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Презентация на тему Стратегия выполнения заданий 39-40 ЕГЭ. Практические советы.

Личное письмо – 6 балловРассмотрим критерииContent• Number of words (100–140)• Aspects 1–3 (answering the questions)• Aspect 4: asking 3 questions• Aspect 5: politeness conventionsAspect 6: style (salutation, ending the letter, signing off and signature are written
ЕГЭ  Задания 39-40: Личное письмо и ЭссеВалова Т.ЕМАОУ Гимназия №1 Личное письмо – 6 балловРассмотрим критерииContent• Number of words (100–140)• Aspects 1–3 2) Organization• Logic (Use of linking words)Paragraphs. Thanking for the previous letter, 3) Language accuracyGrammar vocabulary spelling Moscow, Russia 23.03.2014Dear Patricia, (2) I’m really sorry I didn’t answer before. Moscow, Russia 23.03.2014Dear Patricia, Thanks for your letter. (2) It was nice Task 40. Writing an opinion essayParagraph 1, introduction, restating the problem Paragraph Practice of Writing an introductionВо вступлении необходимо перефразировать слова из рубрики. Списанные Some people think that city living in the 21st century is stressful SampleNowadays there is an opinion that a contemporary urban living might be Many people believe that online shopping is the best way to shopPeople The young generation of people today is not as healthy as their The young generation of people today is not as healthy as their Some people who think that extreme sport should be banned because they Doing extreme sports is rather popular nowadays. However, there are people who Many people demand that genetically modified food should be banned. Nowadays:Many people Many people demand that genetically modified food should be banned. Nowadays: at Getting marks doesn’t motivate the students to study.Students:Get marks:Motivate:To study: Getting marks doesn’t motivate the students to study.Students: schoolchildren Get marks: be Many parents feel that their children should follow their advice in choosing Many parents feel that their children should follow their advice in choosing The majority of teenagers try to follow the fashion. The majority of teenagers try to follow the fashion.Most young people try Many people are sure that climate change is inevitable and we cannot change the situation.
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Слайд 2 Личное письмо – 6 баллов
Рассмотрим критерии
• Number of

Личное письмо – 6 балловРассмотрим критерииContent• Number of words (100–140)• Aspects

words (100–140)
• Aspects 1–3 (answering the questions)
• Aspect 4:

asking 3 questions
• Aspect 5: politeness conventions
Aspect 6: style (salutation, ending the letter, signing off and signature are written according to semi-formal style)

Слайд 3 2) Organization
• Logic (Use of linking words)

2) Organization• Logic (Use of linking words)Paragraphs. Thanking for the previous

for the previous letter, reference to the previous contact

body ( answering the questions)
Main body (asking questions)
Salutation, ending the letter, signing off and signature are on separate lines
The author’s address is in the top right corner
The date is under the address

Слайд 4 3) Language accuracy

3) Language accuracyGrammar vocabulary spelling

Слайд 5 Moscow, Russia
Dear Patricia,
(2) I’m really

Moscow, Russia 23.03.2014Dear Patricia, (2) I’m really sorry I didn’t answer

sorry I didn’t answer before. I was really busy

with my project.
(3) I usually wear a skirt and a blouse or a dress, but actually in Russia, it doesn’t really matter what you’re wearing. However, clothes can vary depending on different occasions. For example, teens prefer to dress smart for a party and to wear casual or disco clothes for dancing. As for me, my favourite type of clothes is jeans and hoodies.
(4), great news! Where is your sister going to celebrate her marriage? How many people will be there? What plans do they have for their honeymoon?
(5) My mum’s calling me.

Слайд 6 Moscow, Russia
Dear Patricia,
Thanks for your letter.

Moscow, Russia 23.03.2014Dear Patricia, Thanks for your letter. (2) It was

(2) It was nice to hear from you again.

