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Презентация на тему по английскому языку к уроку 4, 9 класс, часть 1


Ex.40., page 204
Unit 4   Family matters   Form 9 Ex.40., page 204 1. to talk one’s head off2. to have one’s head in the 6. to bury one’s head in the sand7. to take something into Ex.41., page 205 1. This symphony sounds solemn and a little sad.2. Unfortunately I don’t 4. Suzan, our rare and welcome guest, will tell you today about 7. When the sun shines brightly, we draw the blinds and it 10. Each household should have its own traditions.11. Mike is the only 13. The schoolgirls were strictly forbidden to wear jewellery at school.14. Isn’t 16. We spent several dull days in the country and came back Ex.43., page 207 1. dull;2. boring; 3. dull; 4. boring;5. dull / boring; 6. dull;7. boring / dull; 8. dull; 9. boring / dull;10. dull Ex.44., page 207 a) Victorian Family Life, as the major part of the text is Ex.46., page 210 1. is marked by great change;2. the growth in industry and trade; 5. strict moral standards;6. marriages were always permanent; 7. way of life; 9. beard or side-whiskers;10. carved the joint of meat; 11. unless spoken 13. gadgets;14. a lace cap; 15. took family prayers; 16. picture books; 13. gadgets;14. a lace cap; 15. took family prayers; 16. picture books; 17. public readings and recitations;18. a very solemn day; 19. blind man’s buff; 20. treasure. Focus on Synonymy to look (смотреть на кого-то)  to turn the eyes so as to gaze (смотреть на кого-то долгое время с восхищением или удовольствием) to glare (смотреть зло)  to look in an angry way The Ex.47., page 211 1. gazing;2. glared; 3. glaring; 4. stare;5. staring; 6. glanced;7. gazed; 8. gazing; 9. glanced;10. stared. Ex.49., page 213 traveling, skillful, fulfill, color, favorite, theater, center, specter, program Ex.53., page 217 1. sister-in-law;2. next of kin; 3. offspring; 4. spouse;5. ancestor; 6. to date;7. engaged; 8. fiance or fiancee; 9. bride;10. bride­groom or groom; 11. newlyweds, a newly married coup;12. an arranged marriage; 13. divorce; 14. patience;15. to spoil; 16. generation gap;17. custody. Ex.54., page 217 1. kinsfolk;2. great-grandparents; 3. second cous­in; 4. in-laws;5. without kith or kin; 6. stepbrother;7. to court sb; 8. to reject sb/sb’s proposal; 9. marriage of convenience;10. ex-husband; 11. to have custody of a child;12. to live together; 13. first-born 16. good and decent;17. to deserve praise; 18. on the other hand; 21. to meet sb halfway;22. to render help. Focus marry sb (женить или выйти замуж) – to became one’s husband or marry into a family (стать членом семьи, став мужем или женой того, to get married (собираться жениться)We’re getting married next year. Note that get
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Ex.40., page 204

Ex.40., page 204

Слайд 3 1. to talk one’s head off
2. to have

1. to talk one’s head off2. to have one’s head in

one’s head in the clouds
3. to turn one’s head

4. to be head over heels in love
5. to keep one’s head

Слайд 4 6. to bury one’s head in the sand

6. to bury one’s head in the sand7. to take something

to take something into one’s head
8. to knock one’s

head against a brick wall
9. to have a good head on his shoulders

Слайд 5 Ex.41., page 205

Ex.41., page 205

Слайд 6 1. This symphony sounds solemn and a little

1. This symphony sounds solemn and a little sad.2. Unfortunately I

2. Unfortunately I don’t know Mr Lynche’s address, otherwise

(or) I would write (would have written) him a letter.
3. Kazimir Malevich’s pictures always attract attention of art lovers.

Слайд 7 4. Suzan, our rare and welcome guest, will

4. Suzan, our rare and welcome guest, will tell you today

tell you today about her new works.
5. I can’t

stand (hate) people who treat animals badly.
6. Leaving the stage he could not hide his contented smile.

Слайд 8 7. When the sun shines brightly, we draw

7. When the sun shines brightly, we draw the blinds and

the blinds and it becomes dark and cool in

the room.
8. There are not so many films that can amuse a demanding audience.
9. I hope everyone present is satisfied with the results of the conference.

Слайд 9 10. Each household should have its own traditions.

10. Each household should have its own traditions.11. Mike is the

Mike is the only breadwinner in the family and

his life is not so easy.
12.The tap has got rusty and I don’t think I’ll be able to turn it on without any gadget.

Слайд 10 13. The schoolgirls were strictly forbidden to wear

13. The schoolgirls were strictly forbidden to wear jewellery at school.14.

jewellery at school.
14. Isn’t it too early to draw

15. The knight knelt before (in front of) the lady and said he loved her.

Слайд 11 16. We spent several dull days in the

16. We spent several dull days in the country and came

country and came back to town.
17. The curtain of

dull grey colour divided the room in two halves.

Слайд 12 Ex.43., page 207

Ex.43., page 207

Слайд 13 1. dull;
2. boring;
3. dull;
4. boring;
5. dull

1. dull;2. boring; 3. dull; 4. boring;5. dull / boring;

/ boring;

Слайд 14 6. dull;
7. boring / dull;
8. dull;

6. dull;7. boring / dull; 8. dull; 9. boring / dull;10. dull

boring / dull;
10. dull

Слайд 15 Ex.44., page 207

Ex.44., page 207

Слайд 16 a) Victorian Family Life, as the major part

a) Victorian Family Life, as the major part of the text

of the text is devoted to the problems of

the family in Victorian England.

