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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Животные (3-5 кл.)

I am small and nice.I can run and jump.I like to sleep and play.I like milk.I am…Cat
Выполнила учитель английскогоязыкаМОУ СОШ №40Г. Волгограда I am small and nice.I can run and jump.I like to sleep I live in the forest.I am red and furry.I can jump in I live in the sea.I am grey or black.I can swim and I am grey or white.I can jump and walk.I am very small.I I live in the river or near the water.I am green or I live in the forest.I am neither big nor small.I like to
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 I am small and nice.

I can run and

I am small and nice.I can run and jump.I like to


I like to sleep and play.

I like milk.

I am…


Слайд 3 I live in the forest.

I am red and

I live in the forest.I am red and furry.I can jump


I can jump in the trees.

I like nuts.

I am


Слайд 4 I live in the sea.

I am grey or

I live in the sea.I am grey or black.I can swim


I can swim and dive.

I like fish.

I help people.




Слайд 5 I am grey or white.

I can jump and

I am grey or white.I can jump and walk.I am very


I am very small.

I like bread and cheese.

I live

in the house.

I am a…


Слайд 6 I live in the river or near the

I live in the river or near the water.I am green


I am green or grey.

I can jump and swim,

I can neither run nor climb.

I am a …


  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-zhivotnye-3-5-kl.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 157
  • Количество скачиваний: 0