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Презентация на тему по английскому языку Простое прошедшее время

Tick – tock, Tick – tock,Merrily sings the clock:It’s time to workIt’s a magic clock. playedopenedlivedlikedlooked The Past Simple Land ten days ago last summeryesterdaya week agothe day before yesterdaylast yeara month V → V + ed/dHelp + ed → helpedPlay + ed → Regular verbs V → V- ed[t]WatchedWalkedTalkedFinishedLooked[id]SkatedWantedCollectedPaintedNeeded[d]PlayedLearnedTriedCriedSmiledStudied Mike and his granny lived in a small house. Their cat and They skate in the park every day. They skated in the Гномик Tim очень любит похвастать. Давайте не согласимся с ним. Образец: I А теперь давайте переспросим его.Образец: I watched TV at night.		Did you watch I liked my Bonny!Bears liked honey.Girls liked cats.Cats liked rats.Mice liked cheese.Sparrows Good Bye!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 played


Слайд 4 The Past Simple Land

The Past Simple Land

Слайд 6

ten days ago
last summer
a week ago
the day

ten days ago last summeryesterdaya week agothe day before yesterdaylast yeara

before yesterday
last year
a month ago

10 дней тому назад
в прошлом


неделю тому назад

прошлым летом


месяц тому назад

Слайд 8 V → V + ed/d
Help + ed →

V → V + ed/dHelp + ed → helpedPlay + ed

Play + ed → played
Look + ed → looked

+ ed → stopped
Like+ d → liked

Правильные глаголы

Слайд 9 Regular verbs V → V- ed



Regular verbs V → V- ed[t]WatchedWalkedTalkedFinishedLooked[id]SkatedWantedCollectedPaintedNeeded[d]PlayedLearnedTriedCriedSmiledStudied

Слайд 11 Mike and his granny lived in a small

Mike and his granny lived in a small house. Their cat

house. Their cat and dog often played together. They

never quarrelled. Mike loved his pets. One day Mike opened the window. There was a little bird in the tree. The cat wanted to play with the bird, but Mike asked the cat not to play with it. The cat listened to Mike. Mike and his cat waved goodbye to the bird.

Слайд 12 They skate in the park every day.

They skate in the park every day. They skated in

They skated in the park yesterday.

The weather is

fine today.
The weather was fine yesterday.

We walk to the park every day.
We walked to the park yesterday.

I visit my friend and his mother.
I visited my friend and his mother.

Children play tennis every day.
Children played tennis yesterday.

Слайд 13 Гномик Tim очень любит похвастать. Давайте не согласимся

Гномик Tim очень любит похвастать. Давайте не согласимся с ним. Образец:

с ним.
Образец: I watched TV at night.
You didn’t

watch TV at night.

I washed my hands and face ten times.
You didn’t wash your hands and face ten times.
I played chess with a champion.
You didn’t play chess with a champion.
I helped my friends to do their homework.
You didn’t help your friends to do their homework.
I cleaned my teeth three times.
You didn’t clean your teeth three times.

Слайд 14 А теперь давайте переспросим его.
Образец: I watched TV

А теперь давайте переспросим его.Образец: I watched TV at night.		Did you

at night.
Did you watch TV at night?

I washed my

hands and face ten times.
Did you wash your hands and face ten times?

I played chess with a champion.
Did you play chess with a champion?

I helped my friends to do their homework.
Did you help your friends to do their homework?

I cleaned my teeth three times.
Did you clean your teeth three times?

Слайд 16 I liked my Bonny!
Bears liked honey.
Girls liked cats.

I liked my Bonny!Bears liked honey.Girls liked cats.Cats liked rats.Mice liked

liked rats.
Mice liked cheese.
Sparrows liked peas.
Owls liked mice.
I liked

Storks liked frogs.
Birds liked grain.
Say it all again.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-prostoe-proshedshee-vremya.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 145
  • Количество скачиваний: 0