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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему English heritage

The guard of the Tower
The Tower of london The guard of the Tower The world famous Tower of London was a fortress, a palace, a It is unclear why Yeoman are also known as To complicate matters even further, Yeoman Warders are often referred to as Guard posted at Jewel house protecting the crown jewels The keeping of ravens at the Tower is a serious business, since Master Raven Keeper at the Tower of London, awakens the ravens from their The silver-gilt Coronation Spoon is over 800 years old – though it The enormous 530.2 carat Cullinan I diamond, or Great Star of Africa, St Edward’s Crown (1661) is worn at the moment that the monarch
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The guard of the Tower

The guard of the Tower

Слайд 3 The world famous Tower of London was a

The world famous Tower of London was a fortress, a palace,

fortress, a palace, a prison and a royal zoo.

Now it is a beautiful museum. Black ravens always live in the yard near the Tower. People keep them and look after them very well.

Слайд 5 It is unclear why Yeoman

It is unclear why Yeoman are also known as

are also known as Beefeaters. Some sources claim Yeoman

are called Beefeaters because they received daily meat rations for their duties. Other sources claim that it is derived from the French 'buffetier' which meant "an attendant on the royal buffets" or "guard of the king's food". The French word was Anglicized into buffeters and changed into Beefeaters with time. Another explanation might be that they used to be well fed while most ordinary people where not.


Слайд 6 To complicate matters even further, Yeoman Warders are

To complicate matters even further, Yeoman Warders are often referred to

often referred to as Yeoman of the Guard. This

is actually a corps of Royal Bodyguards.
The confusion about their name isn't helped by the fact that their full and proper title is: 'Yeoman Warder of Her Majesty's Royal Palace and Fortress the Tower of London, and Members of the Sovereign's Body Guard of the Yeoman Guard Extraordinary'.

Yeoman Warders as Yeoman of the Guard

Слайд 8 Guard posted at Jewel house protecting the crown

Guard posted at Jewel house protecting the crown jewels


Слайд 9 The keeping of ravens at the Tower is

The keeping of ravens at the Tower is a serious business,

a serious business, since legend has it that, ‘If the

ravens leave the Tower, the kingdom will fall…

Слайд 10 Master Raven Keeper at the Tower of London, awakens

Master Raven Keeper at the Tower of London, awakens the ravens from

the ravens from their slumbers and feeds them breakfast.

Слайд 11 The silver-gilt Coronation Spoon is over 800 years

The silver-gilt Coronation Spoon is over 800 years old – though

old – though it has been refurbished and re-gilded

down the years. In 1649, the spoon was sold rather than being destroyed with the rest of the medieval crown jewels. This extraordinary survival is used at the Coronation for holy oil.

The Coronation Spoon

Слайд 12 The enormous 530.2 carat Cullinan I diamond, or

The enormous 530.2 carat Cullinan I diamond, or Great Star of

Great Star of Africa, was added to the top

of the Sovereign’s Scepter with Cross (1661) in 1910. It remains the largest colourless cut diamond in the world.

The Sovereign's Scepter with Cross

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-english-heritage.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 135
  • Количество скачиваний: 0