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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Holidays

Russian holidaysWhat is your favourite holiday?What new celebrations would you like to establish?What is the greatest holiday in your country?In honour of what person would you like to establish a holiday?What is more important for you
HolidaysСарварова Флюра ФайзиевнаУчитель английского языкаМБОУ «Лицей № 60» г. Уфы Russian holidaysWhat is your favourite holiday?What new celebrations would you like to GIVING GIFTSThink and say what gifts go with the mentioned occasions?A friend’s IntroductionEvery country has its own national holidays, but there are holidays that New Year’s Day in RussiaNew Year’s Day is a family event in Women’s Day in RussiaInternational Women’s Day is one of the popular and
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Russian holidays
What is your favourite holiday?
What new celebrations

Russian holidaysWhat is your favourite holiday?What new celebrations would you like

would you like to establish?
What is the greatest holiday

in your country?
In honour of what person would you like to establish a holiday?
What is more important for you (in a holiday): a day-off or a celebration?
Can religious holidays become national ones?
Do you celebrate any holiday?
How do you celebrate your favourite holiday?
What local celebrations do you have?
What holidays or celebrations can unite people in Russia?

Think and say what gifts go with

GIVING GIFTSThink and say what gifts go with the mentioned occasions?A

the mentioned occasions?

A friend’s birthday

| flowers
A religious ceremony | a box of chocolates
A party | records
A new baby | decorations for the house
A meal at your friends | a photo album
A house-warming party | a CD
Graduation | computer games
Getting a new job | a video
Buying a new house | books
| a video cassette

Слайд 4 Introduction
Every country has its own national holidays, but

IntroductionEvery country has its own national holidays, but there are holidays

there are holidays that are common for many countries.

People all over the world know New Year’s Day, Christmas and Easter. In Russia, New Year’s Day is the most popular holiday.

Слайд 5 New Year’s Day in Russia
New Year’s Day is

New Year’s Day in RussiaNew Year’s Day is a family event

a family event in Russia. People begin to prepare

for this holiday beforehand. People decorate their New Year trees with tinsel, various baubles and colored lights. They usually put their presents under the tree. When the Kremlin clock strikes 12 they see the New Year in.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-holidays.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 147
  • Количество скачиваний: 0