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Презентация на тему The use of song and music materials at the lesson

Singing in a foreign language allows the teacher to make learning not only fun, but also productive. Music in the classroom creates a favorable psychological climate, it reduces psychological stress, activates the linguistic activity,
The use of music and song materials in the English language classroomPerformed by Kurdau ZinepUE-2-13 Singing in a foreign language allows the teacher to make Work on the songs in the English language classroom contributes to establishing The use of songs in teaching English can begin at When using a song during the lesson, we must consider the age Speaking about the use of songs at the foreign language In addition, the following criteria for selecting English songs are highlighted: Working on the lyrics of the songs should include the following steps:Before listeningWhile listeningAfter listening The Step “Before listening” includes:   Work with the vocabulary, The step “while listening” includes:LISTENING AND MEMORIZING TRYING TO UNDERSTAND FINDING THE MAIN IDEA The step “after listening” includes:   translation by pupils checking the understanding answering some questions EXERCISES TO THE SONG YELLOW SUBMARINE (BY THE BEATLES) Exercise 1: Listen to the song and fill in the gaps Exercise 2: What is the song about? Tick the topics mentioned in Exercise 3: Choose one topic from Ex.2 and make a list of Exercise 5: Use the song and your imagination to complete the story The techniques of working on songs in combination with other techniques make Thank you for your attention!!!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Singing in a foreign language allows

Singing in a foreign language allows the teacher to make

the teacher to make learning not only fun, but

also productive. Music in the classroom creates a favorable psychological climate, it reduces psychological stress, activates the linguistic activity, increases the emotional atmosphere, and heightens interest in learning English.

Слайд 3 Work on the songs in the English language

Work on the songs in the English language classroom contributes to

classroom contributes to establishing a certain psychological atmosphere resulting

from the influence of music in the following ways:

increase of acoustical and visual sensitivity;
improvement of mental processes of attention, perception and storing;
improvement of learners’ short-term verbal memory;
removal of the psycho-emotional pressure;
acceleration of processing the information;
icrease of the intellectual working capacity, increase of brain’s ability to train.

Слайд 4 The use of songs in teaching

The use of songs in teaching English can begin at

English can begin at a very early age. G.A.

Chesnovitskaya believes that the method of teaching kids a foreign language is based on four types of work: game, movement, music and visualization. They help to improve the quality of training, to achieve better results with constant interaction between the learners.

Слайд 5 When using a song during the lesson, we

When using a song during the lesson, we must consider the

must consider the age characteristics of the students, as

each age has its own characteristics of learning, and taking in information. Songs also contribute to the aesthetic education of students, more fully revealing their abilities.

Слайд 6 Speaking about the use of songs at the

Speaking about the use of songs at the foreign language

foreign language lessons, we need to mind that the

songs must correspond to several principles, namely:

the principle of affordability – a song, its lexical and grammatical material should be clear to students, otherwise their use can not be considered appropriate;
the principle of integrity – as far as possible they should update as needed the lexical and grammatical material;
the principle of cultural conformity – it is unacceptable to use in educational purposes songs the lyrics of which contain too much slang, taboo words, obscene vocabulary, calls for violence.

Слайд 7 In addition, the following criteria for selecting English

In addition, the following criteria for selecting English songs are highlighted:

songs are highlighted:
the criterion of linguistic value;
the criterion

of lexical, grammatical or phonetic value;
the criterion for considering the interests of students of the corresponding age group;
the relevance criterion;
the criterion of information of the song text.

Слайд 8 Working on the lyrics of the songs should

Working on the lyrics of the songs should include the following steps:Before listeningWhile listeningAfter listening

include the following steps:
Before listening
While listening
After listening

Слайд 9 The Step “Before listening” includes: Work with the

The Step “Before listening” includes:  Work with the vocabulary,

vocabulary, anticipation of the theme, the development of language

guess and intuition

Слайд 10 The step “while listening” includes:



Слайд 11 The step “after listening” includes: translation by pupils checking

The step “after listening” includes:  translation by pupils checking the understanding answering some questions

the understanding answering some questions




Слайд 13 Exercise 1: Listen to the song and fill

Exercise 1: Listen to the song and fill in the

in the gaps with a word you hear:
In the

town where I was _________ (1)
_________ (2) a man who ___________(3) to sea
And he told us of his life
In the land of submarines.
So we __________ (4) on to the sun
Till we __________ (5) the sea of green.
And we lived beneath the ____________ (6)
In our yellow submarine.
We all live in a yellow submarine,
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine.
We all live in a yellow submarine,
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine.
And our friends are all aboard,
Many more of them live ____________ (7).
And the band __________
____ (8) to play…
We all live in a yellow submarine,
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine.
We all live in a yellow submarine,
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine.
And we live a life of _____________ (9),
Everyone of us has all we need,
Sky of __________ (10) and sea of ____________ (11)
In our yellow submarine.

Key: 1) born; 2) lived; 3) sailed; 4) sailed; 5) found; 6) waves; 7) next door; 8) begins; 9) ease; 10) blue; 11) green.

Слайд 14 Exercise 2: What is the song about? Tick

Exercise 2: What is the song about? Tick the topics mentioned

the topics mentioned in the song:
B)Environment problems;
c) sea;
d) water

e) undersea world;
f) life of a sailor;
g) modern art;
H) music.

Key: a; c; f; h

Слайд 15 Exercise 3: Choose one topic from Ex.2 and

Exercise 3: Choose one topic from Ex.2 and make a list

make a list of questions you will ask your

partner. Then work in pairs and practice the dialogues.
Exercise 4: Put the verbs in the correct tense form:
A sailor who (live) in Boston (sail) to the sea one summer day. The weather (be) good, hot and sunny. While he (sail), he (see) many ships passing by. Suddenly he (see) a small fishing boat with two young men. They (cry):”Help us, please!” -”What’s the matter?” – asked the sailor. “We (get) lost. Where are we?”–they asked him. So the sailor (answer): “Well, my friends, (not; worry). You (be) now almost fifty km from the sea shore. It’s not so far, really.”
Key: lives/lived; sailed; was; was sailing; saw; saw; were crying; got; answered; don’t worry; are

Слайд 16 Exercise 5: Use the song and your imagination

Exercise 5: Use the song and your imagination to complete the

to complete the story in writing:
A man

called ____________ lived in __________. He worked as a ______________.
So one day he invited ________________ to a ________________. He was wearing _____, ____________, _________ and________. “Let’s sail to the far-away countries”, he made a suggestion. “Where to?” asked one of the men. “To ____________”, was the answer. They decided to set off on _______________ at__________________ in a _________.
On the ____________ day of their journey they saw a ________________. So they…

Слайд 17 The techniques of working on songs in combination

The techniques of working on songs in combination with other techniques

with other techniques make the lesson atmosphere light, interesting,

and memorable.
The use of songs brings the liveliness into the course of the lesson, creating an effect of novelty.
Any material gained by learners from the songs is remembered easier, faster, stronger and is kept more firmly in the long-term memory of the students.
And most importantly, the teacher must engage his students in the process of learning a foreign language, which is largely facilitated by the work on songs.

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