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Презентация на тему по теме: Легендарные лошади

Great horsesFame can be gained in the different ways. This statement concerns also to horses. Some of them became well-known thanks to the good results shown at competitions. Others - have laid the foundation for new
Государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение Краснодарского края«Курганинский аграрно-технологический техникум»Презентация по теме: «Легендарные Great horsesFame can be gained in the different ways. This statement concerns Cracker1933 year of birth, unsightly English thoroughbred. After an unsuccessful beginning of Secretariat1970 year of birth, English thoroughbred, son well-known Bold Rulera. The stallion Ruffian    1972 year of birth, English thoroughbred mare, legendary Eclipse1764 year of birth. In his family tree there were at least Aniline1961 year of birth, English thoroughbred, one of the best-known horses of Aniline Absent1952 year of birth, black akhaltekinets, one of the most known horses Zenyatta2004 year of birth of Zenyatt is the American champion of thoroughbred
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Слайд 2 Great horses
Fame can be gained in the different

Great horsesFame can be gained in the different ways. This statement

ways. This statement concerns also to horses. Some of

them became well-known thanks to the good results shown at competitions. Others - have laid the foundation for new breeds of horses. The third - have become famous for other reasons.

Слайд 3 Cracker
1933 year of birth, unsightly English thoroughbred. After

Cracker1933 year of birth, unsightly English thoroughbred. After an unsuccessful beginning

an unsuccessful beginning of the career the Cracker became

the champion and a symbol of hope for many Americans during the Great depression.
In 1937 the Cracker won eleven of its fifteen races and was the leader in quantity of the won money in the USA. However he didn't become the Horse of year. This title was received by the Fighting Admiral (War Admiral) who in that season won a prize Threefold Corona.
In 1937 the Cracker won eleven of its fifteen races and was the leader in quantity of the won money in the USA. However he didn't become the Horse of year. This title was received by the Fighting Admiral (War Admiral) who in that season won a prize Threefold Corona.
After the victory the deserved title of "a horse of year" has been appropriated to the Cracker.

Слайд 4 Secretariat

1970 year of birth, English thoroughbred, son well-known

Secretariat1970 year of birth, English thoroughbred, son well-known Bold Rulera. The

Bold Rulera. The stallion who in 1973 became the

first owner of the Threefold crown in twenty five years has set new records in Threefold Corona's jumps — Kentucky of Derby (1:59 2/5), and Belmont Steyks (2:24) who still are considered as not won.
The secretariat won the majority of races of the two-year company, having lost only very first, and the best Stallion the Two-year-old of America got an award of Eklips in category. However many experts on horses considered that in the three-year company it has no chances because the children Bold Rulera who had exclusive playfulness always lost in endurance.
The secretariat became the ninth owner of Threefold Corona in the history of the American races. In general the Secretariat won 16 of 21 races and has earned $1 316 808. In three years (1972). The secretariat has been declared the Horse of Year again.

Слайд 5 Ruffian

1972 year of birth,

Ruffian  1972 year of birth, English thoroughbred mare, legendary horse

English thoroughbred mare, legendary horse of America, famous Bold

Ruler's granddaughter. She didn't take the second or third places - Raffian only won in good style. On July 7, 1974 set up a playfulness record (1 min. 09 sec.). Only the gallop which became fatal put an end not only to its victories, but also life.

Since the childhood black Raffian differed from the contemporaries in the growth and larger constitution a little. And at the very first training she could strike the trainer, having passed 3/8 distances in only 34 seconds.

After Threefold Corona's capture for Quick it was offered to hold a duel with stallions. Eventually NYRA (New York Racing Association) declared a duel gallop with Quick and Fulish Plezherom on July 6, 1975 with prize fund in $350,000.

However everything was crossed out by a sound behind, similar to a sound of the breaking stick or a board. The outcome of a gallop has been turned in a flash. Quick with unnaturally dangling right forward leg has reduced speed, and Fulish Plezher in silence has crossed finishing line.

