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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на темуA visit to the zoo (Spotlight 5, Module 5, Culture Corner)

What animals are there at the zoo?
A visit to the zoo What animals are there at the zoo? What animal is it?this animal means (означает) “no water”;it never drinks but SB p. 71 ex. 1 (read the text) Vocabulary:cute  [kjuːt] – What animals can carry (носить) people and things? WB p. 44 ex.1check:ex.1Africa, Middle Eastbrownfur, neckfat3 weeksex. 2is, has / has got, livesgo, carry Look and say what kind (тип, вид) of animal it is.WB p. Home taskWB p. 44 ex. 4 (in writing)card (grammar)
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 What animals are there at the zoo?

What animals are there at the zoo?

Слайд 3 What animal is it?
this animal means (означает) “no

What animal is it?this animal means (означает) “no water”;it never drinks

it never drinks but it gets all the liquid

(жидкость) it needs from eucalyptus leaves;
it swims very well;
it sleeps during (в течение)the day;
it lives in Australia;

Слайд 4 SB p. 71 ex. 1 (read the text)

SB p. 71 ex. 1 (read the text) Vocabulary:cute [kjuːt] –

[kjuːt] – изящный, привлекательный
marsupial [mɑː's(j)uːpɪəl] - сумчатый

[ˌjuːk(ə)'lɪptəs] - эвкалипт
sharp [ʃɑːp] - острый
climbing ['klaɪmɪŋ] - карабканье

Слайд 6 What animals can carry (носить) people and things?

What animals can carry (носить) people and things?

Слайд 7 WB p. 44 ex.1
Africa, Middle East
fur, neck
3 weeks


WB p. 44 ex.1check:ex.1Africa, Middle Eastbrownfur, neckfat3 weeksex. 2is, has / has got, livesgo, carry

is, has / has got, lives
go, carry

Слайд 8 Look and say what kind (тип, вид) of

Look and say what kind (тип, вид) of animal it is.WB

animal it is.
WB p. 44 ex.3
What is its name?

does it live?
What does it look like?
What does it do / like?

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temua-visit-to-the-zoo-spotlight-5-module-5-culture-corner.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 261
  • Количество скачиваний: 4