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Презентация на тему по английскому языку по теме Great Britain


План урокаThe nameThe parts of the UKThe state flagLocationThe area and the populationClimateIndustryPolitical systemThe capital of the UKTest
Тема урока Great BritainПо дисциплине «Английский язык»преподаватель Иткина Л.И.ГБПОУ РО РКРИПТ План урокаThe nameThe parts of the UKThe state flagLocationThe area and the 1. The NameThe earliest known name of this country is Albion from 1. The NameComplete the sentence:Albion means … 1. The NamePeople call this country: 1. The United Kingdom2. Great Britain3. 1. The NameComplete the sentence:There are four ways how people call this country: … 1. The NameThe official name of this country is the United Kingdom 1. The NameComplete the sentence:The … name of this country is the United Kingdom of … 2. The parts of the UKThe United Kingdom is made up of 2. The parts of the UKComplete the sentences:London is the capital of…Edinburgh 2. The parts of the UKEach country has a national sign.The English 2. The parts of the UKThe national emblems of which countries are they?1234 2. The state flagThe Flag of the United Kingdom:It is red, white 3. The state flagUnion Jack symbolizes the union of the three countries. 4. LocationThe UK is situated on the British Isles in northwestern Europe.The 4. LocationComplete the sentences:The United Kingdom is … on the British Isles 4. LocationWater borders of the UK:The west coast of the country is 4. Location 4. LocationComplete the sentences:The North Sea washes…The Atlantic Ocean and the Irish 5. The area and the populationThe territory of the UK is two 5. The area and the populationThe population of the UK is over 5. The area and the populationComplete the sentence:The population of the UK is… 5. The area and the populationHow many people live in each part 5. The area and the populationWhich parts of the UK are they?3 6. ClimateThe climate is cool, mild and humid.It is not very cold 6. ClimateGuess the right variant:Winter temperature in Great Britain: -5-+5 degrees -10-15 degrees -20-30 degrees 6. ClimateGuess the right variant:Summer temperature in Great Britain: +25-30 degrees +18 degrees + 10 degrees 7. IndustryGreat Britain is a highly developed industrial country. It produces steel, 7. IndustryThe largest industrial centers are London, Bristol on Avon, Manchester, Belfast, 7. IndustryThe most important sea ports are London, Liverpool, Southampton, Belfast, Glasgow and Cardiff. 8. Political systemGreat Britain is a parliamentary monarchy.The King or the Queen 8. Political systemQueen Elizabeth II and the royal family take part in 8. Political system 8. Political systemComplete the sentences:The Queen is the best symbol …The royal 8. Political systemBuckingham Palace is the Queen’s official London residence. 8. Political systemOxford and Cambridge are the oldest and the most elite 8. Political systemComplete the sentence:…are the intellectual centres of Great Britain and Europe. 9. The Capital of the UKLondon is the capital of the United 9. The Capital of the UKIt is traditionally divided into the City, 9. The Capital of the UKLondon stands on the river Thames. The 9. The Capital of the UKBig Ben is one of the symbols 10. Test1. The population of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and 10. Test2. The total area of the United Kingdom is…B. 244 000 10. Test3. The British Isles consist of…B. two large islands and 50 10. Test4. About 80 percent of the population of Great Britain live…B. 10. Test5. The most important river of Great Britain is…B. the ThamesC.the ClydeA.the Trent 10. Test6. Warm waters of ... make the climate of Great Britain 10. Test7. The highest mountain of Great Britain is…B. the Ben Nevis 10. Test8. The climate of Great Britain is…B. mildC.hotA.cold 10. Test9. The flag of the United Kingdom is…B. white and redC.red, 10. Test10. The English emblem is…B. a shamrockC.a red roseA.a thistle 10. Test11. The official London residence of the Queen is…B. Westminster PalaceC.the TowerA.Buckingham Palace 10. Test12. The district of London where rich people live is…B. the 10. Test13. A big parade is held in London…B.on the Queen’s official 10. Test14. The capital of Scotland is…B. EdinburghC.BelfastA.Cardiff 10. Test15. The flag of Great Britain is called…B. stars and stripesC.Union JackA.a tricolor 10. Test16. The monarch’s name is…B. Queen Elizabeth the SecondC.Queen VictoriaA.King George 10. Test17. The weather in Great Britain is…B. very cold in winterC.very changeableA.very hot in summer 10. Test18. The western coast of Great Britain is washed by…B. the
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 План урока
The name
The parts of the UK
The state