Слайд 6 Eclipse
1764 year of birth. In his family tree

Eclipse1764 year of birth. In his family tree there were at

there were at least 15 ancestors of a doubtful

origin. He was not the handsome but when jumped - so reached for the earth that the considerable skill not to fall down was required for the jockey. But the history has kept his name under a title - the Horse of a century, and modern konezavodchik are proud if at the very beginning of a family tree of their fine thoroughbred riding it is registered treasured - Eklips.
While the foal grew, nobody expected from him great victories - Eklips's exterior was far from perfect. The person who could adapt to style of a gallop at the same time it isn't simple to keep in a saddle, but also to cope with hot temperament of Eklips, there was John Okli.
For all the sports career of Eklips participated in 18 jumps and won 18 victories. On its account 11 of "Royal bowls" - the highest awards to the best racers of Great Britain. To take a treasured prize, John Okli never had to beat him with a switch or spurs. Its earnings in all jumps - 2149 guineas (about 4513 USD).
Эклипс has died of kolik on February 26, 1789 at the age of 24 years. Here also the secret of his invincibility has been open. If heart of a good race horse on average weighs about 5 kg, then Eklips's heart was much more – 6,3 kg.

Слайд 7 Aniline
1961 year of birth, English thoroughbred, one of

Aniline1961 year of birth, English thoroughbred, one of the best-known horses

the best-known horses of the USSR Equal to him

wasn't in the USSR. It on him the jockey of the international category Nikolay Nasibov won three years in a row one of the largest prizes — "The Prize of Europe". "Three times venchenny", according to foreign media.
The career of Aniline began in hands of the glorified jockey of the international category Nikolay Nasibov. Despite apparent defect - at Anilin since the childhood joints standing were increased and he considerably limped - Nasibov didn't give up a training, without paying attention to sneers of colleagues. At the end of May, 1963 it started in an ordinary gallop on 1200 meters.
Gradually, a victory behind a victory, Nasibov and and Anilin moved to glory, and lameness of a horse was absolutely gone. But has gone to the international competitions Aniline without the habitual goer. Having got to other jockey, Anilin refused to submit to him, was nervous and as a result has lost the most important gallop. He has returned to Moscow strongly tired and lost weight.
There passed year, and as a part of the Soviet team Nasibov with Aniline goes to GDR. There, in Berlin, on the Hoppegartensky hippodrome, he the first finishes in jump on a prize of Bucharest and wins the Big cup of the socialist countries. Two months later Nasibov on Aniline successfully finishes on one of hippodromes of France.
After that he decides to check strengths of a horse in jump for "the Prize of Europe". This prize — 250 thousand brands — is considered one of large on our continent. Jockeys of all countries of the world on horses aged from three years can participate in its draw. Aniline comes out the winner and wins "the Prize of Europe". And then repeats the success twice. Thus, the Soviet racer, for the third time having won "the Prize of Europe", became one of the most quick horses of the continent. The international press called it for it "three times venchanny". Foreign newspapers enthusiastically wrote about the Soviet racer, calling him this Russian athlete.

Слайд 8 Aniline


Слайд 9 Absent
1952 year of birth, black akhaltekinets, one of

Absent1952 year of birth, black akhaltekinets, one of the most known

the most known horses of the USSR In the

horse world about him went legends, the famous artists painted portrait him, about his life have shot the documentary, he became the hero of the book about himself and big sport, have even established him a monument from shod copper. He is black akhaltekinets with the loud and stupefying name Absinthe liqueur, the gold medallist of the Olympic Games.
September 5, 1960. Rome. On a huge arena of Pyaz di Siyen 17 stars of world equestrian sport contended for the Big prize of the Olympic Games. At that time such celebrities as Henry Saint-Sir (Sweden), Nekkerman and Shpringer (Germany), Patricia Gelvin (USA), Fischer, Shammarten (Shveytsiriya) didn't consider participants from the Soviet Union strong contenders. But when came Filatov with Absinthe liqueur to an arena hubbub of voices ceased, the performance took place in the most complete silence, and after it over stadium the tornado of applause long didn't calm down. The decision of judges, a coma to award Champion's rank was unanimous.
At the age of 18 years Absinthe liqueur has left big-time sports. The best-known horse of the USSR on February 2, 1975 at the age of 23 years has died.

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