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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему How to write an essay

Essays providing solutions to problems are normally written in a formal style, and so you should avoid using colloquial expressions, short forms or personal language.
How to write an essay Essays providing solutions to problems are normally written in a formal style, Introduction An essay consists of ….Main Body Conclusion foragainstyours In the first paragraph we state the problem ….is ( are ) In the main body paragraphs we write our suggestions supported by possible Read the problem and find the solution A lot of litter in Read and find the result of the action(s)Fine people who litter Get In the conclusion we summarise our suggestions Once more to revise!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Essays providing solutions to problems are normally written

Essays providing solutions to problems are normally written in a formal

in a formal style, and so you should avoid

using colloquial expressions, short forms or personal language.

Слайд 5 Introduction
An essay consists of ….
Main Body

Introduction An essay consists of ….Main Body Conclusion foragainstyours


Слайд 6 In the first paragraph we state the problem

In the first paragraph we state the problem ….is ( are

….is ( are ) one of the most serious

problem (s) that we have to deal with nowadays

Слайд 7 In the main body paragraphs we write our

In the main body paragraphs we write our suggestions supported by

suggestions supported by possible results. We write our suggestions in

separate paragraphs.

to begin( start) with ….
one way to ….
another solution would be
another way to …
….. would be

to introduce suggestions

As a result ….
Consequently …
So ….
As a consequence…

to express effect

Слайд 8 Read the problem and find the solution


Read the problem and find the solution A lot of litter

lot of litter in the street

Get young people

involved in clean –up programmes

Fine people who litter

Ban cars from the city

Improve public transport

A lot of cars and heavy traffic

Слайд 9 Read and find the result of the action(s)

Read and find the result of the action(s)Fine people who litter

people who litter
Get young people involve in clean-up

Set up recycling schemes in your area
Only buy products with biodegradable packaging

If people know that they will have to pay they will stop
This way landfill sites will not become so full
They will become interested in keeping their neighbourhoods clean
Household rubbish will be reduced





Слайд 10 In the conclusion we summarise our suggestions

In the conclusion we summarise our suggestions

Слайд 11 Once more to revise!

Once more to revise!

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-how-to-write-an-essay.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 230
  • Количество скачиваний: 12