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Презентация на тему Викторина по английскому языку 9 класс


10What is the national costume of Scottish men? Kilt
Quiz on British and American culture 9 GradeСибиркина Е.С.Лицей №36Г.Н.Новгород 10What is the national costume of Scottish men? Kilt 10The university with history which goes back to 1096 and is considered 30Where does the British Monarch live? Buckingham Palace 30Traditional Skottish New Year song “Auld Lang Syne” was written by… Robert Burns 50What’s the speakers’ corner in Hyde Park The place where one can 50Name the street, where the main character of Arthur Conan Doyle’s detective 75What’s there in the center of Trafalgar's square?Nelson’s column 75Name English forest which became famous thanks to Robin Hood, heroic outlaw 100What animal, depicted on British coat of arms as the symbol of strength and might?Lion 100What’s “the tube”?British underground 10Name the place, where American president and the government sits?The White House 10The university which is statistically considered to be the best technical universityMIT 30Who is the first American president?George Washington 30Name the first ship which came from Europe to America full of pilgrims?Mayflower 50What “tea party” became a historical event and lead to the Independence WarBoston Teaparty 50Before becoming an American President Ronald Ragon had beenAn actorcc 75Name the longest street in New York, which length is over 50 kilometersBroadway 75How many articles are there in the constitution of the USA?7 Articles 100Republican party known as the party which protects stability and the strength 100Which party in the USA stands more for the rights of individuals?Democratic What river does London stand on? (The Thames) Who is the head of the state in Great Britain? (A monarch or a queen) How many parts does the UK consist of? (4 parts). What is the America’s symbol of Freedom? (The Statue of Liberty). Who is the head of the state and government of the USA? (The President). How many states are there in the USA? (50) What birds live in the Tower of London? (Ravens) What’s “stripes and stars”(The national flag of the USA) Whose portraits are printed on American dollars? (American presidents). Who created Donald Duck? (Walt Disney). What is the double– decker? (a bus that has two stores) What is the “Union Jack”? (The national flag of the UK) When do the British celebrate Christmas? (On the 25th of December) What is the largest American state? (Alaska) What is the largest port of the USA? (New York City) Who discovered America? (C. Columbus) What is the longest river of the USA? (The Mississippi) What colours are there on the Brinish flag? (blue, red, white) What is Scotland traditional musical instrument? (bagpipe) How many stripes are there on American flag? (13)
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Слайд 3 10
What is the national costume of Scottish men?

10What is the national costume of Scottish men? Kilt


Слайд 4 10
The university with history which goes back to

10The university with history which goes back to 1096 and is

1096 and is considered to be one of the



Слайд 5 30
Where does the British Monarch live?
Buckingham Palace

30Where does the British Monarch live? Buckingham Palace

Слайд 6 30
Traditional Skottish New Year song “Auld Lang Syne”

30Traditional Skottish New Year song “Auld Lang Syne” was written by… Robert Burns

was written by…
Robert Burns

Слайд 7 50
What’s the speakers’ corner in Hyde Park

50What’s the speakers’ corner in Hyde Park The place where one

place where one can freely speak up their ideas

Слайд 8 50
Name the street, where the main character of

50Name the street, where the main character of Arthur Conan Doyle’s

Arthur Conan Doyle’s detective stories Sherlock Holmes Lives
Baker’s street

Слайд 9 75
What’s there in the center of Trafalgar's square?

75What’s there in the center of Trafalgar's square?Nelson’s column


Слайд 10 75
Name English forest which became famous thanks to

75Name English forest which became famous thanks to Robin Hood, heroic

Robin Hood, heroic outlaw originally depicted in English folklore.


Слайд 11 100
What animal, depicted on British coat of arms

100What animal, depicted on British coat of arms as the symbol of strength and might?Lion

as the symbol of strength and might?

Слайд 12 100
What’s “the tube”?
British underground

100What’s “the tube”?British underground

Слайд 13 10
Name the place, where American president and the

10Name the place, where American president and the government sits?The White House

government sits?
The White House

Слайд 14 10
The university which is statistically considered to be

10The university which is statistically considered to be the best technical universityMIT

the best technical university

Слайд 15 30
Who is the first American president?
George Washington

30Who is the first American president?George Washington

Слайд 16 30
Name the first ship which came from Europe

30Name the first ship which came from Europe to America full of pilgrims?Mayflower

to America full of pilgrims?

Слайд 17 50
What “tea party” became a historical event and

50What “tea party” became a historical event and lead to the Independence WarBoston Teaparty

lead to the Independence War
Boston Teaparty

Слайд 18 50
Before becoming an American President Ronald Ragon had

50Before becoming an American President Ronald Ragon had beenAn actorcc

An actor

Слайд 19 75
Name the longest street in New York, which

75Name the longest street in New York, which length is over 50 kilometersBroadway

length is over 50 kilometers

Слайд 20 75
How many articles are there in the constitution

75How many articles are there in the constitution of the USA?7 Articles

of the USA?
7 Articles

Слайд 21 100
Republican party known as the party which protects

100Republican party known as the party which protects stability and the

stability and the strength of true Americans has long

lasting leadership in parliament. What animal is the symbol of it?


Слайд 22 100
Which party in the USA stands more for

100Which party in the USA stands more for the rights of individuals?Democratic

the rights of individuals?

Слайд 23 What river does London stand on?
(The Thames)

What river does London stand on? (The Thames)

Слайд 24 Who is the head of the state in

Who is the head of the state in Great Britain? (A monarch or a queen)

Great Britain?
(A monarch or a queen)

Слайд 25 How many parts does the UK consist of?

How many parts does the UK consist of? (4 parts).

(4 parts).

Слайд 26 What is the America’s symbol of Freedom?

What is the America’s symbol of Freedom? (The Statue of Liberty).

Statue of Liberty).

Слайд 27 Who is the head of the state and

Who is the head of the state and government of the USA? (The President).

government of the USA?
(The President).

Слайд 29 How many states are there in the USA?

How many states are there in the USA? (50)


Слайд 30 What birds live in the Tower of London?

What birds live in the Tower of London? (Ravens)


Слайд 31 What’s “stripes and stars”
(The national flag of the

What’s “stripes and stars”(The national flag of the USA)


Слайд 32 Whose portraits are printed on American dollars?

Whose portraits are printed on American dollars? (American presidents).


Слайд 33 Who created Donald Duck?
(Walt Disney).

Who created Donald Duck? (Walt Disney).

Слайд 35 What is the double– decker?
(a bus that

What is the double– decker? (a bus that has two stores)

has two stores)

Слайд 36 What is the “Union Jack”?
(The national flag

What is the “Union Jack”? (The national flag of the UK)

of the UK)

Слайд 37 When do the British celebrate Christmas?
(On the

When do the British celebrate Christmas? (On the 25th of December)

25th of December)

Слайд 38 What is the largest American state?

What is the largest American state? (Alaska)

Слайд 39 What is the largest port of the USA?

What is the largest port of the USA? (New York City)

(New York City)

Слайд 41 Who discovered America?
(C. Columbus)

Who discovered America? (C. Columbus)

Слайд 42 What is the longest river of the USA?

What is the longest river of the USA? (The Mississippi)

(The Mississippi)

Слайд 43 What colours are there on the Brinish flag?

What colours are there on the Brinish flag? (blue, red, white)

(blue, red, white)

Слайд 44 What is Scotland traditional musical instrument?

What is Scotland traditional musical instrument? (bagpipe)

Слайд 45 How many stripes are there on American flag?

How many stripes are there on American flag? (13)


  • Имя файла: viktorina-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-9-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 206
  • Количество скачиваний: 6