Слайд 7
The spouse of the President – Nazarbaeva Sara
Alpisovna. The head of International child’s charitable fund “Bobek”.
Born the 6th of July 1940 in Chemolgan village, Kaskelen district, Almaty region. The President has three daughters: Dariga - Majilis deputy of the Parliament of Kazakhstan, Doctor of political sciences; Dinara - head of the Education fund named after N. A. Nazarbayev; Aliya - businesswoman, head of the "Elitstroi" construction company.
Слайд 8
His hobbies Tennis Playing dombyra Climbing to mountain
Reading newspapers Kazakh kures Walking with fresh air
Слайд 9
History on a wave-Тарих толқынында Structural ten years-
Сындарлы он жыл The World is a belly-button- Бейбітшілік
кіндігі The way of Kazakhstan-Қазақстан жолы Әділеттің ақ жолы Әр жылдағы еңбектері Қазақстан халқына жолдаулары
Слайд 15
Tasks for the team 1st group. Location, population,
1.Kazakhstan is the _____ _________________________in the Central Asia.
2.Its population is the about_________________________. 3.The climate of Kazakhstan is _______________________. 4.The landscape of Kazakhstan is ______________________. 5. Some typical animals for Kazakhstan________________________ 2nd group. Towns, industry, agriculture. 1.The largest cities of Kazakhstan are___________________________. 2.The people of the country grow________________________________. 3. Kazakhstan has well developed_____________________________ in many cities. 4.The country is rich in the ____________________________________. 5. Almaty is_______________________________ of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 3rd group. State symbols, traditions. _____________ __________________________are colours of the flag. 2.Kazakh traditional games are _____________________________ 3.______________________ is an ancient New Year holiday. 4. A yurt is a ____________________________ home. 5. __________________is the author of the new anthems of the Republic of Kazakhstan.