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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Увлечения моих одноклассников .

Tasks:To find out what kind of hobbies our classmates are doingТo make a surveyTo create resultsTo make a presentationTo speak about popular and unusual hobbies
Our classmates free-time activities/hobbies Tasks:To find out what kind of hobbies our classmates are doingТo make QuestionsWhat are your after school activities? Do you enjoy listening to music?Are My hobby conclusion:Our classmates do their favorite activities in the evening , at holiday Thank you for the attention !
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Tasks:
To find out what kind of hobbies our

Tasks:To find out what kind of hobbies our classmates are doingТo

classmates are doing
Тo make a survey
To create results
To make

a presentation
To speak about popular and unusual hobbies

Слайд 3 Questions
What are your after school activities?
Do you

QuestionsWhat are your after school activities? Do you enjoy listening to

enjoy listening to music?
Are you fond of hanging out

with your friends in the park?
Do you take up music, dancing, drawing, volleyball?
Are you keen on playing computer games?
Do you like reading books?
How do you usually spend your free-time?
Are you keen on collecting stamps, stickers and coins?

Слайд 11 My hobby

My hobby

Слайд 13 conclusion:
Our classmates do their favorite activities in the

conclusion:Our classmates do their favorite activities in the evening , at

evening , at holiday time or at the weekend.

They think it is interesting, thrilling and exciting to dance, read books, take pictures. The most popular hobbies are: playing sports, walking and cooking.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-uvlecheniya-moih-odnoklassnikov-.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 188
  • Количество скачиваний: 0