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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Welcome to London


W h a t e v e r y o u r i n t e r e s t s -t h e c a p i t a l
Tourist Information Office welcomes you. We have some special tours. Cities: Oxford, W h a t  e v e r   y T r a v e l  G u i d e W e l c o m et o   B r W h a t   d o  y o u E m b l e m o f  B r i t a i n7 W h a t  p a r t s E n g l a n d  S c o t Different  parts   have  different  symbols S c o t l a n dT h e  s W a l e sT h e   s y m 13Northern   IrelandThe symbol   of Northern Ireland  is The  symbol  of England   is  a red  rose. England14 L o n d o n     i s Planning your visit to London is fun !    There Ladies and gentlemen! We are at the Hello !  I am your guide.  I`ll show you around T h e  m a p  o f  L L o n d o n .  T h e T o w e r   B r i d g Up the Bridge  there are walk-ways  with good Tower of LondonThe Tower of London  is a very old T h e  H o u s e s  o B i g  B e nThe clock has  4 faces F a m o u s    c l o Dear guests! Our bout tour is over. I hope you liked it. H a v e  a  d o u b l T r a f a l g a r  S q Walk in London`s Parks ! 2. Regent`s Park 3. Statue of the In Regent `s Park there is London Zoo . There are  elephants,    rhinos and many birds   at the zoo.30 There are  monkeys,  zebras,  giraffesand other  animals  at the zoo.31 Westminster  Abbeyis a historic building.It is a royal church.It was founded It is the London home of the QueenThere are 600 rooms in It takes place   daily at 11. 30  and lasts Royal GuardTo the sounds  of music the  guardsmеn in Queen Elizabeth IIBritish Queen   was born  on the 21- She ascended  to the throne  on the 6-th  of Q u e e nB r i t i s hE l The Queen`s birthday.39 Most of the time  the Queen spends  away from Britain.40 Y o u  a r e  w e l c Madame Tussaud `s  famous waxworks museumHere you can see actors, film 43So our tour has finished. I hope you have enjoyed our tour Good luck !!!Test yourself 45 S c o t l a n d48 England49 Northern   Ireland Wales50 T h e   U K46 T o w e r   B r i d g e 51 T h e   T h a m e s52 Tower of London53 the Houses of Parliament54 B i g  B e n55 London.  Oxford Street56 Trafalgar   Square57 British  QueenElizabeth II58 Madame Tussaud`s  famous waxworks museum59 The  UK60 Statue  of Admiral  Nelson61 Westminster    Abbey62 Green Park63 Changing   the  Guard  in   Buckingham  Palace64 England65 S c o t l a n d66 Northern   Ireland67 W a l e s68 London  Zoo69 London`s  home   of the QueenB u c k i Famous  clockB i g  B e n National  English    HeroAdmiral  Nelson The  main Square    in LondonTrafalgar  Square The  Seat  of  the BritishGovernmentThe  Houses  of Parliament The Symbol   of  Englanda  r e d  r o s e the  main  riverthe  Thames the  most popular  park in  LondonLondon  Zoo the capital   of the  UKL o n d o n In  Buckingham  Palaceat 11. 30Changing the  Guard Official  languageE n g l i s h Thank you !
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 W h a t e v e

W h a t e v e r  y o

r y o u r i

n t e r e s t s -

t h e c a p i t a l o f B r i t a i n h a s s o m e t h i n g f o r y o u !

E v e r y y e a r h u n d r e d s o f p e o p l e c o m e h e r e !

Y o u a r e w e l c o m e !


Слайд 3 T r a v e l G

T r a v e l G u i d e

u i d e
B r i t i

s h A i r w a y s


British Travel Centre


The best way of traveling is by air. It is comfortable and quick. You should take a passport, a travel guide and a camera. Enjoy your holidays!

Слайд 4 W e l c o m e
t o

W e l c o m et o  B r

B r i t a i n


Dear guests!
Ladies and gentlemen!
This is pilot speaking. British Travel Centre invites you to a special tour in Britain. I would like to welcome you aboard British Airways Flight 45, non stop to Heathrow Airport in London.
Our flight time today is 2 hours and 45 minutes. We'll arrive in London at about 10 after middle.
Attention , please. We've got a lot of time and I'd like to tell you something about Britain.


Слайд 5 W h a t d o

W h a t  d o y o u k

y o u k n o w

a b o u t B r i t a i n ?


Great Britain is not a large country. It is smaller than France or Norway. Its population is nearly 60 million people. The official language is English.

Слайд 6 " U n i o n

J a c k "
The flag of the country

is red, white and blue. It has nickname

Слайд 7 E m b l e m o f

E m b l e m o f B r i t a i n7

B r i t a i n

Слайд 8 W h a t p a r

W h a t p a r t s

t s d o e s

B r i t a i n c o n s i s t o f ?

Слайд 9 E n g l a n d S

E n g l a n d S c o t

c o t l a n d W a

l e s N o r t h e r n I r e l a n d


Слайд 10 Different parts have different symbols

Different parts  have different symbols

Слайд 11 S c o t l a n d

S c o t l a n dT h e s

h e s y m b o l

o f S c o t l a n d i s a t h i s t l e .


Слайд 12 W a l e s
T h e

W a l e sT h e  s y m

s y m b o l

o f W a l e s i s a d a f f o d i l .


