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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Political system of the USA

Phonetic exerciseSong “Let it be”
The USAPolitical System Phonetic exerciseSong “Let it be” Let it be The USA is a federal republic consisting of 50 states Federal power located in Washington, D.C.Federal power is based on following branches of power:LegislativeExecutiveJudicial The legislative power is vested in CongressHouse of Representatives Executive branch is headed by the President who is assisted by the The Cabinet is made up of Department Secretaries. The most important of Judicial branch is made up of:Federal District Courts11 Federal Courts The supreme Court Presidents of The USA Bloom’s cube1 Why2 Explain3 Call4 Offer5 Think up6 Share Complete the table “Insert” ReflectionWhat can you tell me about today’s lessons?What is sensible, useful…? Home taskPolitical system of the USAGrammar
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Слайд 3 Phonetic exercise
Song “Let it be”

Phonetic exerciseSong “Let it be”

Слайд 4 Let it be

Let it be      Мудрые словаBroken-hearted

Мудрые слова


Темные времена

Words of wisdom Разбитые сердца

May be parted Звуки музыки

Hour of darkness Могут быть разлучены

The sounds of music Пришла ко мне

Comes to me Да будет так

Осылай болсын

Жараланған жүректермен

Дана сөздер

Олар айырылуы мүмкін

Түнелген күндері

Музыка әуені

Маған келді

Слайд 5 The USA is a federal republic consisting of

The USA is a federal republic consisting of 50 states

50 states

Слайд 6 Federal power located in Washington, D.C.

Federal power is

Federal power located in Washington, D.C.Federal power is based on following branches of power:LegislativeExecutiveJudicial

based on following branches of power:

Слайд 7 The legislative power is vested in Congress

House of

The legislative power is vested in CongressHouse of Representatives

Representatives The Senate
(435 members)

(100 members)

Слайд 8 Executive branch is headed by the President who

Executive branch is headed by the President who is assisted by

is assisted by the Vice President


Vice President
(enforces federal laws, (the chairman of the Senate)
vetoes bills )

Joe Biden

Слайд 9 The Cabinet is made up of Department Secretaries.

The Cabinet is made up of Department Secretaries. The most important

The most important of them is the Secretary of

the State, who deals with foreign affairs.

67th Secretary Hillary Clinton

1st Secretary of The USA
Thomas Jefferson

Слайд 10 Judicial branch is made up of:
Federal District Courts

Judicial branch is made up of:Federal District Courts11 Federal Courts The supreme Court

Federal Courts
The supreme Court

Слайд 11 Presidents of The USA

Presidents of The USA

Слайд 16 Bloom’s cube
1 Why
2 Explain
3 Call
4 Offer
5 Think up

Bloom’s cube1 Why2 Explain3 Call4 Offer5 Think up6 Share


Слайд 17 Complete the table

Complete the table “Insert”


Слайд 18 Reflection
What can you tell me about today’s lessons?

ReflectionWhat can you tell me about today’s lessons?What is sensible, useful…?

is sensible, useful…?

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-political-system-of-the-usa.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 169
  • Количество скачиваний: 0