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Презентация на тему к уроку Полезные и вредные привычки

Smoking Skipping meals Drinking too much alcohol Snacking Sleeping 7 or 8 hours Taking drugs Having a healthy diet Eating fast food Taking a cold shower Play outdoors with friends Personal hygiene Health Habits Smoking Skipping
Good and bad habits Smoking Skipping meals Drinking too much alcohol Snacking Sleeping 7 or 8 Rate your classmates11 – 10 = 5 9 – 8 = 4 The results of good and bad habits on our healthIf …  you will … What has happened to people? What must we do if we want to be healthy? An apple a day  keeps a doctor away healthy wealthy and wise Thank you for the lesson!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Smoking
Skipping meals
Drinking too much alcohol

Smoking Skipping meals Drinking too much alcohol Snacking Sleeping 7 or

Sleeping 7 or 8 hours
Taking drugs
Having a

healthy diet

Eating fast food

Taking a cold shower

Play outdoors with friends

Personal hygiene

Health Habits


Skipping meals

Drinking too much alcohol

Sleeping 7 or 8 hours

Taking drugs


Having a healthy diet

Eating fast food

Taking a cold shower

Play outdoors with friends

Personal hygiene



Слайд 3 Rate your classmates

11 – 10 = 5

Rate your classmates11 – 10 = 5 9 – 8 =

9 – 8 = 4
8 – 7

= 3
> 7 = 2

Слайд 6 The results of good and bad habits on

The results of good and bad habits on our healthIf … you will …

our health
If … you will …

Слайд 7 What has happened to people?

What has happened to people?

Слайд 13 What must we do if we want to

What must we do if we want to be healthy?

be healthy?

If we want to be healthy we must…

Слайд 14 An apple a day keeps a doctor away

An apple a day keeps a doctor away

Слайд 15 healthy wealthy and wise

healthy wealthy and wise

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-k-uroku-poleznye-i-vrednye-privychki.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 136
  • Количество скачиваний: 0