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Презентация на тему по теме Лондонский зоопарк

Содержание презентации Вступление Местонахождение лондонского зоопарка Лондонский зоопарк со дня основания до наших дней Места проживания животных и их содержаниеЗаключение
The History of London Zoo Содержание презентации Вступление Местонахождение лондонского зоопарка Лондонский зоопарк со дня основания до On this map of London Zoo you can see all places for London Zoo has 755 species of living things. Over 17000 animals live 1837 Charles Darwin worked in the zoo. It is the Reptile House. It was opened in 1849. It is a pride of the Zoo where is the biggest world collection of reptiles. A scene from «Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone» was filmed here. 1850. In this year the Tsar of Russia presented two bisons to the zoo. All like to visit a Kingdom of gorillas. The whole family lives Gorilla has a birthday today. He is 40 ears old. Birthday cake is very tasty! The first giraffes appeared in the Zoo in 1839. The giraffes are graceful. They live in their own house with special The Monkey`s House is an interesting exposition with a great number of You can see squirrel monkeys play football. The first Insect House was opened in 1881. The Kingdom of butterflies The aquarium of the Zoo is a separate subject. It is quite big and has 3 halls. The Children`s Zoo is a special place in the Zoo. It was Thank for your attention! Литература и источники информации:1.Библиотова М. З., Денисенко О. А., Трубанева Н. Н.,
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Содержание презентации
Местонахождение лондонского зоопарка

Содержание презентации Вступление Местонахождение лондонского зоопарка Лондонский зоопарк со дня основания

зоопарк со дня основания до наших дней


проживания животных и их содержание

Слайд 3 On this map of London Zoo you can

On this map of London Zoo you can see all places

see all places for visit and inhabitants who live


Слайд 8 London Zoo has 755 species of living things.

London Zoo has 755 species of living things. Over 17000 animals

Over 17000 animals live in the Zoo today, many

of them are rare and endangered.

Слайд 9 1837 Charles Darwin worked in the zoo.

1837 Charles Darwin worked in the zoo.

Слайд 10 It is the Reptile House. It was opened

It is the Reptile House. It was opened in 1849.

in 1849.

Слайд 11 It is a pride of the Zoo where

It is a pride of the Zoo where is the biggest world collection of reptiles.

is the biggest world collection of reptiles.

Слайд 13 A scene from «Harry Potter and the Philosopher

A scene from «Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone» was filmed

Stone» was filmed here. In this scene the python

talks to Harry.

Слайд 14 1850. In this year the Tsar of Russia

1850. In this year the Tsar of Russia presented two bisons to the zoo.

presented two bisons to the zoo.

Слайд 15 All like to visit a Kingdom of gorillas.

All like to visit a Kingdom of gorillas. The whole family

The whole family lives there. Leader`s name is Kumbuka.

He is the favourite of visitors.

Слайд 16 Gorilla has a birthday today. He is 40

Gorilla has a birthday today. He is 40 ears old. Birthday cake is very tasty!

ears old. Birthday cake is very tasty!

Слайд 17 The first giraffes appeared in the Zoo in

The first giraffes appeared in the Zoo in 1839.


Слайд 18 The giraffes are graceful. They live in their

The giraffes are graceful. They live in their own house with

own house with special doors. They can walk and

eat there.

Слайд 19 The Monkey`s House is an interesting exposition with

The Monkey`s House is an interesting exposition with a great number

a great number of funny monkeys. They are everywhere

but to touch them is prohibited.

Слайд 20 You can see squirrel monkeys play football.

You can see squirrel monkeys play football.

Слайд 21 The first Insect House was opened in 1881.

The first Insect House was opened in 1881. The Kingdom of

The Kingdom of butterflies is very beautiful now.

Слайд 22 The aquarium of the Zoo is a separate

The aquarium of the Zoo is a separate subject.


Слайд 23 It is quite big and has 3 halls.

It is quite big and has 3 halls.

Слайд 24 The Children`s Zoo is a special place in

The Children`s Zoo is a special place in the Zoo. It

the Zoo. It was opened in 1939.
The little children

may touch and feed the animals there.

Слайд 25 Thank for your attention!

Thank for your attention!

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-teme-londonskiy-zoopark.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 165
  • Количество скачиваний: 0