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Презентация на тему по английскому языку The Beatles (конкурс презентаций на английском языке)

ContentsIntroductionOne of the most successful groups of the 20th centuryWhy are they called «The Beatles»? John Lennon and Paul McCartneyThe stages of development The BeatlesThe first stage (1957 – 1964)The second stage (1965 – 1966)The third
Тема: «Группа, которая изменила мир»  Специальность: «Коррекционная педагогика в начальном образовании» ContentsIntroductionOne of the most successful groups of the 20th centuryWhy are they My name is Nastya. I am fond of rock music and I Rock trend in music began to develop in the second half of One of the most successful groups  of the 20th centuryThe Beatles were Why are they called  «The Beatles»? At the beginning they changed John Lennon and Paul McCartneyMost songs of the group were co-authored by The first stage of development (1957 – 1964)The Beatles created a new The second stage (1965 – 1966)«The Beatles» first used a sound effect The third stage (1967 – 1970)The Beatles created some of their best “If there hadn't been an Elvis, there wouldn't have been the Beatles.” BeatlemaniaBeatlemania was differed from the usual huge popularity by atmosphere of mass The Beatles’ influence on music  of the 20th century They represent I have decided to conduct a research about «The Beatles».For the realization Questionnaire Pupils of the 11th form (35 people): Pupils of the 7th form (23 people): Conclusion of the questionnaire survey This statistic has led to a sad ConclusionThe Beatles' influence on modern music was truly enormous. Unfortunately, the young Список использованных источников информации Mendelsohn J. Abbey Road Not Rated [Электронный ресурс]
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Contents
One of the most successful groups of the

ContentsIntroductionOne of the most successful groups of the 20th centuryWhy are

20th century
Why are they called «The Beatles»?
John Lennon

and Paul McCartney
The stages of development The Beatles
The first stage (1957 – 1964)
The second stage (1965 – 1966)
The third stage (1967 – 1970)
The Beatles’ influence on music of the 20th century
Conclusion of the questionnaire survey

Слайд 3 My name is Nastya. I am fond of

My name is Nastya. I am fond of rock music and

rock music and I want to tell you about

«The Beatles» because I think people have to know about this group. That is why I’ve decided to make this presentation.


Слайд 4
Rock trend in music began to develop in

Rock trend in music began to develop in the second half

the second half of the XX century. One of

the first rock groups in the United Kingdom was «The Beatles».

Слайд 5 One of the most successful groups of the

One of the most successful groups of the 20th centuryThe Beatles were

20th century
The Beatles were an English rock band that was formed in Liverpool

in 1960 by John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr.

John Lennon

Paul McCartney

George Harrison

Ringo Starr

Слайд 6 Why are they called «The Beatles»?
At the

Why are they called «The Beatles»? At the beginning they changed

beginning they changed the name of the group: Beatals,

Silver Beats, Silver Beetles, Silver Beatles.
The "bit" - is a hit.
The "bits" – is a beetle.
The guys wanted to call somewhat cryptically, and they came up with a play on words.

Слайд 7 John Lennon and Paul McCartney
Most songs of the

John Lennon and Paul McCartneyMost songs of the group were co-authored

group were co-authored by John Lennon and Paul McCartney.

Together they complement each other.

They flatly rejected any musical patterns, that gave their music a natural charm and originality.

Слайд 8 The first stage of development (1957 – 1964)

The first stage of development (1957 – 1964)The Beatles created a

Beatles created a new model of the traditional rock-and-roll.

They connected rock 'n' roll with a different style that based on English folk songs and Scottish ballads. Thus was born a whole new style that music critics have called "Merseybeat".

Слайд 9 The second stage (1965 – 1966)
«The Beatles» first

The second stage (1965 – 1966)«The Beatles» first used a sound

used a sound effect called the Feedback. The group

created songs like a beautiful ballad - «Yesterday», «In My Life» and many others. These songs are rightly considered classics of rock - music.

Слайд 10 The third stage (1967 – 1970)
The Beatles created

The third stage (1967 – 1970)The Beatles created some of their

some of their best songs: «A Day In The Life»,

«Strawberry Fields Forever», «Come Together».

The group, one name that makes everyone's heart beat faster, officially ceased to exist in April 1970.

Слайд 11 “If there hadn't been an Elvis, there wouldn't

“If there hadn't been an Elvis, there wouldn't have been the

have been the Beatles.” © John Lennon.

They were

for the 60s the same as Presley for the 50s.

Слайд 12 Beatlemania
Beatlemania was differed from the usual huge popularity

BeatlemaniaBeatlemania was differed from the usual huge popularity by atmosphere of

by atmosphere of mass hysteria that accompanied any appearance

of the band on public. During concerts, the audience’s screams blocked the music. In February 1964, Beatlemania stepped across the ocean.

Слайд 13 The Beatles’ influence on music of the 20th

The Beatles’ influence on music of the 20th century They represent

They represent a new rock style and a new

era. The Beatles gave a powerful impetus to the second rock and turned the empty entertainment music in a whole subculture.

Слайд 14 I have decided to conduct a research about

I have decided to conduct a research about «The Beatles».For the

«The Beatles».
For the realization of my research I have

developed a questionnaire at school.
I compared the pupils’ answers of the 11th and 7th forms.


Слайд 15 Questionnaire
Pupils of the 11th form (35 people):

Questionnaire Pupils of the 11th form (35 people):

Слайд 16 Pupils of the 7th form (23 people):

Pupils of the 7th form (23 people):

Слайд 17 Conclusion of the questionnaire survey
This statistic has led

Conclusion of the questionnaire survey This statistic has led to a

to a sad conclusion. Young people listen to music

that is popular now, and change their preferences in accordance with the imposed songs. The older generation doesn’t chase a trend. They know more about old music bands.

Слайд 18 Conclusion
The Beatles' influence on modern music was truly

ConclusionThe Beatles' influence on modern music was truly enormous. Unfortunately, the


Unfortunately, the young people don’t know how great

their contribution to music of the 20th century was. The whole culture dies and this important time in the life of generations will never happen again.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-the-beatles-konkurs-prezentatsiy-na-angliyskom-yazyke.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 152
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