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Презентация на тему к уроку развития грамматических навыков по теме Модальные глаголы в 4 классе

Super modals
DictationGuess the wordRamch__________________Urabefy_________________Bremeced_______________Taugsu_________________Cobreto_______________Ajaruny_________________Neuj__________________Revbonme_____________Palir__________________Yulj___________________Yma___________________Rpetesemb_____________5-7 – “3”8-10 – “4”11-12 – “5”1.March2.February3. December4. August5. October6. Super modals Tell what is a noun , a verb, an adjectiveto laugh, a CANMUSTVerbsto laughto swimto learnto runto cryto clapAuxiliary verbsDo \ doesAm \ is \ are swimI.swimI?DoEvery daydon’tHe swims.Does he swim?He doesn’t swim. Can _______ swimcanI. _______ swimcanI? _______ ’tHe can  swim.sHe can’t swim.Can he swim? I can__________________dance I can_________laugh I can_______jump Must     Mustn’t RulesYou must do your homework!You must not play smartphone at the lesson! You _______ raise your hand when you want to answerYou _______ eat Traffic rulesYou ______ go!You ______ get ready!You ______stand and wait!But you _don’t have to_ ! don’t have toYou don’t have to wear a uniform but you can.We Super modalscanmustmustn’thave to \ has to don’t \doesn’t have to I      __________ be late for school.I      ________    visit my friends on Saturdays.I    __________ I      __________ be late for school.I      ___can   visit my friends on Saturdays.I    don’t HomeworkКарточка “Modals”
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Super modals

Super modals

Слайд 3 Tell what is a noun , a verb,

Tell what is a noun , a verb, an adjectiveto laugh,

an adjective
to laugh, a crocodile, to sit, to learn,

silly, clever, to swim, to run, whale, to cry, lizard, to eat, plump, tall, to clap, lazy

Слайд 4 CAN
to laugh
to swim
to learn
to run
to cry
to clap

Auxiliary verbs

CANMUSTVerbsto laughto swimto learnto runto cryto clapAuxiliary verbsDo \ doesAm \ is \ are

\ does
Am \ is \ are

Слайд 5 swim
Every day
He swims.
Does he swim?
He doesn’t swim.

swimI.swimI?DoEvery daydon’tHe swims.Does he swim?He doesn’t swim.

Слайд 6 Can
He can

Can _______ swimcanI. _______ swimcanI? _______ ’tHe can swim.sHe can’t swim.Can he swim?

He can’t swim.
Can he swim?

Слайд 7 I can__________________


I can__________________dance

Слайд 8 I can_________

I can_________laugh

Слайд 9 I can_______

I can_______jump

Слайд 10 Must

Must   Mustn’t

Слайд 11 Rules
You must do your homework!
You must not play

RulesYou must do your homework!You must not play smartphone at the lesson!

smartphone at the lesson!

Слайд 12 You _______ raise your hand when you want

You _______ raise your hand when you want to answerYou _______

to answer
You _______ eat at the lesson
You _______ speak

Russian at the English lesson
You _________listen to your teacher
You ________ disturb other pupils
You _______ talk if your teacher doesn’t ask you

Слайд 13 Traffic rules
You ______ go!
You ______ get ready!
You ______stand

Traffic rulesYou ______ go!You ______ get ready!You ______stand and wait!But you _don’t have to_ !

and wait!
But you _don’t have to_ !

Слайд 14 don’t have to
You don’t have to wear a

don’t have toYou don’t have to wear a uniform but you

uniform but you can.
We don’t have to buy presents

for birthdays but we can.
He doesn’t have to write Olympiads but he can.
She doesn’t have to be at school at 16: 00 but you can.

Слайд 15 Super modals
have to \ has to
don’t \doesn’t

Super modalscanmustmustn’thave to \ has to don’t \doesn’t have to

have to

Слайд 16 I      __________ be late for school.

I      ________    visit my

I      __________ be late for school.I      ________    visit my friends on Saturdays.I   

friends on Saturdays.

I    __________   go to bed in the


I    __________    go to school.

I    __________  do your ho.

Слайд 17 I      __________ be late for school.

I      ___can   visit my

I      __________ be late for school.I      ___can   visit my friends on Saturdays.I   

friends on Saturdays.

I    don’t have to  

 go to bed in the afternoon.

I    have to      go to school.

I    __________  do your homework.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-k-uroku-razvitiya-grammaticheskih-navykov-po-teme-modalnye-glagoly-v-4-klasse.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 144
  • Количество скачиваний: 0