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Презентация на тему Comparing the systems of education in GB and Kazakhstan

Warm-upLet`s read the poem. The SchoolThe school has doors that open wideAnd friendly teachers wait inside Hurry, hurry, let`s go in,For soon the
Comparing the Warm-upLet`s read the poem. English schools Schools in Kazakhstan Read the sentences1.Compulsary education in England begins at the age of five Complete the sentences1.Compulsary education in England begins at the age of five Correct the sentencesIn Great Britain children start going to school when Complete the sentence1.After four year of ----------school classes I went to-----school.2.Primary and Translate the following sentences into your native languageThere is football ground near Make sentences to say what school subjects You are…….Good at-жақсы білемін HomeworkExercise 3 at page 145.Answer the questions.
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Warm-up
Let`s read

Warm-upLet`s read the poem.    The

the poem.

The School
The school has doors that open wide
And friendly teachers wait inside
Hurry, hurry, let`s go in,
For soon the lessons will begin.
Books and pencils I will need,
When I start to write and read,
Lots to learn and lots to do
I like to go to school , don`t you?

Слайд 3 English schools

English schools

Слайд 4 Schools in Kazakhstan

Schools in Kazakhstan

Слайд 5 Read the sentences
1.Compulsary education in England begins at

Read the sentences1.Compulsary education in England begins at the age of

the age of five when children go to primary

2.Primary education lasts for six years.
3.When children are seven they go to junior school
Which they attend until eleven.
4.One can attend modern school but pupils of modern
school don`t learn foreign languages.
5.English,Maths and Science are called “core”subjects.

Слайд 6 Complete the sentences
1.Compulsary education in England begins at

Complete the sentences1.Compulsary education in England begins at the age of

the age of five when children go to ---------

2.----------- education lasts for six years.
3.When children are seven they go to -------- school
which they attend until eleven.
4.One can attend modern school but pupils of --------
school don`t learn foreign languages.
5.English,Maths and Science are called --------subjects.

Слайд 7 Correct the sentences
In Great Britain children start

Correct the sentencesIn Great Britain children start going to school

going to school when they are seven.(5)
Compulsary education begins

at the age of 11.(5)
Primary education lasts for five years.(6)
Boys and girls study at junior school for six years.(4)

Слайд 10 Complete the sentence
1.After four year of ----------school classes

Complete the sentence1.After four year of ----------school classes I went to-----school.2.Primary

I went to-----
2.Primary and secondary schools together-----eleven
years of study.

primary school curriculum--------such subjects
as kazakh,Maths,Drawing,Physical Training.
4.One the first of September we----------with our
Primary, comprise, included, got acquainted.

Слайд 11 Translate the following sentences into your native language
There is

Translate the following sentences into your native languageThere is football ground

football ground near our school but it is not

Our school is located in the centre of the town.
Our school has got three floors.
In the library you can find many interesting books.
When you enter and go to the right along the corridor
You will see the dining room , where teachers and pupils have there dinner.

Слайд 12 Make sentences to say what school subjects You are…….

Make sentences to say what school subjects You are…….Good at-жақсы білемін

at-жақсы білемін Interested in –қызығамын
Bored with-зерігемін

Keen on-әуесқоймын
Bad at-нашар білемін
Literature Chemistry
Mathematics Geography
Biology History
Sport Computers
Physics Languages

  • Имя файла: comparing-the-systems-of-education-in-gb-and-kazakhstan.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 149
  • Количество скачиваний: 0