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Презентация на тему Shoping in Britain

The plan of the lessonI. Organization momentII. Checking up of the hometaskIII. Introducing with shopsIV. MatchingV. Work with the textVI. Consolidation of grammar materialVII. HometaskVIII. Conclusion
Theme: SHOPPING IN BRITAINMastering of new lexics and its use in speech. The plan of the lessonI. Organization momentII. Checking up of the hometaskIII. S e f r I d g e s Where can you buy?StampsGlueBreadMeatMedicineVegetableGreengrocer’sButcher’sPost-officeChemist’sBaker’sArt shop art shop chemist's newsagent's Do you know? Text “Shopping In London” Vocabulary workPre-reading taskReadingTasksInsert Clothes shops – киім дүкені Shoe shops – аяқ киім дүкені Department a) Why is Oxford street very popular?1. Teacher’s reading2. Pupils’ reading3. Questions a) Oxford is popular because it’s very bigI. True - falseb) Only I knowI want to knowI don’t knowI n s e r t Grammar Borrow,lend - put in the correct form1.Can you __________ me ten Correct the mistakes 1.I’m hungry. I like a sandwich and a cup Some, any –Use: friends shampoo air milk problems photos1.Betty wants to wash
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The plan of the lesson
I. Organization moment
II. Checking

The plan of the lessonI. Organization momentII. Checking up of the

up of the hometask
III. Introducing with shops
IV. Matching
V. Work

with the text

VI. Consolidation of grammar material

VII. Hometask

VIII. Conclusion

Слайд 3 S e f r I d g e

S e f r I d g e s

Слайд 6 Where can you buy?
Art shop

Where can you buy?StampsGlueBreadMeatMedicineVegetableGreengrocer’sButcher’sPost-officeChemist’sBaker’sArt shop

Слайд 7 art shop
Do you know?

art shop chemist's newsagent's Do you know?

Слайд 8 Text “Shopping In London”

Vocabulary work
Pre-reading task

Text “Shopping In London” Vocabulary workPre-reading taskReadingTasksInsert

Слайд 9 Clothes shops – киім дүкені
Shoe shops –

Clothes shops – киім дүкені Shoe shops – аяқ киім дүкені

аяқ киім дүкені
Department – бөлім, бөлімше
Employee – жұмысшы

– лифт, көтеру
Escalator – эсколатор
Roof – шатыр
Expensive – қымбат
Cheap – арзан

Слайд 11 a) Why is Oxford street very popular?
1. Teacher’s

a) Why is Oxford street very popular?1. Teacher’s reading2. Pupils’ reading3.

2. Pupils’ reading
3. Questions on the text
b) What is

Selfridges famous for?

c) What were there on the roof in the early days?

Слайд 12 a) Oxford is popular because it’s very big

a) Oxford is popular because it’s very bigI. True - falseb)

True - false
b) Only employees eat at its 5


c) Selfridges was as popular as it is now

d) Supermarkets are very popular because
Selfridges is an expensive department

II. Give synonyms

Popular -
Many -
Department -
Big -

Слайд 13 I know
I want to know
I don’t know

I n

I knowI want to knowI don’t knowI n s e r t

s e r t

Слайд 14 Grammar
Borrow,lend - put in the correct form

Grammar Borrow,lend - put in the correct form1.Can you __________ me

you __________ me ten pounds until the weekend please?

like to ___________Mr. Andrew’s camera , but I don’t suppose he’ll want to ___________ it to me.
3.Don’t ________ money to Peggy! She always forgets to pay you back.
4.Why don’t you _________ Jack’s bicycle ? I’m sure he wouldn’t mind.
5.Susan has _________ me her tennis racket. Hers is better than mine .
6.Dad, can I ________ your car for the evening?
7.________ me your pen , will you? Mine won’t write.
8.I can’t ________ you my dictionary, I’ve already ______ it to Pamela.
10.I have a lot of figures to add up. I’ll ________ Jeremy’s calculator.

Слайд 15 Correct the mistakes
1.I’m hungry. I like a

Correct the mistakes 1.I’m hungry. I like a sandwich and a

sandwich and a cup of tea.
2.I have thirsty. I’d

like to drink.
3.I’d like some fruits please.
4.How much apples do you want?
5.I don’t like an ace-cream.
6.Can I have a bread , please.

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  • Количество просмотров: 129
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