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Презентация на тему по английскому языку по теме Mass Media


Read the words and Find an odd word. I mean the difference in reading.1. Newspaper, information, communicate, statement, relax.2. Respect, interest, necessary, get, earn money.3. Correct, important, informative.
Read the words and Find an odd word. I mean the difference Read the words and Find an odd word. I mean the difference Read the words and Find an odd word. I mean the difference Read the words and Find an odd word. I mean the difference “He who owns the information, he owns the world”. MASS MEDIA How do you understand the word “mass media”? What are the media? pressradiotelevisionThe Internet What kinds of mass media do you know? newspapers  magazines, radio, Television the Internet How do people use the media?? The media helps peopleTo relaxTo entertain To receive information To travel around The role of the Media in our lifeinformeducateentertain informgive possibilities for education   entertainThe Mass Media The MediaTelevisionThe internetRadioNewspapers What is TV ? An advertisment   a commercial interruption, where a thing, a product A documentary     A programme which gives facts and A programme, where the announcer says what the weather Talk showIt is a discussion, where different problems are discussed by participants What is it?A talk showadvertA music programme What is it?A quiz showSport newsNews Match the words with the definitions 1.A documentary2.A quiz show3.An advert4.A cinema It is almost  1. важная роль в жизни современного человека2. телевидение не только рассказывает, но  1. What is the difference between TV and radio?2. What does TV  What TV programmes do you like? Why? You look up the programmes before you switch the TV on. A. RarelyB. SometimesC. Often 2. If there isn't a programme which interests you, you don't switch 3. You've got favourite programmes which you can't miss. A. NoneB. SomeC. A lot 4. You like talking to friends about television programmes. A. RarelyB. SometimesC. Often Majority of A answer.You shouldn't do it too often.Majority of B answer.So, You are wrong! You are right!! You are wrong! You are right!! You are wrong! Agree or disagree: 1. Television kills conversation, doesn’t it? 2. TV makes people think
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Read the words and Find an odd word.

Read the words and Find an odd word. I mean the

I mean the difference in reading.

1. Newspaper, information, communicate,

statement, relax.
2. Respect, interest, necessary, get, earn money.
3. Correct, important, informative.

Слайд 3 Read the words and Find an odd word.

Read the words and Find an odd word. I mean the

I mean the difference in reading.

1. Newspaper, information, communicate,

statement, relax.
2. Respect, interest, necessary, get, earn money.
3. Correct, important, informative.

Слайд 4 Read the words and Find an odd word.

Read the words and Find an odd word. I mean the

I mean the difference in the part of speech.

Newspaper, information, communication, statement, relax.
2. Respect, interest, take part, get, earn money.
3. Correct, important, historical, wisdom.

Слайд 5 Read the words and Find an odd word.

Read the words and Find an odd word. I mean the

I mean the difference in the part of speech.


Newspaper, information, communication, statement, relax.
2. Respect, interest, take part, get, earn money.
3. Correct, important, historical, wisdom.

Слайд 6 “He who owns the information,
he owns the

“He who owns the information, he owns the world”.




Слайд 8 How do you understand the word “mass media”?

How do you understand the word “mass media”?

Слайд 9 What are the media?
The Internet

What are the media? pressradiotelevisionThe Internet

Слайд 10 What kinds of mass media do you know?

What kinds of mass media do you know? newspapers magazines, radio, Television the Internet

the Internet

Слайд 11 How do people use the media?

How do people use the media??

Слайд 12 The media helps people
To relax
To entertain
To receive

The media helps peopleTo relaxTo entertain To receive information To travel

To travel around the world without wasting money

Слайд 13 The role of the Media in our life

The role of the Media in our lifeinformeducateentertain

Слайд 14 inform
give possibilities for education

informgive possibilities for education  entertainThe Mass Media

Mass Media

Слайд 15 The Media
The internet

The MediaTelevisionThe internetRadioNewspapers

Слайд 16 What is TV ?

What is TV ?

Слайд 17 An advertisment
a commercial interruption, where

An advertisment  a commercial interruption, where a thing, a product

a thing, a product or a service are advertised

. It helps people to choose best things.

Слайд 18 A documentary
A programme which

A documentary   A programme which gives facts and information

gives facts and information about a particular subject
Particular -

редкий, особенный, специфический

Слайд 19 A programme, where the announcer

A programme, where the announcer says what the weather

says what the weather will be like the next


A Weather forecast

Слайд 20 Talk show
It is a discussion, where different problems

Talk showIt is a discussion, where different problems are discussed by

are discussed by participants . They express their opinions,

ask and answer questions.