План урокаThe nameThe parts of the UKThe state flagLocationThe area and

The area and the population
Political system
The capital of the


Слайд 3 1. The Name
The earliest known name of this

1. The NameThe earliest known name of this country is Albion

country is Albion from the Latin “albus” meaning “white”

(because of the white cliffs of Dover, the first view of this country from the continent.

Слайд 4 1. The Name
Complete the sentence:

Albion means …

1. The NameComplete the sentence:Albion means …

Слайд 5 1. The Name
People call this country:
1. The

1. The NamePeople call this country: 1. The United Kingdom2. Great

United Kingdom
2. Great Britain
3. Britain
4. England (though England is

only part of it)

Слайд 6 1. The Name
Complete the sentence:

There are four ways

1. The NameComplete the sentence:There are four ways how people call this country: …

how people call this country: …

Слайд 7 1. The Name
The official name of this country

1. The NameThe official name of this country is the United

is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern


Слайд 8 1. The Name
Complete the sentence:

The … name of

1. The NameComplete the sentence:The … name of this country is the United Kingdom of …

this country is the United Kingdom of …

Слайд 9 2. The parts of the UK
The United Kingdom

2. The parts of the UKThe United Kingdom is made up

is made up of four countries. Their names and

capitals are:

Слайд 10 2. The parts of the UK
Complete the sentences:


2. The parts of the UKComplete the sentences:London is the capital

is the capital of…
Edinburgh is the capital of…
Belfast is

the capital of…
Cardiff is the capital of…

Слайд 11 2. The parts of the UK
Each country has

2. The parts of the UKEach country has a national sign.The

a national sign.
The English emblem is a red rose.

Welsh emblem is the leek (лук-порей) or a daffodil (нарцисс).
The Scottish emblem is a thistle (чертополох).
The Irish emblem is a shamrock (клевер).

Слайд 12 2. The parts of the UK
The national emblems

2. The parts of the UKThe national emblems of which countries are they?1234

of which countries are they?


Слайд 13 2. The state flag
The Flag of the United

2. The state flagThe Flag of the United Kingdom:It is red,

It is red, white and blue.
It is called Union

Jack, because it is made of 3 crosses:

1. the upright red cross of England
2. the white diagonal cross of Scotland
3. the red diagonal cross of Ireland

Слайд 14 3. The state flag
Union Jack symbolizes the union

3. The state flagUnion Jack symbolizes the union of the three countries.

of the three countries.

Слайд 15 4. Location
The UK is situated on the British

4. LocationThe UK is situated on the British Isles in northwestern

Isles in northwestern Europe.
The British Isles consist of two

large islands and 5,500 (five thousand five hundred) smaller islands.

Слайд 16 4. Location
Complete the sentences:

The United Kingdom is …

4. LocationComplete the sentences:The United Kingdom is … on the British

on the British Isles in …
The British Isles …

two large islands and 5,500 smaller …

Слайд 17 4. Location
Water borders of the UK:

The west coast

4. LocationWater borders of the UK:The west coast of the country

of the country is washed by the North Sea,

the east coast is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea. The British Isles are separated from the European continent by the English Channel and the Strait of Dover.

Слайд 18 4. Location

4. Location

Слайд 19 4. Location
Complete the sentences:

The North Sea washes…
The Atlantic

4. LocationComplete the sentences:The North Sea washes…The Atlantic Ocean and the

Ocean and the Irish Sea wash…
The English Channel and

the Strait of Dover separate…

Слайд 20 5. The area and the population
The territory of

5. The area and the populationThe territory of the UK is

the UK is two hundred and forty-four thousand square


244,000 sq. km

Слайд 21 5. The area and the population
The population of

5. The area and the populationThe population of the UK is

the UK is over 59 million people.