Слайд 17 Ex.46., page 210

Ex.46., page 210

Слайд 18 1. is marked by great change;
2. the growth

1. is marked by great change;2. the growth in industry and

in industry and trade;
3. the development of the

British Empire;
4. the gulf between the rich and the poor;

Слайд 19 5. strict moral standards;
6. marriages were always permanent;

5. strict moral standards;6. marriages were always permanent; 7. way of

7. way of life;
8. to be satisfied with

few pleasures;

Слайд 20 9. beard or side-whiskers;
10. carved the joint of

9. beard or side-whiskers;10. carved the joint of meat; 11. unless

11. unless spoken to by a grown-up;

kept in order;

Слайд 21 13. gadgets;
14. a lace cap;
15. took family

13. gadgets;14. a lace cap; 15. took family prayers; 16. picture books;

16. picture books;

Слайд 22 13. gadgets;
14. a lace cap;
15. took family

13. gadgets;14. a lace cap; 15. took family prayers; 16. picture books;

16. picture books;

Слайд 23 17. public readings and recitations;
18. a very solemn

17. public readings and recitations;18. a very solemn day; 19. blind man’s buff; 20. treasure.

19. blind man’s buff;
20. treasure.

Слайд 24 Focus on Synonymy

Focus on Synonymy

Слайд 25 to look (смотреть на кого-то) to turn

to look (смотреть на кого-то) to turn the eyes so as

the eyes so as to see something
Look at

the clock, it’s time to go to bed.

to glance (взглянуть на кого-то быстро или бегло) to look at something quickly
John glanced at his watch and left.

Слайд 26 to gaze (смотреть на кого-то долгое время с

to gaze (смотреть на кого-то долгое время с восхищением или удовольствием)

восхищением или удовольствием) to look steadily for a

long time, often with admiration or pleasure
We stood gazing at the beautiful scenery.

to stare (смотреть долгое время с удивлением, шоком или глубоком раздумье) to look steadily for a long time in great surprise, shock or deep thought
Alice stared at the letter in disbelief.
Roger sat staring into space, thinking deeply.

Слайд 27 to glare (смотреть зло) to look in

to glare (смотреть зло) to look in an angry way The

an angry way
The boys didn’t fight, but stood

there glaring at one another.

Слайд 28 Ex.47., page 211

Ex.47., page 211

Слайд 29 1. gazing;
2. glared;
3. glaring;
4. stare;
5. staring;

1. gazing;2. glared; 3. glaring; 4. stare;5. staring;

Слайд 30 6. glanced;
7. gazed;
8. gazing;
9. glanced;
10. stared.

6. glanced;7. gazed; 8. gazing; 9. glanced;10. stared.

Слайд 31 Ex.49., page 213

Ex.49., page 213

Слайд 32 traveling,

traveling, skillful, fulfill, color, favorite, theater, center, specter, program


Слайд 33 Ex.53., page 217

Ex.53., page 217

Слайд 34 1. sister-in-law;
2. next of kin;
3. offspring;

1. sister-in-law;2. next of kin; 3. offspring; 4. spouse;5. ancestor;

5. ancestor;

Слайд 35 6. to date;
7. engaged;
8. fiance or fiancee;

6. to date;7. engaged; 8. fiance or fiancee; 9. bride;10. bride­groom or groom;

9. bride;
10. bride­groom or groom;

Слайд 36 11. newlyweds, a newly married coup;
12. an arranged

11. newlyweds, a newly married coup;12. an arranged marriage; 13. divorce; 14. patience;15. to spoil;

13. divorce;
14. patience;
15. to spoil;

Слайд 37 16. generation gap;
17. custody.

16. generation gap;17. custody.

Слайд 38 Ex.54., page 217

Ex.54., page 217

Слайд 39 1. kinsfolk;
2. great-grandparents;
3. second cous­in;
4. in-laws;

1. kinsfolk;2. great-grandparents; 3. second cous­in; 4. in-laws;5. without kith or kin;

without kith or kin;

Слайд 40 6. stepbrother;
7. to court sb;
8. to reject

6. stepbrother;7. to court sb; 8. to reject sb/sb’s proposal; 9. marriage of convenience;10. ex-husband;

sb/sb’s proposal;
9. marriage of convenience;
10. ex-husband;

Слайд 41 11. to have custody of a child;
12. to

11. to have custody of a child;12. to live together; 13.

live together;
13. first-born (child);
14. to raise children;

to avoid quarrels;

Слайд 42 16. good and decent;
17. to deserve praise;

16. good and decent;17. to deserve praise; 18. on the other

on the other hand;
19. to lose one’s temper;

to punish severely;

Слайд 43 21. to meet sb halfway;
22. to render help.

21. to meet sb halfway;22. to render help.

Слайд 45 marry sb (женить или выйти замуж) – to

marry sb (женить или выйти замуж) – to became one’s husband

became one’s husband or wife
The day I married

Sarah was the happiest day of my life.
marry sb to sb (убедить или заставить кого-то стать мужем или женой кого-то другого)– to persuade or force sb to become the husband or wife of someone else
They were hoping to marry Barbara to a doctor.

Слайд 46 marry into a family (стать членом семьи, став

marry into a family (стать членом семьи, став мужем или женой

мужем или женой того, кто уже принадлежит ей) -

to become a member of a family by becoming the husband or wife of someone who already belongs to it
Their daughters all married into prominent local families.
to be married to sb (женить или выйти замуж кого-то)
He is married to my elder sister.

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