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Презентация на тему Профессия 4 класс

What do they do?He is a …. baker
What do they do?Славникова Виктория ВикторовнаМАОУ лицей№8 г. Томск What do they do?He is a …. baker What do they do?  He is a …. greengrocer What do they do? He is a …. mechanic What do they do?He is a ….postman What do they do?He is a ….waiter What do they do?She is a ….nurse Who says what? I wear a uniform. I serve food and drinks.I Who says what? I carry a big bag. I take letters to Who says what? I bake bread and make cakes.I work in a Good luck!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Слайд 3 What do they do?
He is a ….

What do they do?He is a …. baker

Слайд 4 What do they do?
He is a

What do they do? He is a …. greengrocer


Слайд 5 What do they do?
He is a ….

What do they do? He is a …. mechanic


Слайд 6 What do they do?
He is a ….

What do they do?He is a ….postman

Слайд 7 What do they do?
He is a ….

What do they do?He is a ….waiter

Слайд 8 What do they do?
She is a ….

What do they do?She is a ….nurse

Слайд 9 Who says what?
I wear a uniform.

Who says what? I wear a uniform. I serve food and

I serve food and drinks.

I wear a white uniform.

I help sick people.

Слайд 10 Who says what?
I carry a big bag.

Who says what? I carry a big bag. I take letters

I take letters to people's houses
I sell fruit and


Слайд 11 Who says what?
I bake bread and make

Who says what? I bake bread and make cakes.I work in


I work in a garage.
I fix


  • Имя файла: professiya-4-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 170
  • Количество скачиваний: 0