I’m really sorry I didn’t answer before. I was really busy with my project.
(3) As for your questions, I usually wear a skirt and a blouse or a dress, but actually in Russia, it doesn’t really matter what you’re wearing. However, clothes can vary depending on different occasions. For example, teens prefer to dress smart for a party and to wear casual or disco clothes for dancing. As for me, my favourite type of clothes is jeans and hoodies.
(4) By the way, great news! Where is your sister going to celebrate her marriage? How many people will be there? What plans do they have for their honeymoon?
(5) I’d better finish now. My mum’s calling me.
(6) Write back soon.
(7) Best wishes,

Слайд 9 Task 40. Writing an opinion essay
Paragraph 1, introduction,

Task 40. Writing an opinion essayParagraph 1, introduction, restating the problem

restating the problem
Paragraph 2, the writer’s opinion on

the problem and reasoning
Paragraph 3, an opposing opinion and reasoning
Paragraph 4, explanations why the writer doesn’t agree with this point of view
Paragraph 5, a conclusion showing the writer’s position

Слайд 10 Practice of Writing an introduction
Во вступлении необходимо перефразировать

Practice of Writing an introductionВо вступлении необходимо перефразировать слова из рубрики.

слова из рубрики. Списанные точь-в-точь предложения приведут к понижению

балла по критерию «Содержание»!!!

Слайд 11 Some people think that city living in the

Some people think that city living in the 21st century is

21st century is stressful and offers no advantages
City living:

urban living, lifestyle
21st century: contemporary, modern, nowadays
stressful: oppressive
offers: provides, supports advantages: benefits, opportunities

Слайд 12 Sample
Nowadays there is an opinion that a contemporary

SampleNowadays there is an opinion that a contemporary urban living might

urban living might be fairly oppressive for many people

and provides them with no benefits. However, …

Слайд 13 Many people believe that online shopping is the

Many people believe that online shopping is the best way to

best way to shop
People believe: there is an opinion,

it is considered, etc.
Online shopping: buying goods on the Internet.
The best way: the most beneficial way, the most convenient way.

Слайд 14 The young generation of people today is not

The young generation of people today is not as healthy as

as healthy as their grandparents used to be.

generation of people:
Are not as healthy as:

Слайд 15 The young generation of people today is not

The young generation of people today is not as healthy as

as healthy as their grandparents used to be.

generation of people: teenagers
Are not as healthy as: are less healthy than…
Grandparents: grandfathers and grandmothers

Слайд 16 Some people who think that extreme sport should

Some people who think that extreme sport should be banned because

be banned because they are too risky
extreme sports:
People who

Should be banned:
Too risky:

Слайд 17 Doing extreme sports is rather popular nowadays. However,

Doing extreme sports is rather popular nowadays. However, there are people

there are people who think that they should be

banned because they are too risky

extreme sports: going in for / doing adventure sports
Nowadays: these days, in the last 20 years, recently
People who think: people who believe / consider / are sure / claim, etc.
Should be banned: should not be allowed to do
Too risky: too dangerous

Слайд 18 Many people demand that genetically modified food should

Many people demand that genetically modified food should be banned. Nowadays:Many

be banned.
Many people demand:
Should be banned:
Others say:

is unnecessary:

Слайд 19 Many people demand that genetically modified food should

Many people demand that genetically modified food should be banned. Nowadays:

be banned.
Nowadays: at the present time
Many people

demand: many people insist
Should be banned: should not be allowed
Others say: other people believe / consider / etc.
It is unnecessary: it is not necessary

Слайд 20 Getting marks doesn’t motivate the students to study.

Getting marks doesn’t motivate the students to study.Students:Get marks:Motivate:To study:

To study:

Слайд 21 Getting marks doesn’t motivate the students to study.

Getting marks doesn’t motivate the students to study.Students: schoolchildren Get marks:

Get marks: be assessed
Motivate: encourage
To study:

to learn, to get knowledge

Слайд 22 Many parents feel that their children should follow

Many parents feel that their children should follow their advice in

their advice in choosing a career
Parents feel:
Follow advice:
Choose a


Слайд 23 Many parents feel that their children should follow

Many parents feel that their children should follow their advice in

their advice in choosing a career
Parents feel: parents consider / are

sure / believe
Follow advice: to follow their recommendations / can’t make their choice independently
Choose a career: to choose a future job to make their on decision in…

Слайд 24 The majority of teenagers try to follow the

The majority of teenagers try to follow the fashion.


Слайд 25 The majority of teenagers try to follow the

The majority of teenagers try to follow the fashion.Most young people

Most young people try to look and dress smartly

/ to wear fashionable clothes/ to be trendy

Слайд 26 Many people are sure that climate change is

Many people are sure that climate change is inevitable and we cannot change the situation.

inevitable and we cannot change the situation.

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