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Презентация на тему к уроку английского языка Конструкция There is \ are (5 класс)

Прочти, переведи слова и раздели их на 2 группы furniture and appliances A bed, a desk, a lamp, a sofa, an armchair, a . wardrobe, a bookcase, a table, a
Good day! 1 Прочти, переведи слова и раздели их на 2 группы furniture and appliances Name the furniture and appliances in the bedroom3 … in the living room44 … in the kitchen5 There is a pen on the desk.  There are Тема урока: Оборот There is / There are.  Цель: There is План   1. Прочитать предложение, найти в нем оборот. Оборот there is / there are используется для указания Вопросительная форма   Для образования вопросительной формы глагол to be выносится Отрицательная форма    Существует 2 способа образования отрицательных предложений. Choose there is / there are Change these sentences into questions and give short answers. 4. There Write the negative sentences. 6. There is a lift in our 16 Самостоятельная работа   Correct a mistake. 1.There is two chairs in Correct a mistake.   1.There are two chairs Write the sentences.   1. Choose the right variant. Море знанийЗалив правил21 Thank you for your work   23
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Прочти, переведи слова и раздели их на 2

Прочти, переведи слова и раздели их на 2 группы furniture and

группы furniture and appliances

A bed,

a desk, a lamp, a sofa, an armchair, a . wardrobe, a bookcase, a table, a fridge, a cooker, . a chair, a TV set, a computer.


Слайд 3 Name the furniture and appliances in the bedroom

Name the furniture and appliances in the bedroom3

Слайд 4 … in the living room

… in the living room44

Слайд 5 … in the kitchen

… in the kitchen5

Слайд 6 There is a pen on the

There is a pen on the desk. There are books

There are books on the shelf.

There is a lamp on the table.
There are chairs in the living room.


Слайд 7

Тема урока: Оборот There is /

Тема урока: Оборот There is / There are. Цель: Узнаем

There are.
Цель: Узнаем правило употребления

. оборота There is / There are.
Научимся его применять.


Слайд 8

There is

There is

There are

(Есть, имеется)


Слайд 9 План
1. Прочитать предложение, найти в

План  1. Прочитать предложение, найти в нем оборот.  2.

нем оборот.
2. Определить что входит в

состав оборота.
3. Определить число глагола to be.
4. Разобрать вопросительную и отрицательную формы этого . . оборота.
5. Сформулировать правило.


Слайд 10 Оборот there is / there

Оборот there is / there are используется для указания

are используется для указания местоположения каких-либо предметов или объектов.

Этот оборот обычно стоит в начале предложения, а переводятся такие предложения с конца.

Конструкция there is используется с существительными в единственном числе.

There is a book on the table.

Конструкция there are используется с существительными вo множественном числе.

There are books on the table.

Если в предложении несколько существительных, то оборот выбирается по существительному, стоящему сразу после него.

There is a bed, two chairs, a TV set and many flowers in my room.


Слайд 11 Вопросительная форма
Для образования вопросительной формы

Вопросительная форма  Для образования вопросительной формы глагол to be выносится

глагол to be выносится на первое место.

Is there a park in your village?
↓ ↓
Yes, there is. No, there is not.


Слайд 12 Отрицательная форма
Существует 2 способа образования

Отрицательная форма  Существует 2 способа образования отрицательных предложений. 1. При

отрицательных предложений.
1. При помощи отрицательной частицы not

There is not a letter on the table.
There are not any books on the shelf.

2. При помощи – no, которое стоит перед существительным, при этом артикль «а» и местоимение «any» не употребляются.
There is no book on the table.
There are no books on the table.


Слайд 13 Choose there

Choose there is / there are 1. …

is / there are

1. … a wordrobe in

your room.
2. … four rooms in my flat.
3. … a table, two armchairs, a sofa in the living room.

1.There is a wordrobe in your room.
2.There are four rooms in my flat.
3.There is a table, two armchairs, a sofa in the living room.


Слайд 14
Change these sentences into questions and give

Change these sentences into questions and give short answers. 4.

short answers.

4. There is a bed in the

5. There are twenty desks in the classroom.

4. Is there a bed in the bedroom?
Yes, there is.
No, there is not.
5. Are there twenty desks in the classroom?
Yes, there are.
No, there are not.


Слайд 15
Write the negative sentences.
6. There is

Write the negative sentences. 6. There is a lift in

a lift in our house.
7. There are pictures

on the wall.

6. There is not a lift in our house.
There is no lift in our house.
7. There are not any pictures on the wall.
There are no pictures on the wall.


Слайд 17 Самостоятельная работа
Correct a mistake.

Самостоятельная работа  Correct a mistake. 1.There is two chairs in

is two chairs in my room.
2.There are a

carpet, a sofa, a desk in the room.
3.There are a computer on the table in the corner.
4.There is many flowers on the window.

Choose the correct word. Change these sentences into questions and give short answers.
5.There is / are four rooms in the house.
6.There is / are a white bed in the bedroom.

Write the negative sentences.
7. There is a red lamp on the table.
8. There are nice rooms in my house.


Слайд 18 Correct a mistake.

Correct a mistake.  1.There are two chairs in

1.There are two chairs in my room.

2.There is a carpet, a sofa, a desk in the room.
3.There is a computer on the table in the corner.
4.There are many flowers on the window.
Choose the correct word. Change these sentences into questions and give short answers.
5.There are four rooms in the house.
Are there four rooms in the house?
Yes, there are./ No, there are not.
6.There is a white bed in the bedroom.
Is there a white bed in the bedroom?
Yes, there is./ No, there is not.
Write negative sentences.
7.There is not a red lamp on the table.
There is no red lamp on the table.
8.There are not any nice rooms in my flat.
There are no nice rooms in my flat.


Слайд 19 Write the

Write the sentences.  1. are, There, two,


1. are, There, two, in, flat,

our, bedrooms.
2. living room, is, nice, There, a, his, house, in.
3. no, flat, our, There, flowers, are, in.

4. a, my, flat, in, is, bathroom, There, nice.
5. TV, in, no, There, my, is, room.
6. red, a, is, There, in, armchair, living room, the.

1. There are two bedrooms in our flat.
2. There is a nice living room in his house.
3. There are no flowers in our flat.

4. There is a nice bathroom in my flat.
5. There is no TV in my room.
6. There is a red armchair in the living room.


Слайд 20

Choose the right variant. 1. There

Choose the right variant.
1. There a

chair next to the window.
a) are b) aren’t c) is
2. Are there on the table?
a) an English book b) a blue pen c) colored pencils
3.There only one sandwich in the basket.
a) isn’t b) are c) is

4. There are in the bag.
a) a pen b) a lot of books c) a book
5. there a bird in the tree?
a) Is b) Are c) Are not
6. There many toys under the chair.
a) is b) aren’t c) is not



colored pencils


a lot of books



Слайд 21 Море знаний
Залив правил

Море знанийЗалив правил21

Слайд 22

Home work ex.4(b) p.49


  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-k-uroku-angliyskogo-yazyka-konstruktsiya-there-is-are-5-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 147
  • Количество скачиваний: 0