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Презентация на тему They are good friends!

1. Earl is a small boy.2. He is smart.3. He likes playing computer games.4. Earl has got a friend.5.His name is Stray Kat.6. He is a joyful and funny cat7. Earl and Stray Kat are good
1. Earl is a small boy.2. He is smart.3. He likes playing https://yandex.ru/video/запрос/сериал/песня/?filmId=8626937620472500563&text=песня%20физкультминутка%20на%20английском%20языке&noreask=1&path=wizard Father, boat, river, brave, cat, swim, mother, joyful, train, sea, dog, fly, https://yandex.ru/video/запрос/сериал/песня/?filmId=8626937620472500563&text=песня%20физкультминутка%20на%20английском%20языке&noreask=1&path=wizard
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Слайд 3 1. Earl is a small boy.
2. He is

1. Earl is a small boy.2. He is smart.3. He likes

3. He likes playing computer games.
4. Earl has got

a friend.
5.His name is Stray Kat.
6. He is a joyful and funny cat
7. Earl and Stray Kat are good friends.
8. They like helping children.
9. They can help you, too

Слайд 4 https://yandex.ru/video/запрос/сериал/песня/?filmId=8626937620472500563&text=песня%20физкультминутка%20на%20английском%20языке&noreask=1&path=wizard


Слайд 5 Father, boat, river, brave, cat, swim, mother, joyful,

Father, boat, river, brave, cat, swim, mother, joyful, train, sea, dog,

train, sea, dog, fly, sister, fish, cave, car, wolf,

run, brother, house, ship, kind, bird, jump, grandma, wigwam, plane, silly, rabbit, hunt

Слайд 6 https://yandex.ru/video/запрос/сериал/песня/?filmId=8626937620472500563&text=песня%20физкультминутка%20на%20английском%20языке&noreask=1&path=wizard


  • Имя файла: they-are-good-friends.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 247
  • Количество скачиваний: 4