something.
Keep your elbows at the same height at the keyboard.
If your hands tired, exercise them in different ways.

Слайд 5 Rules, how to use computer safely

Rules, how to use computer safely

Your back
Sit straight!
The top part of screen should be in front of your eyes.
Get up every 30 minutes and have 5-10 minutes of rest.
Your legs
Put your legs on something.
Your leg must not be in the air!
Don’t put your legs one at one.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-bezopasnoe-polzovanie-kompyuterom.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 132
  • Количество скачиваний: 0