80% of the

population are English

15% are Scots, Welsh and Irish

Слайд 22 5. The area and the population
Complete the sentence:


5. The area and the populationComplete the sentence:The population of the UK is…

population of the UK is…

Слайд 23 5. The area and the population
How many people

5. The area and the populationHow many people live in each

live in each part of the UK?

48 mln

in England
5 mln in Scotland
3 mln in Wales
1,5 mln in Northern Ireland

Слайд 24 5. The area and the population
Which parts of

5. The area and the populationWhich parts of the UK are

the UK are they?

3 million people live there. It

5 million people live there. It is…
1,5 million people live there. It is…
48 million people live there. It is…

Слайд 25 6. Climate
The climate is cool, mild and humid.

6. ClimateThe climate is cool, mild and humid.It is not very

is not very cold in winter and never hot

in summer. There is a lot of rain in all seasons. The most unpleasant things are fog and smog (smoke + fog). The weather changes very often and it is the favorite topic of conversation in the UK.

Слайд 26 6. Climate
Guess the right variant:

Winter temperature in Great

6. ClimateGuess the right variant:Winter temperature in Great Britain: -5-+5 degrees -10-15 degrees -20-30 degrees

-5-+5 degrees
-10-15 degrees
-20-30 degrees

Слайд 27 6. Climate
Guess the right variant:

Summer temperature in Great

6. ClimateGuess the right variant:Summer temperature in Great Britain: +25-30 degrees +18 degrees + 10 degrees

+25-30 degrees
+18 degrees
+ 10 degrees

Слайд 28 7. Industry
Great Britain is a highly developed industrial

7. IndustryGreat Britain is a highly developed industrial country. It produces

country. It produces steel, electronics, aircraft, ships, automobiles, machinery,

plastics, chemicals, textile, navigation equipment.

Слайд 29 7. Industry
The largest industrial centers are London, Bristol

7. IndustryThe largest industrial centers are London, Bristol on Avon, Manchester,

on Avon, Manchester, Belfast, Liverpool, Glasgow, Newcastle, Cardiff, Newport

and Swansea.

Слайд 30 7. Industry
The most important sea ports are London,

7. IndustryThe most important sea ports are London, Liverpool, Southampton, Belfast, Glasgow and Cardiff.

Liverpool, Southampton, Belfast, Glasgow and Cardiff.

Слайд 31 8. Political system
Great Britain is a parliamentary monarchy.

8. Political systemGreat Britain is a parliamentary monarchy.The King or the

King or the Queen is the formal Head of

the Government.
In fact the country is ruled by the Parliament, which consists of the House of Commons and the House of Lords.

Слайд 32 8. Political system
Queen Elizabeth II and the royal

8. Political systemQueen Elizabeth II and the royal family take part

family take part in many traditional ceremonies.
The Queen and

as such is the best symbol of the British monarchy and national unity.

Слайд 33 8. Political system

8. Political system

Слайд 34 8. Political system
Complete the sentences:

The Queen is the

8. Political systemComplete the sentences:The Queen is the best symbol …The

best symbol …

The royal family together with the Queen

take part in …

Слайд 35 8. Political system
Buckingham Palace is the Queen’s official

8. Political systemBuckingham Palace is the Queen’s official London residence.

London residence.

Слайд 36 8. Political system
Oxford and Cambridge are the oldest

8. Political systemOxford and Cambridge are the oldest and the most

and the most elite universities in Great Britain. They

are called Oxbridge. Education is not free it is very expensive.

Слайд 37 8. Political system
Complete the sentence:

…are the intellectual centres

8. Political systemComplete the sentence:…are the intellectual centres of Great Britain and Europe.

of Great Britain and Europe.

