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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему What do you do about the house? ( 3 класс, Кузовлев В.П.)

Jane is sweeping the floor, Kate is washing the door, Ann is feeding her cat, Mag is brushing her hat.
What do you do about the house? Jane is sweeping the floor, Kate is washing the door, Ann is make the bed wash the dishes feed our pets gather apples set the table clean the car sweep the path cook meals dust the furniture work in the garden Dan gathers apples.     Dan never sets the table. Dan makes the bed.      Dan never cooks meals. Dan feeds his dog.        Dan never washes the dishes. Составьте словосочетанияsweepcleandustworkfeedmakecookwashin the gardenthe furnituremealsthe petsthe pathsthe carthe dishesthe bed Подбери верное утверждение.They sweep the floor. Найди лишнее слово.1) they, them, she, he, I.2) set, work, feed, garden, You are THE BEST !!!!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Jane is sweeping the floor, Kate is washing the

Jane is sweeping the floor, Kate is washing the door, Ann

door, Ann is feeding her cat, Mag is brushing her hat.

Слайд 3 make the bed

make the bed

Слайд 4

wash the dishes

wash the dishes

Слайд 5 feed our pets

feed our pets

Слайд 6 gather apples

gather apples

Слайд 7 set the table

set the table

Слайд 8 clean the car

clean the car

Слайд 9 sweep the path

sweep the path

Слайд 10 cook meals

cook meals

Слайд 11 dust the furniture

dust the furniture

Слайд 12 work in the garden

work in the garden

Слайд 13 Dan gathers apples. Dan

Dan gathers apples.   Dan never sets the table.

never sets the table.

Слайд 14 Dan makes the bed.

Dan makes the bed.   Dan never cooks meals.

Dan never cooks meals.

Слайд 15 Dan feeds his dog.

Dan feeds his dog.    Dan never washes the dishes.

Dan never washes the dishes.

Слайд 16 Составьте словосочетания
in the garden
the furniture
the pets
the paths
the car

Составьте словосочетанияsweepcleandustworkfeedmakecookwashin the gardenthe furnituremealsthe petsthe pathsthe carthe dishesthe bed

the bed

Слайд 17 Подбери верное утверждение.
They sweep the floor.

Подбери верное утверждение.They sweep the floor.


cook meals. He cleans the car. She sweeps the floor. They wash the dishes. He washes the dishes. She cooks meals.

Слайд 18 Найди лишнее слово.
1) they, them, she, he, I.

Найди лишнее слово.1) they, them, she, he, I.2) set, work, feed,

set, work, feed, garden, make.
3) us, her, him, me,

4) makes, washes, cook, works, gathers.
5) sweep, set, clean, feed, meals.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-what-do-you-do-about-the-house-3-klass-kuzovlev-vp.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 185
  • Количество скачиваний: 0