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Презентация на тему викторина после просмотра фильма The King's Speech

Who stars in the film?
Who stars in the film? Colin firth Geoffrey rush       lionel logue Helena bohnam carter  Elizabeth Angela Marguerite Bowes-Lyon Guy pearce           Edward VIII Michael gambon           George V Timothy spall         winston churchill The film received 12 Oscars Did Lionel lie about being a doctor? What is Westminster Abbey? What is the Stone of Scone? The Stone of Scone also known as the Stone of Destiny, and Dickens, Chaucer and Handel were buried in Westminster Abbey. When Bertie does these two things, he doesn’t stammer. Why didn’t the second prince take the name of Albert when crowned? What is shilling? How much is shilling? The shilling is a unit of currency formerly used in the United What colloquialisms will you be able to hear in this extract? Hubby – husband, pop by – come around Who became a monarch after the King George VI ? His daughter Elizabeth II
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Who stars in the film?

Who stars in the film?

Слайд 3 Colin firth

Colin firth       George VI

George VI

Слайд 4 Geoffrey rush

Geoffrey rush    lionel logue

lionel logue

Слайд 5 Helena bohnam carter Elizabeth Angela Marguerite Bowes-Lyon

Helena bohnam carter Elizabeth Angela Marguerite Bowes-Lyon

Слайд 6 Guy pearce

Guy pearce      Edward VIII

Edward VIII

Слайд 7 Michael gambon

Michael gambon      George V

George V

Слайд 8 Timothy spall

Timothy spall     winston churchill

winston churchill

Слайд 9 The film received 12 Oscars

The film received 12 Oscars

Слайд 10 Did Lionel lie about being a doctor?

Did Lionel lie about being a doctor?

Слайд 12 What is Westminster Abbey?

What is Westminster Abbey?

Слайд 13 What is the Stone of Scone?

What is the Stone of Scone?

Слайд 14 The Stone of Scone also known as the

The Stone of Scone also known as the Stone of Destiny,

Stone of Destiny, and often referred to in England

as The Coronation Stone—is an oblong block of red sandstone that was used for centuries in the coronation of the monarchs of Scotland, and later the monarchs of England and the Kingdom of Great Britain. Historically, the artefact was kept at the now-ruined Scone Abbey in Scone, near Perth, Scotland.Its size is about 26 inches (660 mm) by 16.75 inches (425 mm) by 10.5 inches (270 mm) and its weight is approximately 336 pounds (152 kg). Stone of Scone was last used in 1953 for the coronation of Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Слайд 17 Dickens, Chaucer and Handel were buried in Westminster

Dickens, Chaucer and Handel were buried in Westminster Abbey.


Слайд 18 When Bertie does these two things, he doesn’t

When Bertie does these two things, he doesn’t stammer.


Слайд 21 Why didn’t the second prince take the name

Why didn’t the second prince take the name of Albert when crowned?

of Albert when crowned?

Слайд 23 What is shilling? How much is shilling?

What is shilling? How much is shilling?

Слайд 24 The shilling is a unit of currency formerly

The shilling is a unit of currency formerly used in the

used in the United Kingdom, Australia, United States, and

other British Commonwealth countries.

Слайд 26 What colloquialisms will you be able to hear

What colloquialisms will you be able to hear in this extract?

in this extract?

Слайд 28 Hubby – husband, pop by – come around

Hubby – husband, pop by – come around

Слайд 29 Who became a monarch after the King George

Who became a monarch after the King George VI ?

VI ?

Слайд 30 His daughter Elizabeth II

His daughter Elizabeth II

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-viktorina-posle-prosmotra-filma-the-kings-speech.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 189
  • Количество скачиваний: 0