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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему The green world (6 класс)

Who is bigger? In the zoo you can see a giraffe and an elephant. The giraffe is tall and the elephant is tall. But the giraffe is taller than elephant. The giraffe is the tallest
The Green WorldToday we are goingto know about degrees of comparison of Who is bigger?  In the zoo you can see a giraffe You can see a tiger and a crocodile. They are dangerous. The Crocodiles are long and pythons are long. But pythons are longer than You can see many beautiful birds in the zoo. You can see Односложные прилагательные.Многосложные прилагательные. Exercise 1. За что люди могут любить своих животных?Clever (умный) – cleverer – the cleverestKindFunnyPretty HappyStrongFatExoticBraveBeautiful Exercise 2. Как дети могут похвастаться своими любимцами?My cat Exercise 3. Почему животные этих детей самые лучшие?My cat is (big) ---- (clever)    (lazy) (fast)(beautiful)            the wolf (funny)(dangerous)(strong)(curious) (small)(big) Your homework is to write a composition about your favourite animal.Thank you for the lesson.
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Who is bigger?
In the zoo you can see

Who is bigger? In the zoo you can see a giraffe

a giraffe and an elephant. The giraffe is tall

and the elephant is tall. But the giraffe is taller than elephant. The giraffe is the tallest animal in the world.

Слайд 3 You can see a tiger and a crocodile.

You can see a tiger and a crocodile. They are dangerous.

They are dangerous. The tiger is more dangerous than

the crocodile. The tiger is the most dangerous animal in the zoo.

Слайд 4 Crocodiles are long and pythons are long. But

Crocodiles are long and pythons are long. But pythons are longer

pythons are longer than crocodiles. The python is the

longest snake in the zoo.

Слайд 5 You can see many beautiful birds in the

You can see many beautiful birds in the zoo. You can

zoo. You can see an ostrich and a peacock.

The peacock is more beautiful than the ostrich. The peacock is the most beautiful bird in the zoo.

Слайд 6 Односложные прилагательные.
Многосложные прилагательные.

Односложные прилагательные.Многосложные прилагательные.

Слайд 7 Exercise 1. За что люди могут любить своих животных?

Exercise 1. За что люди могут любить своих животных?Clever (умный) – cleverer – the cleverestKindFunnyPretty HappyStrongFatExoticBraveBeautiful

(умный) – cleverer – the cleverest

Слайд 8 Exercise 2. Как дети могут похвастаться своими любимцами?
My cat

Exercise 2. Как дети могут похвастаться своими любимцами?My cat


Jeff’s dog.
My dog (fat) Beth’s bird.
My rabbit (clever) Len’s mouse.
My fish is (big) than Lee’s parrot.
My mouse (happy) Brett’s cat.
My parrot (pretty) Betty’s fish.
My bird (beautiful) Tom’s rabbit.

My cat is bigger than Tom’s rabbit.

Слайд 9 Exercise 3. Почему животные этих детей самые лучшие?
My cat

Exercise 3. Почему животные этих детей самые лучшие?My cat is (big)

is (big) ---- My cat is the biggest.
My dog

is (clever) -
My rabbit is (fat) –
My parrot is (happy) –
My mouse is (pretty) –
My fish is (small) –
My bird is (beautiful) -


Слайд 10 (clever)

(clever)  (lazy)


Слайд 11 (fast)

(fast)(beautiful)       the wolf

the wolf

Слайд 12 (funny)


Слайд 13 (small)


  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-the-green-world-6-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 126
  • Количество скачиваний: 0