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Презентация на тему The day of European languages.ppt Викторина


The goals for the lessonPresentation of the eventDividing into teams (France, The GB, Germany )Teams presentation (Listening to the reports)Europeans countries contest (three stages are the French test, the GB crossword, the quiz about Germany)The results
THE 26TH OF SEPTEMBERThe day of European languagesМБОУ «Николаевская школа»Учитель: Губская Я.В. The goals for the lessonPresentation of the eventDividing into teams (France, The The informational leafletThe European Year of Languages 2001, jointly organised by the THREE TEAMSGermany teamFrance teamThe Great Britain team 1. the French test  Match the French word with its Russian equivalent.  1.tour                                    a)проход                                  2.face                                   b)факел3.torche                                c)разнообразие4.courage                             d)неистовствовать5.passage                            e)лицо6.orange                               f)смелость7.variete                               g)привязывать8.attacher                             h)образ9.rager                                  i)апельсин10.image                              j)башня/поездка  2.Do the crossword 3. The quiz about GermanyQuestion 1What is the German word for 'school'?das Linealdie Naturwissenschaftendie Schule Question 2What is 'maths' called in German?DeutschMatheNaturwissenschaften Question 3What is 'science' called in German?NaturwissenschaftenMatheDeutsch Question 4What is a biro called in German?der Kugelschreiberder Bleistiftdas Schulheft Question 5What is a pencil called in German?das Schulheftder Kugelschreiberder Bleistift
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The goals for the lesson
Presentation of the event

The goals for the lessonPresentation of the eventDividing into teams (France,

into teams (France, The GB, Germany )
Teams presentation (Listening

to the reports)
Europeans countries contest (three stages are the French test, the GB crossword, the quiz about Germany)
The results (Reflection, home task)

Слайд 3 The informational leaflet
The European Year of Languages 2001,

The informational leafletThe European Year of Languages 2001, jointly organised by

jointly organised by the Council of Europe and the

European Union, was successful in involving millions of people across 45 participating countries. Its activities celebrated linguistic diversity in Europe and promoted language learning.

Germany team
France team
The Great Britain team

THREE TEAMSGermany teamFrance teamThe Great Britain team

Слайд 5 1. the French test Match the French word

1. the French test Match the French word with its Russian equivalent.  1.tour                                    a)проход                                  2.face                                   b)факел3.torche                                c)разнообразие4.courage                             d)неистовствовать5.passage                            e)лицо6.orange                               f)смелость7.variete                               g)привязывать8.attacher                             h)образ9.rager                                  i)апельсин10.image                              j)башня/поездка 

with its Russian equivalent.
1.tour                                    a)проход                                  
2.face                                   b)факел
3.torche                                c)разнообразие
4.courage                             d)неистовствовать
5.passage                            e)лицо
6.orange                               f)смелость
7.variete                               g)привязывать
8.attacher                             h)образ
9.rager                                  i)апельсин
10.image                              j)башня/поездка 

Слайд 6 2.Do the crossword

2.Do the crossword

Слайд 7 3. The quiz about Germany
Question 1
What is the

3. The quiz about GermanyQuestion 1What is the German word for 'school'?das Linealdie Naturwissenschaftendie Schule

German word for 'school'?
das Lineal
die Naturwissenschaften
die Schule

Слайд 8 Question 2
What is 'maths' called in German?

Question 2What is 'maths' called in German?DeutschMatheNaturwissenschaften

Слайд 9 Question 3
What is 'science' called in German?

Question 3What is 'science' called in German?NaturwissenschaftenMatheDeutsch

Слайд 10 Question 4
What is a biro called in German?

Question 4What is a biro called in German?der Kugelschreiberder Bleistiftdas Schulheft

der Bleistift
das Schulheft

  • Имя файла: the-day-of-european-languagesppt-viktorina.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 178
  • Количество скачиваний: 0