Слайд 21 What is it?
A talk show
A music programme

What is it?A talk showadvertA music programme

Слайд 22 What is it?
A quiz show
Sport news

What is it?A quiz showSport newsNews

Слайд 23 Match the words with the definitions
1.A documentary

Match the words with the definitions 1.A documentary2.A quiz show3.An advert4.A

quiz show
3.An advert
4.A cinema
a. a commercial

interruption, where a thing, a product or a service are advertised .
it helps people to choose best things.

b.produced by recording images from the world with cameras, or by creating images using animation techniques or visual effects.

c. A programme which gives facts and information about a particular subject

d. People take part in a competition there . They are asked questions , they can win or lose the game. If they are in luck , they get a prize.

e. A programme, where sport events are told

5.Sport news

Слайд 25

It is almost impossible to imagine

It is almost impossible to imagine our life

without TV. It plays a great and a very important role in the life of modern man. Radio and newspapers tell us about different events but TV not only tells but also shows.
TV has a lot of channels and everybody can watch the programs he likes. Our television suggests various programs: talk show and game show, news and sporting events, about animals and about foreign countries and so on. TV shows us a lot of films of different countries: detective and melodrama, comedy and thriller.
In the one hand television plays a positive role. It brings the world to our living-room. We see people in our country and in other lands, and learn their customs, occupations, opinions, problems. We become well informed by watching documentaries, science programs, and discussions and by learning the most important economic, social and political issues of the day. We see great events, outstanding people. Television helps us to relax after a hard day's work.
But on the other hand television plays the negative role in the life of human beings. We begin to forget how to spend our spare time. We used to have hobbies, we used to meet our friends, go to the theatres, cinemas and sporting events. We used to read books and to listen to the music. Little by little television cuts us off from the real world. We get so lazy, we choose to spend a fine day glued to our sets. Some pupils do the homework in front of the TV set. Some pupils are so attracted by television they do not do their homework at all. Many boys and girls watch television on Sunday afternoon, when out-doors activities would do them so much good. Television may lead to the poor health through lack of sleep and lack of exercises. Eyestrain could be caused by watching TV for a long time. People begin to forget the art of conversation. They sit glued to the television screen instead of visiting their friends, relatives.

Слайд 26  
1. важная роль в жизни современного человека
2. телевидение

 1. важная роль в жизни современного человека2. телевидение не только рассказывает,

не только рассказывает, но и показывает.
3. телевидение предлагает различные

4. изучаем их обычаи, занятия, мнения, проблемы.
5. становимся хорошо информированными.
6. телевидение помогает нам расслабиться.
7. телевидение играет отрицательную роль в жизни человека.
8. мы привыкли встречаться с друзьями, ходить в театр, кино.
9. понемногу телевидение отрывает нас от реального мира.
10. становимся ленивыми.
11. занятия на открытом воздухе.
12. они сидят приклеены к экранам телевизора.

Слайд 27  
1. What is the difference between TV and

 1. What is the difference between TV and radio?2. What does

2. What does TV suggest?
3. What can we

learn thanks to TV?
4. Does TV play positive role?
5. Does TV play negative role?
6. How does TV influence children?
7. What can TV lead to?
8. Many children prefer watching TV instead of doing outdoor activities, don’t they?
9. What does “Eyestrain” mean?
10. What does “glued” mean?
11. Do you like watching TV?
12. What do you think TV has more positive or negative features?

Слайд 28  
What TV programmes do you like? Why?

 What TV programmes do you like? Why?

Слайд 29 You look up the programmes before you switch

You look up the programmes before you switch the TV on. A. RarelyB. SometimesC. Often

the TV on.

A. Rarely
B. Sometimes
C. Often

Слайд 30 2. If there isn't a programme which interests

2. If there isn't a programme which interests you, you don't

you, you don't switch on the TV.

A. Rarely

C. Often

Слайд 31 3. You've got favourite programmes which you can't

3. You've got favourite programmes which you can't miss. A. NoneB. SomeC. A lot


A. None
B. Some
C. A lot

Слайд 32 4. You like talking to friends about television

4. You like talking to friends about television programmes. A. RarelyB. SometimesC. Often


A. Rarely
B. Sometimes
C. Often

Слайд 33 Majority of A answer.
You shouldn't do it too

Majority of A answer.You shouldn't do it too often.Majority of B


Majority of B answer.
So, be careful not to be

too superficial in choice!
Majority of C answer.
Sometimes it's better to read a book.

Слайд 34 You are wrong!

You are wrong!

Слайд 35 You are right!

You are right!!

Слайд 36 You are wrong!

You are wrong!

Слайд 37 You are right!

You are right!!

Слайд 38 You are wrong!

You are wrong!

Слайд 39 Agree or disagree:
1. Television kills conversation, doesn’t it?

Agree or disagree: 1. Television kills conversation, doesn’t it? 2. TV makes people

TV makes people think and talk more. Is that

3. Comedies can have more influence on viewers. Can it?
4. TV is terribly bad for people’s eyes.
5. People get addicted to certain television series.
6. Children don’t get enough fresh air.

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