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Презентация на тему к уроку Insect's life 5 класс Spotlight

1. As brave as a . . . . 2.As slow as
Theme of our lessonThe 10th of January, 2020 1. As brave as a . . . . Insect’s Life Our goals for today (Insect’s life)1. Learn new words.2. Find out new mosquito – [məsˈkiːtəʊ] - комар wasp – [ wɒsp] - осаbutterfly – Finish the sentences:1. Insects live in …. 2. Some insects come out…3.… legsbodywingsheadantennaeeyesWHAT HAS THE INSECT GOT? Insect’s passport1.Name: This is a _____bee_______________.2. Type (ground or flying) : It Insect’s passport1.Name: This is a ____________________.2. Type (ground or flying) : It Now I know… . Home workУпр. 1-5, с 74 .Записать новые слова стр.73 и выучить их.
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 1. As brave as a . . .

1. As brave as a . . . .


2.As slow as a . . . . .
3.As quiet as a . . . . .
4.As busy as a . . .
5. As proud as a
. . . . . . .
6. As playful as a
. . . . . .

Слайд 3 Insect’s Life

Insect’s Life

Слайд 4 Our goals for today (Insect’s life)
1. Learn new

Our goals for today (Insect’s life)1. Learn new words.2. Find out

2. Find out new facts about the insects.
3. Fill

in the passport of an insect.

Слайд 6 mosquito – [məsˈkiːtəʊ] - комар
wasp – [

mosquito – [məsˈkiːtəʊ] - комар wasp – [ wɒsp] - осаbutterfly

wɒsp] - оса
butterfly – [ ˈbʌtəflaɪ] - бабочка
dragonfly –

[ ˈdrægənflaɪ] - стрекоза
grasshopper – [ ˈgrɑːsˌhɒpə] - кузнечик
ant – [ænt] - муравей
fly – [ flaɪ ]- муха
beetle – [ˈbiːtl] - жук
bee – [biː ] - пчела
ladybird – [ˈleɪdɪbɜːd] – божья коровка
caterpillar – [ˈkætəpɪlə] - гусеница

Слайд 9 Finish the sentences:
1. Insects live in ….

Finish the sentences:1. Insects live in …. 2. Some insects come

Some insects come out…
3.… are really important.
4. They

5. Some insects, like bees even make ….

Слайд 11 legs

legsbodywingsheadantennaeeyesWHAT HAS THE INSECT GOT?

Слайд 12 Insect’s passport
This is a _____bee_______________.
2. Type (ground

Insect’s passport1.Name: This is a _____bee_______________.2. Type (ground or flying) :

or flying) :
It is a_flying_________insect.
3. Colour: 3.

It is brown,orange and black.
4. It lives in__fields, gardens, forests__.
5. It has got wings, a body, legs, antennae, eyes, head.
6. It can_fly and make honey_______.

Слайд 13 Insect’s passport
This is a ____________________.
2. Type (ground

Insect’s passport1.Name: This is a ____________________.2. Type (ground or flying) :

or flying) :
It is a_________insect.
3. Colour: 3.

It is ________________.
4. It lives in____________________.
5. It has got ___________________.
6. It can___________________.

Слайд 14 Now I know… .

Now I know… .

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-k-uroku-insects-life-5-klass-spotlight.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 193
  • Количество скачиваний: 5