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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Travel agency

Work in pairs:Would you like to travel around the world? What countries would you like to visit? What countries have you already travelled to? Did you buy your tour in a travel agency?
Work in pairs:Would you like to travel around the world? What countries Association: What is the product of a travel agency? What do they sell? Travel agency [’trævəl][eɪdʒənsi] туристическое агентствоtour [tʋər] тур, поездкаadvertisement[ædәvәtаɪzmənt] объявление, рекламаrecommend [rekəmend] рекомендовать;skiing-resort TM: Good morning! Come in, please, and make yourself comfortable.C:- Good morning! I Match a line A with a line B A
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Слайд 4 Work in pairs:

Would you like to travel around

Work in pairs:Would you like to travel around the world? What

the world?
What countries would you like to visit?

What countries have you already travelled to?
Did you buy your tour in a travel agency?

Слайд 5 Association:


Слайд 7 What is the product of a travel agency?

What is the product of a travel agency? What do they

What do they
to help our clients

to get ready for their trip

How can they help clients to get ready for their trip? I mean what should they do to help them?

- to tell them about the climate and weather in chosen country
- to tell them about tourist attractions
- book the plane ticket and reserve a room in a hotel
- to tell them how to act at the airport
what to take with

Слайд 8 Travel agency [’trævəl][eɪdʒənsi] туристическое агентство
tour [tʋər] тур, поездка

Travel agency [’trævəl][eɪdʒənsi] туристическое агентствоtour [tʋər] тур, поездкаadvertisement[ædәvәtаɪzmənt] объявление, рекламаrecommend [rekəmend]

объявление, реклама
recommend [rekəmend] рекомендовать;
skiing-resort [ski:] [/rɪzɔ:t] лыжный курорт
Vacant — [’veɪkənt]свободно

entry [entri] вход воспрещен
Return ticket- [rɪ’tɜ:rn] [tɪkɪt] обратный билет
Occupied— [’ɒkjəpaɪd] занято
Station [’steɪʃən]станция, вокзал

Слайд 9 TM: Good morning! Come in, please, and make yourself

TM: Good morning! Come in, please, and make yourself comfortable.C:- Good morning!

C:- Good morning! I saw your advertisement and I

would like to choose a tour for the end of September.
TM:- Yes, we can offer you tours to any country of the world.
C:- What can you recommend me?
TM:- Are you going by yourself?
C- No. I need a trip for three. We are taking our 3-year old baby with us. We’d like to have a good and not very expensive holiday.
TM- Oh, then I would recommend you to see Paris and Disneyland in September. You can spend unforgettable days there.
C- Thank you but we’ve already been to Paris last year.
TM:- I see. How about going to Switzerland, to a skiing-resort in the Alps? Snow, fresh air, beautiful mountains …

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-travel-agency.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 165
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