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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Изобретения

Nowadays it is impossible to imagine our life without technological inventions. We can not do without them and our lives depend on them a lot. Some people suppose inventions to be the most
Nowadays it is impossible to imagine our life without technological In 1829 Georg and Robert Stephenson built the thirst steam Wilbur and Orville Wright built the first airplane in 1903, James Watt and Steam Engine.The steam engine wasinvented by Heron, Heron made the steam engine as a toy, and called Watt`s engines did not waste steam, and had aseparate condenser. Watt partnered Watt coined the term « horse rover», which he used tohis engines. Steam Trains.George and RobertStephenson built the firststeam train, the They were cleaner and quieter than steam trains. By 1920, most countries The first constructors of steam trains in Russia were Yefim Yefim studied in England in 1821 and was greatly impressed by the I think there are only advantages in the invention of The first automobilewas designed by NicholasJoseph Cugnot in France in1769. It was It was primitive and veryslow ( it’s speed was only4 km per Now it is not possible tolive without automobiles.Cars take you where youwant type of fuel, which will benature friendly andprobably we will be ableto A lot of inventions appeared in people’s lives to maketheir existence more
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Nowadays it is impossible to imagine

Nowadays it is impossible to imagine our life without technological

our life without technological inventions. We can not do

without them and our lives depend on them a lot.
Some people suppose inventions to be the most important things on the way to progress, but others
think that they make us unable to do a lot of useful and necessary actions that help humans to be healthy, sporty and smart. Where is the truth? Let’s try to look at the problem and to find out the answer.

Слайд 3 In 1829 Georg and Robert Stephenson

In 1829 Georg and Robert Stephenson built the thirst steam

built the thirst steam train.
Nicephore Niepce from

France pioneered photography in 1829.
In 1870 the first bicycles appeared.
In 1876 Alexander Graham Bell, an American engineer, invented telephone.
Karl Benz produced the world’s first petrol – driven motor car in Germany in 1885.
In 1895 the Lumiere brothers patented their cinematography.

The inventions, that have changed the world.

Слайд 4 Wilbur and Orville Wright built the

Wilbur and Orville Wright built the first airplane in 1903,

first airplane in 1903, USA.
In 1908 James

M. Spangler from the USA built the first vacuum cleaner.
In 1908 US automobile manufacturer Henry Ford created the world’s first car assembly line.
John Logie Baird from Scotland invented television in 1926.
In the 1930s the first washing machine came up.
Sergey Korolev from Russia designed the first artificial satellite in 1957.
In 1981 Bill Gates, USA, created Microsoft –DOS (Disk Operating System).

Слайд 5

James Watt and Steam Engine.

James Watt and Steam Engine.The steam engine wasinvented by

steam engine was
invented by Heron, an
ancient Greek geometer
and engineer

Alexandria. Heron
Lived during the first
century AD and is
sometimes called Hero.

Слайд 6 Heron made the steam engine as

Heron made the steam engine as a toy, and called

a toy, and called his device «aeolipile», which means

«wind ball»
in Greek. The aeolipile is the first known devise to transform steam power into rotary motion. The Greeks never used this remarkable device for anything but a novelty. A steam engine designed for work wasn`t built until 1698.
James Watt was the man, who later improved the steam engine. James Watt was a Scottish inventor and
engineer. In 1765, Watt revolutionized the steam engine, redesigning it so that it was much efficient and four times as powerful as the old steam engines.

Слайд 7 Watt`s engines did not waste steam, and had

Watt`s engines did not waste steam, and had aseparate condenser. Watt

separate condenser. Watt partnered with the
businessman and factory owner

Matthew Boulton in
1772, helping to promote Watt`s ideas commercially.
Watt also invented a method for converting the up-and
down piston movement number of applications for the
engine. Watt produced this rotary motion steam engine
in 1781. It was used for many applications, including
draining mines, powering looms in textile factories,
powering bellows, paper mills. It helped power the
Industrial Revolution.

Слайд 8 Watt coined the term « horse rover», which

Watt coined the term « horse rover», which he used tohis

he used to
his engines. He calculated how many horses

it would
take to do the work of each engine. One horse rover
equals 33,000 foot-pounds of work per minute. It is the
power foot in one minute. Parliament granted Watt a
patent on his steam engine in 1755, making Watt a very
wealthy man. In 1882 (long after Watt`s death), the
British Association named the unit of electrical power
the «watt». I think, it was a great invention, which
opened a new era in the development of mankind.
Skotnikova K.

Слайд 9 Steam Trains.
George and Robert
Stephenson built

Steam Trains.George and RobertStephenson built the firststeam train, the

the first
steam train, the «Rocket»,
in 1829. It had a

lot of
problems and was very
slow. By 1870, trains
became more popular and
easier to run. By 1895,
people started using electric

Слайд 10 They were cleaner and quieter than steam trains.

They were cleaner and quieter than steam trains. By 1920, most

By 1920, most countries in Europe had railways. Today

there are railways all over the world. They have greatly changed our lives and helped to save a lot of time for travellers.

Слайд 11 The first constructors of steam trains

The first constructors of steam trains in Russia were Yefim

in Russia were Yefim and Myron Cherepanovs, talented inventors

from the Urals. They were surfs of the popular Demidovs family, who were the owners of a lot of
factories at the place. Yefim, the father, was interested in machine – building and his son Myron helped him to work at the invention of the first steam – engine machine ( in1820 ) and later – steam train ( in1833-1834).

Слайд 12 Yefim studied in England in 1821 and was

Yefim studied in England in 1821 and was greatly impressed by

greatly impressed by the «Rocket», which he saw there.

When he came back, he started constructing Russian steam train and gained success, which helped him not only revolutionize travelling, but to get freedom for his family.
Now Russia has the longest railway system in the
world. Modern trains are fast and comfortable. People can find beds, restaurants, watch TV and listen to the radio there. No doubt, the invention of the train was a great step toward progress.

Слайд 13 I think there are only advantages

I think there are only advantages in the invention of

in the invention of trains, because to travel long

distances in old days was tiring, uncomfortable and dangerous. Travelling by train nowadays is not the fastest, but convenient and not very expensive.
Gerasimenko M.

Слайд 14 The first automobile
was designed by Nicholas
Joseph Cugnot in

The first automobilewas designed by NicholasJoseph Cugnot in France in1769. It

France in
1769. It was made according
to the order of

the War
Minister of France Etienne
Francois, who wanted to get
a practical transport for the
needs of the Army. Cugnot
and his colleague Brezin
constructed the first steam
engine automobile in the
Arsenal in Paris.

Слайд 15 It was primitive and very
slow ( it’s speed

It was primitive and veryslow ( it’s speed was only4 km

was only
4 km per hour ), but it
could help

carry up to 5
tons of load. Later a
passenger variant of the
automobile was made by
the inventors, but it was very
insecure and in 1771 the
production of it was stopped.
However, it was the
beginning of the history of
the automobile.

Слайд 16 Now it is not possible to
live without automobiles.

Now it is not possible tolive without automobiles.Cars take you where

take you where you
want to go. You can travel

and comfortably and
it doesn’t take you much
time. Some people think
there too many cars in our
streets now and they
pollute the atmosphere. I
agree with it, but my
opinion is that in the near
future we will have new

Слайд 17 type of fuel, which will be
nature friendly and

type of fuel, which will benature friendly andprobably we will be

we will be able
to solve the problems of
traffic jams

with the help
of flying automobiles. Bogachev Andrey.

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