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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Lake District (7 класс)

SituationThe Lake district lays in one of the most beautiful areas in England;Its position is exactly in the north-west part of the country;The west part lies on the Irish sea;Its location makes it the wettest part
THE LAKE DISTRICT SituationThe Lake district lays in one of the most beautiful areas in GeographyThe Lake district is one of fourteen national parks in the United The lakes support three rare and endangered species of fish: the vendace, It`s simply wonderful! The landscape of the Lakes is as breathtaking as any you’ll find Penrith Penrith is the capital of Cumbria.It is Albert Street workhouse Penrith CastleIt was built between 1399 and 1470 as a defense against WorkhouseThis building consisted of a two-storey main block connected at its centre Police Station TOURISM LiteratureThe Lake District is intimately associated with English literature in the 18th To me the meanest flowerThat blows can give thoughtsThat do often THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION !
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Situation
The Lake district lays in one of the

SituationThe Lake district lays in one of the most beautiful areas

most beautiful areas in England;
Its position is exactly in

the north-west part of the country;
The west part lies on the Irish sea;
Its location makes it the wettest part of England.

Слайд 3 Geography
The Lake district is one of fourteen national

GeographyThe Lake district is one of fourteen national parks in the

parks in the United Kingdom. It is situated in

Cumbria, one of England’s most mountainous region;
Its features are a result of periods of glaciation, the most recent of which ended some 15000 years ago;

Слайд 4 The lakes support three rare and endangered species

The lakes support three rare and endangered species of fish: the

of fish: the vendace, the shelly and the arctic


The lakes and waters do not naturally support as many species of fish as other similar habitats in the south of the country and elsewhere in Europe;

There are fourteen lakes in the Lake district which are affected.


Слайд 5 It`s simply wonderful!

It`s simply wonderful!

Слайд 7 The landscape of the Lakes is as breathtaking

The landscape of the Lakes is as breathtaking as any you’ll

as any you’ll find in Switzerland or the French

Alps – a sweeping panorama of humpbacked mountains, razorblade crags and screen-covered hillsides, strewn with mountainous tarns and some of the largest natural lakes anywhere in England.

Слайд 8 Penrith
Penrith is the

Penrith Penrith is the capital of Cumbria.It is a

capital of Cumbria.It is a large town acting as

a regional centre for the eastern Lake District, just outside the National Park.
Its position has resulted, since Roman times, in its development as a military centre.

Look at Penrith...

Слайд 9 Albert Street workhouse

Albert Street workhouse

Слайд 10 Penrith Castle
It was built between 1399 and 1470

Penrith CastleIt was built between 1399 and 1470 as a defense

as a defense against Scottish raids. It is believed

to have been first built by William Strickland who later become Bishop of Carlisle. The castle is situated within the town of Penrith, Cumbria, England opposite the railway station.

Слайд 11 Workhouse
This building consisted of a two-storey main block

WorkhouseThis building consisted of a two-storey main block connected at its

connected at its centre to a U-shaped main building

at the rear. A separate hospital block was located to the north.

Слайд 12 Police Station

Police Station

Слайд 13 TOURISM


Слайд 14 Literature
The Lake District is intimately associated with English

LiteratureThe Lake District is intimately associated with English literature in the

literature in the 18th and 19th centuries.
Thomas Gray was

the first to bring the region to attention but it was William Wordsworth whose poems were most famous and influential.
Dove cottage was the home of Williams Wordsworth’s from 1799 to 1808. The cottage is located in the hamlet of Town End, a place and a landscape at the centre of the English Lake District where the poet lived, wrote and found inspiration.

Слайд 15 To me the meanest flower
That blows can

To me the meanest flowerThat blows can give thoughtsThat do

give thoughts
That do often lie
Too deep
For tears

Wiliam Wordsworth

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-lake-district-7-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 159
  • Количество скачиваний: 0