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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Чувашия- моя малая Родина

 The Chuvash Republic is situated on the picturesque bank of the Volga river in the European part of RussiaThe territory of Chuvashia is18.3 thousand square km.
Выполнила: Вилюкова С.М. преподаватель английского языка филиала Сам ГУПС вг.АлатыреChuvashia is my Motherland  The Chuvash Republic is situated on the picturesque bank of the Volga river in the The state symbols of the Chuvash Republic The state flag .The Coat of Arms  Chuvashia is a subject to the Russian Federation. The head of the Republic Chuvashia is located in a temperate continental climate, and is included in Cheboksary is the capital of our republic. Cheboksary is an administrative, economic A bay is the pearl of the chuvash capital. There we There are many monuments in our capital. The most famous is the Monument of Glory. There are several museums and theatres in Cheboksary. Among the theatres, there Alatyr is my native town. It was founded in 1552 by Ivan There are many historical buildings in our town . Many churches were build in Alatyr. I am a student of Railway technical school. There are many Chuvash folk traditions are rich and various. I think the Chuvash people are very hard – working, kind and
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2  
The Chuvash Republic is situated on the picturesque bank of the

 The Chuvash Republic is situated on the picturesque bank of the Volga river in

Volga river in the European part of RussiaThe territory of

Chuvashia is18.3 thousand square km.

Слайд 3 The state symbols of the Chuvash Republic
The state

The state symbols of the Chuvash Republic The state flag .The Coat of Arms 

The Coat of Arms 

Слайд 4 Chuvashia is a subject to the Russian Federation. The

Chuvashia is a subject to the Russian Federation. The head of the

head of the Republic is Michail Vassilyevich Ignatyev.

Слайд 5 Chuvashia is located in a temperate continental climate,

Chuvashia is located in a temperate continental climate, and is included

and is included in the step and forest natural


Слайд 6 Cheboksary is the capital of our republic. Cheboksary is

Cheboksary is the capital of our republic. Cheboksary is an administrative,

an administrative, economic and cultural center. It was founded in

1469 it is an ancient city. Cheboksary is situated on the right bank of the Volga River.

Слайд 7 A bay is the pearl of the chuvash

A bay is the pearl of the chuvash capital. There

capital. There we can see beautiful singing fountains, water

bikes and street cafes.

Слайд 8 There are many monuments in our capital. The

There are many monuments in our capital. The most famous is the Monument of Glory.

most famous is the Monument of Glory.

Слайд 9 There are several museums and theatres in Cheboksary.

There are several museums and theatres in Cheboksary. Among the theatres,

Among the theatres, there is the Drama Theatre, the

Musical Theatre. Among the museums the most famous are Arts Museum, Chapayev museum.

Слайд 10 Alatyr is my native town. It was founded

Alatyr is my native town. It was founded in 1552 by

in 1552 by Ivan the Terrible. Today it is

an industrial, cultural and administrative centre.

Слайд 11 There are many historical buildings in our

There are many historical buildings in our town . Many churches were build in Alatyr.

town . Many churches were build in Alatyr.

Слайд 12 I am a student of Railway technical

I am a student of Railway technical school. There are

school. There are many cities and towns in Russia,

but I like my native town most of all.

Слайд 13 Chuvash folk traditions are rich and various.

Chuvash folk traditions are rich and various.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-chuvashiya-moya-malaya-rodina.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 279
  • Количество скачиваний: 5