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Презентация на тему Дополнительный материал к учебнику английского языка Spotlight 5 ( Module7)

Complete the chat. Fill in : sunbathe, is, in summer school in Brighton, suntan, go to the seaside.
Spotlight 5 Module 7 Complete the chat. Fill in :  sunbathe, is, in summer school Match the English words with the Russian equivalents Make adjectives from the nouns. Put these words into one or both columns. Fill in not/isn’t/aren’t/ do/does/don’t/doesn’t or am/is/are/am  Excuse me, _____ you Put the words into correct order to make up sentences.  we/
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Complete the chat. Fill in : sunbathe, is,

Complete the chat. Fill in : sunbathe, is, in summer school

in summer school in Brighton, suntan, go to the


Слайд 3 Match the English words with the Russian equivalents

Match the English words with the Russian equivalents

Слайд 4 Make adjectives from the nouns.

Make adjectives from the nouns.

Слайд 5 Put these words into one or both columns.

Put these words into one or both columns.

Слайд 6 Fill in not/isn’t/aren’t/ do/does/don’t/doesn’t or am/is/are/am
Excuse me,

Fill in not/isn’t/aren’t/ do/does/don’t/doesn’t or am/is/are/am Excuse me, _____ you

_____ you speak French?
It _____ raining. Can I

take your umbrella?
What _____ Tom and Jack doing?
How much ____ this suit cost?
Where _____ Sue? – I _____ know.

6. You__ listening to me . You _ listening to music.
7. I _____ cooking, I _____ eating now.
8. What _____ your mum do? – She _____ a dentist.
It _ raining outside. There _ no clouds in the sky.
_ your brother go to school ?

  • Имя файла: dopolnitelnyy-material-k-uchebniku-angliyskogo-yazyka-spotlight-5-module7.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 156
  • Количество скачиваний: 7