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Презентация на тему для урока английского языка Уильям Шекспир

“…Shakespeare is one of the world’s miracles one can’t help admiring.” «…Шекспир – одно из тех чудес света, которым
William Shakespeare 15641616 “…Shakespeare is one of the world’s miracles one can’t help admiring.” William Shakespearea playwright – драматург a glover – перчаточникa dealer – торговецmarried The name of William Shakespeare is known all over the world. A In his childhood William went to the Grammar School where, besides reading Being 18 Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway, a farmer’s daughter. They had a The first period of his creative work consists of comedies and histories This period began with the tragedy “Hamlet” which was a great success. In 1612, Shakespeare left London. Nobody knows what he did during the Divide the plays into comedies and tragedies “Romeo and Juliet” is one of Shakespeare’s best plays. This play is Maid, desire, fire, smile, to marry, while, all, gall, along, song, gall What is a youth? Impetuous fire.What is a maid? Ice and desire. The
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 “…Shakespeare is one of the world’s miracles one

“…Shakespeare is one of the world’s miracles one can’t help admiring.”

can’t help admiring.”

«…Шекспир – одно из тех чудес света,
которым не перестаёшь удивляться.»

Слайд 3 William Shakespeare
a playwright – драматург
a glover –

William Shakespearea playwright – драматург a glover – перчаточникa dealer –

a dealer – торговец
married – женился
twins - близнецы
creative work

events – события
plays – пьесы
died – умер
was buried - был похоронен
amusement - удовольствие

immortal – бессмертный
belong to - принадлежать
a great success –большой успех
Mary Arden
John Shakespeare
Anne Hathaway
“King Lear”, “Othello”, “Macbeth”

Слайд 4 The name of William Shakespeare is known all

The name of William Shakespeare is known all over the world.

over the world.
A famous English poet and playwright

was born on April 23d,1564, in Stratford-on-Avon.
His father, John Shakespeare, was a glover and a dealer in corn, meat and wool. William’s mother Mary Arden was a daughter of a rich farmer.

Слайд 5 In his childhood William went to the Grammar

In his childhood William went to the Grammar School where, besides

School where, besides reading and writing, he was taught

When actors visited Stratford William liked to watch them. He was interested in that profession and decided to become an actor himself.

Слайд 6 Being 18 Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway, a farmer’s

Being 18 Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway, a farmer’s daughter. They had

daughter. They had a daughter Susana and twins -

son Hamlet and daughter Judith.
In 1587 Shakespeare went to London, to find a job, where he began writing plays.
He wrote most of his plays for the Globe Theatre. At the same time he was an actor, a poet, and a writer of drama.
Shakespeare wrote 154 sonnets, 2 long poems and 37 plays

Слайд 7 The first period of his creative work consists

The first period of his creative work consists of comedies and

of comedies and histories such as “King Henry V”,

“King Richard III and others. Here the writer showed historical events and dramatic characters.
All of Shakespeare’s famous tragedies (“Romeo and Juliet”,for example) appeared between 1600 and 1608. This was the second period of his literary work.

Слайд 8 This period began with the tragedy “Hamlet” which

This period began with the tragedy “Hamlet” which was a great

was a great success. “King Lear”, “Othello”, “Macbeth” belong

to the second period.
Shakespeare’s plays of the third period are called romantic dramas: “The Tempest”, “The Winter Tale”, “Henry VIII”.
His plays contain many good morals and ethical lessons, which can help those who read them to be better, wiser and happier.

Слайд 9 In 1612, Shakespeare left London. Nobody knows what

In 1612, Shakespeare left London. Nobody knows what he did during

he did during the last years of his life.

He died on April 23d, 1616, and was buried in a Holly Trinity church in Stratford.

Слайд 11 Divide the plays into comedies and tragedies

Divide the plays into comedies and tragedies

Слайд 12 “Romeo and Juliet” is one of Shakespeare’s best

“Romeo and Juliet” is one of Shakespeare’s best plays. This play

plays. This play is full of love, youth and


Слайд 13 Maid, desire, fire, smile, to marry, while, all,

Maid, desire, fire, smile, to marry, while, all, gall, along, song, gall

gall, along, song, gall

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