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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему: Помощники природы (7 класс)

HUG The Earth Walking along feeling free  Feeling the Earth here with me  And I love her. She loves me  I hug the Earth, the Earth hugs me.  She's our friend,  We'd like to be
Eco-helpers Учитель: Валиева Л.И.Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение«Средняя школа № 1 г.ЕвпаторииРеспублики Крым» HUG The Earth Walking along feeling free  Feeling the Earth here The theme is “Eco-helpers” Vocabulary on the topic  “Ecological problems” air pollutionwater pollutionsoil Our goals:to introduce new vocabulary;to describe picture;to listen to the dialogue;do the Vocabulary on the topic “Eco-helpers” plant flowers recycle cans  (reuse)collect rubbishbuild nesting boxes Vocabulary on the topic “Eco-helpers” clean out a pondteach the cycle of Sally is collecting rubbish. Andy is reading a book about ecology. Jane They are volunteers - people who do something for free Ex.3(b), p. 79.  Complete the sentences. Ex.3(b), p. 79.  Check up the sentences. You may choose any task you like.To make the crossword using Song – The Earth is my homeThe Earth is my home,I promise Quiz “Ecological problems”Answer is a 2. How many “ecological” words can you find in the table?Quiz “Ecological problems”1)waste;2)throw;3)pack;4)rubbish;5)pollute6)danger;7)drop;8)damage Quiz “Ecological problems” Quiz “Ecological problems”Answer isc Quiz “Ecological problems” Quiz “Ecological problems” Quiz “Ecological problems”Answer isb Quiz “Ecological problems” Quiz “Ecological problems” Quiz “Ecological problems” Quiz “Ecological problems” Quiz “Ecological problems” Quiz “Ecological problems” Quiz “Ecological problems” 12. Do the “ecological”  puzzle.Quiz “Ecological problems”
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Слайд 3 HUG The Earth
Walking along feeling free  Feeling the Earth

HUG The Earth Walking along feeling free  Feeling the Earth

here with me  And I love her. She loves me  I

hug the Earth, the Earth hugs me.  She's our friend,  We'd like to be together forever. 
The Earth is our garden  It's a beautiful place  For all living creatures  For all the human race,  Helping Mother Earth  We can peacefully roam,  We all deserve a place  We can call our home.  Food is a treasure from soil and the sea.  Clean fresh air from the plants and the trees  The warmth of the sun giving life each day  Turns water into rain, it’s nature's way.  And I would like to thank you, Mother Earth,  I like to see you dressed in green and blue   I want to be by you.
Lorraine Bayes

Свободно по земле шагая, говорю:  Приветствую тебя, любимая планета!  Люблю тебя, и ты люби меня,  Ведь мы с тобой друзья,  Всегда я помню это.  Прекрасный сад земной!  Для всех ты дом родной,  Есть место всем живым на солнечной планете.  Смиренно просим мы:  О, Матушка - Земля, ты людям помоги,  Они - твои родные дети.  Дай пищу нам из почвы и воды,  И чистый воздух из листвы и хвои,  А солнце попроси, чтоб согревало нас  И радовало дождиком и летнею грозою.  А в благодарность постараемся помочь тебе, Земля,  Твоё пусть не поблекнет платье голубое.  У нас с тобою общая судьба,  Мы помним это, мы всегда с тобою!
Наталья Лопаткина

Слайд 4 The theme is “Eco-helpers”

The theme is “Eco-helpers”

Слайд 5 Vocabulary on the topic “Ecological problems”
air pollution
water pollution

Vocabulary on the topic “Ecological problems” air pollutionwater pollutionsoil pollution acid rainchemical wastedeforestationthrowrubbishdamagedanger

acid rain
chemical waste


Слайд 6 Our goals:
to introduce new vocabulary;
to describe picture;
to listen

Our goals:to introduce new vocabulary;to describe picture;to listen to the dialogue;do

to the dialogue;
do the quiz;
to sing a song;
to sum

up the lesson.

Слайд 7 Vocabulary on the topic “Eco-helpers”
plant flowers


Vocabulary on the topic “Eco-helpers” plant flowers recycle cans (reuse)collect rubbishbuild nesting boxes


collect rubbish

build nesting boxes

Слайд 8 Vocabulary on the topic “Eco-helpers”
clean out a

Vocabulary on the topic “Eco-helpers” clean out a pondteach the cycle


teach the cycle of life

read a book about ecology

Слайд 10 Sally is collecting rubbish. Andy is reading a book

Sally is collecting rubbish. Andy is reading a book about ecology.

about ecology. Jane is teaching the cycle of life. Tim is

building nesting boxes. John is recycling cans. Rose is cleaning out the pond.  

Sally is collecting rubbish.
Andy is reading a book about ecology.
Jane is teaching the cycle of life.
Tim is building nesting boxes.
John is recycling cans.
Rose is cleaning out the pond.

Слайд 11 They are volunteers - people who
do something

They are volunteers - people who do something for free

for free

Слайд 12 Ex.3(b), p. 79. Complete the sentences.

Ex.3(b), p. 79. Complete the sentences.

Слайд 13 Ex.3(b), p. 79. Check up the sentences.

Ex.3(b), p. 79. Check up the sentences.

Слайд 14
You may choose any task you like.

You may choose any task you like.To make the crossword

make the crossword using the words on the theme

“Ecological problems”.

To make a report what your family and you have already done to save our ecology.

Home task

Слайд 15 Song – The Earth is my home
The Earth

Song – The Earth is my homeThe Earth is my home,I

is my home,
I promise to keep it
healthy and beautiful.

will love the land,
the air, the water
and all living creatures
I will be a defender of my planet.
United with friends. I will save the Earth.
United with friends. I promise to keep it.
United with friends. I will love the land.
United with friends. I’ll be a defender.
I will save the Earth.

Слайд 16
Quiz “Ecological problems”
Answer is

Quiz “Ecological problems”Answer is a

Слайд 17 2. How many “ecological” words can you find

2. How many “ecological” words can you find in the table?Quiz “Ecological problems”1)waste;2)throw;3)pack;4)rubbish;5)pollute6)danger;7)drop;8)damage

in the table?
Quiz “Ecological problems”

Слайд 18
Quiz “Ecological problems”

Quiz “Ecological problems”

Слайд 19
Quiz “Ecological problems”
Answer is

Quiz “Ecological problems”Answer isc

Слайд 20
Quiz “Ecological problems”

Quiz “Ecological problems”

Слайд 21
Quiz “Ecological problems”

Quiz “Ecological problems”

Слайд 22
Quiz “Ecological problems”
Answer is

Quiz “Ecological problems”Answer isb

Слайд 23
Quiz “Ecological problems”

Quiz “Ecological problems”

Слайд 24
Quiz “Ecological problems”

Quiz “Ecological problems”

Слайд 25
Quiz “Ecological problems”

Quiz “Ecological problems”

Слайд 26
Quiz “Ecological problems”

Quiz “Ecological problems”

Слайд 27
Quiz “Ecological problems”

Quiz “Ecological problems”

Слайд 28
Quiz “Ecological problems”

Quiz “Ecological problems”

Слайд 29
Quiz “Ecological problems”

Quiz “Ecological problems”

Слайд 30 12. Do the “ecological” puzzle.
Quiz “Ecological problems”

12. Do the “ecological” puzzle.Quiz “Ecological problems”

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