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Презентация на тему по теме Школа. Идеальная школа

The main subject, the most important for any educated person. How do you think what subject is it?
Good Education is a key to your future.An Ideal School. The main subject, the most important for any educated person. How do Subjects studying facts, the world around us. What are they? Subject where we work mostly with our hands. Subject where we study computers. Subjects for pleasure. How do you think what are they? And we have got two more subjects that at first glance haven’t An assembly hall A cloakroom A medical room A staff room A library A gym A canteen A history classroom A biology classroom A geography classroom An English classroom A chemistry laboratory A physics laboratory A Russian classroom A maths classroom An IT laboratory Let’s speak  about your school Hampton School           Northgate High School Northgate High School  Northgate High School is a high school situated in East DerehamNorthgate High School is a Project work An Ideal School An Ideal School A Test 1. ages2. schools3. education4. private5. attend6. have7. allowed8. behaves9. punish10. punishment11. troubleAnswers.
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Слайд 4 The main subject, the most important for any

The main subject, the most important for any educated person. How

educated person. How do you think what subject is


Слайд 5 Subjects studying facts, the world around us. What

Subjects studying facts, the world around us. What are they?

are they?

Слайд 6 Subject where we work mostly with our hands.

Subject where we work mostly with our hands.

Слайд 7 Subject where we study computers.

Subject where we study computers.

Слайд 8 Subjects for pleasure. How do you think what

Subjects for pleasure. How do you think what are they?

are they?

Слайд 9 And we have got two more subjects that

And we have got two more subjects that at first glance

at first glance haven’t got any practical value. But

they are very special. They make anybody who is studying them cleverer. They influence our brains and we become cleverer no matter if we want it or not.
What are they?

Слайд 11
An assembly hall

An assembly hall

Слайд 13 A cloakroom

A cloakroom

Слайд 15
A medical room

A medical room

Слайд 17
A staff room

A staff room

Слайд 19
A library

A library

Слайд 23
A canteen

A canteen

Слайд 25
A history classroom

A history classroom

Слайд 27

A biology classroom

A biology classroom

Слайд 29
A geography classroom

A geography classroom

Слайд 31

An English classroom

An English classroom

Слайд 33
A chemistry laboratory

A chemistry laboratory

Слайд 35

A physics laboratory

A physics laboratory

Слайд 37 A Russian classroom

A Russian classroom

Слайд 39
A maths classroom

A maths classroom

Слайд 41
An IT laboratory

An IT laboratory

Слайд 43
Let’s speak about your school

Let’s speak about your school

Слайд 45 Hampton School

Hampton School

Слайд 50          


Слайд 51 Northgate High School

Northgate High School

Слайд 52 Northgate High School 

Northgate High School 

Слайд 53 Northgate High School is a high school situated in East

Northgate High School is a high school situated in East DerehamNorthgate High School is

DerehamNorthgate High School is a high school situated in East Dereham, NorfolkNorthgate

High School is a high school situated in East Dereham, Norfolk. It is a co-educational comprehensive school, for ages 11–16.[1]
Currently, the Headteacher is Mr Glyn Hambling, who took up his post in September 2011, after former temporary Headteacher Paul Mitchell left in June 2011
In its most recent Ofsted inspection, the school was given this statement:
"The overall effectiveness of Northgate School is good with some outstanding features. The school knows itself well and is deeply committed to providing the best education for its pupils. Northgate High School is a very happy school. Visitors gain a very positive impression of the school as they enter the foyer and immediately feel welcomed by pupils and staff. The overwhelming response from parents and pupils is of very high praise for the school. Pupils enjoy lessons and staff work excellently together."[1]

Слайд 54 Project work

Project work

Слайд 59 An Ideal School

An Ideal School

Слайд 61 An Ideal School

An Ideal School

Слайд 62 A Test

A Test

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-teme-shkola-idealnaya-shkola.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 86
  • Количество скачиваний: 0