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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему What colour? (3 класс, Rainbow English.)

Read the words:Weak-слабыйOld-старыйFat-толстыйYoung-молодойThin-тонкий, худойStrong-сильныйNew-новый
What colour? Read the words:Weak-слабыйOld-старыйFat-толстыйYoung-молодойThin-тонкий, худойStrong-сильныйNew-новый Match the words with the pictures. Read the sentences: Finish the questions. Make the sentences using the words from the frame. Listen to the speaker and say who is Tim and who is Tom. Homework.Ex. 6-8 p. 72To learn the words from page 71. Thank you! Thank you!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Read the words:
Thin-тонкий, худой

Read the words:Weak-слабыйOld-старыйFat-толстыйYoung-молодойThin-тонкий, худойStrong-сильныйNew-новый

Слайд 3 Match the words with the pictures.

Match the words with the pictures.

Слайд 4 Read the sentences:

Read the sentences:

Слайд 5 Finish the questions.

Finish the questions.

Слайд 6 Make the sentences using the words from the

Make the sentences using the words from the frame.


Слайд 7 Listen to the speaker and say who is

Listen to the speaker and say who is Tim and who is Tom.

Tim and who is Tom.

Слайд 8 Homework.
Ex. 6-8 p. 72
To learn the words from

Homework.Ex. 6-8 p. 72To learn the words from page 71.

page 71.

Слайд 9 Thank you!

Thank you!

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-what-colour-3-klass-rainbow-english.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 158
  • Количество скачиваний: 0