Слайд 38 9. The Capital of the UK

London is the

9. The Capital of the UKLondon is the capital of the

capital of the United Kingdom. It has been a

capital for nearly a thousand years.

Слайд 39 9. The Capital of the UK
It is traditionally

9. The Capital of the UKIt is traditionally divided into the

divided into the City, the West End, the East

End and Westminster.

Слайд 40 9. The Capital of the UK
London stands on

9. The Capital of the UKLondon stands on the river Thames.

the river Thames. The Thames is one of the

world’s longest rivers. There are 15 bridges across the Thames in London.

Слайд 41 9. The Capital of the UK
Big Ben is

9. The Capital of the UKBig Ben is one of the

one of the symbols of Great Britain. Big Ben

is a huge clock in one of the tall towers of the Houses of Parliament. The sound of Big Ben is well known to all British people.

Слайд 42 10. Test
The population of the United Kingdom

10. Test1. The population of the United Kingdom of Great Britain

of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is…

million people

Over 57 million people

97 million people

Слайд 43 10. Test
The total area of the United

10. Test2. The total area of the United Kingdom is…B. 244

Kingdom is…
244 000 square kilometers
17 000 square kilometers

000 square kilometers

Слайд 44 10. Test
The British Isles consist of…

10. Test3. The British Isles consist of…B. two large islands and

large islands and 50 small islands
two large islands and

5 500 small islands

two large islands and 100 small islands

Слайд 45 10. Test
About 80 percent of the population

10. Test4. About 80 percent of the population of Great Britain

of Great Britain live…
in cities and towns
in the


on the coastline

Слайд 46 10. Test
The most important river of Great

10. Test5. The most important river of Great Britain is…B. the ThamesC.the ClydeA.the Trent

Britain is…
the Thames
the Clyde
the Trent

Слайд 47 10. Test
Warm waters of ... make the

10. Test6. Warm waters of ... make the climate of Great

climate of Great Britain mild
the Gulf Stream
the Strait

of Dover

the Irish Sea

Слайд 48 10. Test
The highest mountain of Great Britain

10. Test7. The highest mountain of Great Britain is…B. the Ben

the Ben Nevis in Scotland
the Pennines in England

Highlands in Scotland

Слайд 49 10. Test
The climate of Great Britain is…

10. Test8. The climate of Great Britain is…B. mildC.hotA.cold


Слайд 50 10. Test
The flag of the United Kingdom

10. Test9. The flag of the United Kingdom is…B. white and

white and red
red, white and blue
red and blue

Слайд 51 10. Test
The English emblem is…
a shamrock

10. Test10. The English emblem is…B. a shamrockC.a red roseA.a thistle

red rose
a thistle

Слайд 52 10. Test
The official London residence of the

10. Test11. The official London residence of the Queen is…B. Westminster PalaceC.the TowerA.Buckingham Palace

Queen is…
Westminster Palace
the Tower
Buckingham Palace

Слайд 53 10. Test
The district of London where rich

10. Test12. The district of London where rich people live is…B.

people live is…
the City
the West End
the East End

Слайд 54 10. Test
A big parade is held in

10. Test13. A big parade is held in London…B.on the Queen’s

on the Queen’s official birthday on the second Saturday

in June

on the Queen’s real birthday on the 21st of April

Слайд 55 10. Test
The capital of Scotland is…

10. Test14. The capital of Scotland is…B. EdinburghC.BelfastA.Cardiff

Слайд 56 10. Test
The flag of Great Britain is

10. Test15. The flag of Great Britain is called…B. stars and stripesC.Union JackA.a tricolor

stars and stripes
Union Jack
a tricolor

Слайд 57 10. Test
The monarch’s name is…
Queen Elizabeth

10. Test16. The monarch’s name is…B. Queen Elizabeth the SecondC.Queen VictoriaA.King George

the Second
Queen Victoria
King George

Слайд 58 10. Test
The weather in Great Britain is…

10. Test17. The weather in Great Britain is…B. very cold in winterC.very changeableA.very hot in summer

very cold in winter
very changeable
very hot in summer

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