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Презентация на тему : Сервировка стола

Vocabulary.Flatware – столовые приборы, плоские тарелкиUtensils - посуда, столовые приборыFurthest – самый дальний от васDownward – направленный книзуFork tines – зубья вилки Continental – иностранный upward – направленный кверху luncheon plate – обеденная
Table Setting. Vocabulary.Flatware – столовые приборы, плоские тарелкиUtensils - посуда, столовые Vocabulary.Approximately – приблизительноBeyond – вдали, за пределамиoutermost – самый TABLE SETTING. Fork tines may be
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Слайд 13 Vocabulary.
Flatware – столовые приборы, плоские

Vocabulary.Flatware – столовые приборы, плоские тарелкиUtensils - посуда, столовые

Utensils - посуда, столовые приборы
Furthest – самый дальний от

Downward – направленный книзу
Fork tines – зубья вилки
Continental – иностранный
upward – направленный кверху
luncheon plate – обеденная тарелка
Inch - дюйм = 2, 5 см
«outside-in» - наизнанку
steak knife – столовый нож с зубчиками
Substituted - замененный

Слайд 14 Vocabulary.
Approximately – приблизительно
Beyond – вдали,

Vocabulary.Approximately – приблизительноBeyond – вдали, за пределамиoutermost – самый

за пределами
outermost – самый дальний от центра
Aligned- расположенный в

одну линию
Rim – край, ободок
Beneath – ниже
Angled – расположенный под углом
Punctured – проколотый
Lid – крышка, покрышка, люк


Слайд 15



an informal meal, all flatware is laid on the table at one time. At the host's option the dessert utensils may be brought to the table on the dessert plate. The following is a standard table setting for a three-course meal. Note the basic "outside-in" rule. The piece of flatware that will be used last is placed directly next to the whatever plate you are using.
Both forks Both forks are placed on the left of the plate. The fork furthest from the plate is for salad Both forks are placed on the left of the plate. The fork furthest from the plate is for salad. The fork next to the plate is for the dinner. (Please Note: At more formal meals where the salad is served after the main course, the order of placement is reversed.)

Слайд 16

Fork tines may be placed downward, in

Fork tines may be placed downward, in the continental

style, or upward, in the American style.
The dinner plate is placed on the table when the main course is served and is not on the table when the guests sit down.
Large plates, such as the dinner plate and luncheon plate, are laid about one (1) inch in from the edge of the table.
The salad plate is placed to the left of the forks.
Small plates, such as the salad plate, fish plate, and dessert plate, are laid about two (2) inches in from the edge of the table.

Слайд 17

DINNER KNIFE.  The dinner


The dinner knife is placed on the right side, and directly next to and one (1) inch away from, the plate. The blade should face the plate. If the main course requires a steak knife, it may be substituted for the dinner knife.
The soup spoon is on the far right of the outside knife.
A small bread plate is placed above the forks, above and to the left of the service plate.
The butter spreader is laid on the bread-and-butter plate.

Слайд 18

Usually one wine glass is used along with a water goblet. If the table setting is uncrowded, there is room to arrange glassware in any way you like, such as in a straight line parallel with the edge of the table or a diagonal line angled toward the table
The water glass is placed in a position closest to the hand, approximately 1 inch above the tip of the dinner knife.
At least one wine glass should sit to the right and possibly above the water glass.

Слайд 19

Place the napkin in the place setting's centre, or left of the last fork.
Place a cup and saucer to the right of the place setting. The coffee spoon goes to the right of the saucer. Place approximately One (1) inch beyond the outermost piece of flatware. The top edge of the saucer is aligned with the top rim of the plate or bowl. Cup handles are faced in the four o'clock position for easy access.

Слайд 20


At an informal meal, when two utensils are provided for dessert, the utensils are laid on the table or presented on the dessert plate.
The dessert spoon (or dessert knife) is laid on the table above the dinner plate in a horizontal position, handle facing right.
The dessert fork is laid beneath the dessert spoon (or dessert knife), handle facing left.
The dessert utensils may also be presented on the dessert plate in the same way as formal service.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-servirovka-stola.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 150
  • Количество скачиваний: 2