Слайд 13 13
Northern Ireland
The symbol of Northern Ireland

13Northern  IrelandThe symbol  of Northern Ireland is a shamrock and a red hand

is a shamrock and a red hand

Слайд 14 The symbol of England is

The symbol of England  is a red rose. England14

a red rose.

Слайд 15 L o n d o n

L o n d o n   i s

i s t h e

c a p i t a l

o f t h e E n g l i s h - s p e a k i n g w o r l d .


Слайд 16 Planning your visit to London is fun !

Planning your visit to London is fun !  There are

There are so many places to visit :

famous museums, beautiful buildings, well-known towers, impressive streets and squares.

D o n o t m i s s y o u r c h a n c e ! ! !


Слайд 17
Ladies and gentlemen!

Ladies and gentlemen! We are at the international

We are at the international airport in London.

You will be meet by a guide. Thank you for flying British Airways. Bye!

Слайд 18
Hello ! I am your guide. I`ll show

Hello ! I am your guide. I`ll show you around London

you around London today. You are welcome! Have a

nice day !


Слайд 19 T h e m a p

T h e m a p o f L o n

o f L o n d o n

So let`s start . London is one of the largest cities in the world. About 7
million people live here. In London you can see many interesting places:
Trafalgar Square, Big Ben, the Houses of Parliament, Buckingham Palace,
Westminster Abbey, Tower of London, British Museum, London Zoo.

Слайд 20 L o n d o n .

L o n d o n . T h e T

T h e T h a m e

s .

E n j o y t h e b o a t t o u r a l o n g t h e T h a m e s .


London is situated on the river Thames. It is a big port. The Thames is not a
long river. The English people call it “ The Father of London”. London
began on the Thames.

Слайд 21
T o w e r B

T o w e r  B r i d g

r i d g e
T o w e

r B r i d g e i s r a i s e d 2 o r 3 t i m e s a w e e k .


And now we start our bout tour from Tower Bridge. Tower Bridge is the only Thames bridge which can be raised.

Слайд 22
Up the Bridge there are walk-ways with

Up the Bridge there are walk-ways with good views of London. Tower Bridge21

good views of London.
Tower Bridge

Слайд 23
Tower of London
The Tower of London is a

Tower of LondonThe Tower of London is a very old building.

very old building. It is 900 years old.

It is a museum now.

The walls of the Tower are 5 metres thick.


Слайд 24
T h e H o u s

T h e H o u s e s o f

e s o f P a r

l i a m e n t

are the seat of the British government.

It is a very large building with beautiful towers.


Слайд 25 B i g B e n
The clock

B i g B e nThe clock has 4 faces

has 4 faces and a very big loud


The bell weighs 13 tons.

The Clock Tower is 318 feet high.


Слайд 26
F a m o u s

F a m o u s  c l o c

c l o c k
B i g

B e n

The clock `s face is 23 feet wide.

Enjoy its deep tone!


Слайд 27

Dear guests! Our bout tour is over. I

Dear guests! Our bout tour is over. I hope you liked

hope you liked it. Now we can take a

double – decker bus to make our second tour.

Слайд 28 H a v e a d

H a v e a d o u b l e

o u b l e - d e c

k e r b u s t o u r a b o u t L o n d o n .

L o n d o n . O x f o r d S t r e e t .


Слайд 29 T r a f a l g a

T r a f a l g a r S q

r S q u a r e

A d m i r a l N e l s o n

i s a n a t i o n a l E n g l i s h h e r o .


We start our bus tour from Trafalgar Square. It is the main Square in
London. There is a statue of Admiral Nelson who defeated the French at
the battle of Trafalgar in 1805. Nelson`s statue is over 16 feet high. The
statue shows Nelson with one arm and one eye . He lost them in the battle

Слайд 30 Walk in London`s Parks !
2. Regent`s Park

Walk in London`s Parks ! 2. Regent`s Park 3. Statue of

3. Statue of the famous fairy-tale hero, Peter Pan,

in Kensington Garden.

1. St Jame`s Park


Слайд 31 In Regent `s Park there is London Zoo

In Regent `s Park there is London Zoo .

. It is one of the

biggest zoos in the world.

There are more than 8, 000 animals at the Zoo.


Слайд 32 There are elephants, rhinos
and many birds

There are elephants,  rhinos and many birds  at the zoo.30

at the zoo.

Слайд 33 There are monkeys, zebras, giraffes
and other animals at

There are monkeys, zebras, giraffesand other animals at the zoo.31

the zoo.

Слайд 34 Westminster Abbey
is a historic building.
It is a

Westminster Abbeyis a historic building.It is a royal church.It was founded

royal church.
It was founded in the XI century.

you can see many tombs
of British Kings and Queens and other famous people.

Слайд 35 It is the London home of the Queen

It is the London home of the QueenThere are 600 rooms

are 600 rooms in the Palace.
When the flag is

on the top, she is at home.

Слайд 36
It takes place daily at 11. 30

It takes place  daily at 11. 30 and lasts

and lasts half an hour.
You can see

Changing the Guard in Buckingham Palace.


Слайд 37
Royal Guard
To the sounds of music the guardsmеn

Royal GuardTo the sounds of music the guardsmеn in their traditional

in their traditional bearskins arrive and give the palace

keys to another group.


Слайд 38
Queen Elizabeth II
British Queen was born on

Queen Elizabeth IIBritish Queen  was born on the 21- st of April, 1926. 36

the 21- st of April, 1926.

Слайд 39
She ascended to the throne on the 6-th

She ascended to the throne on the 6-th of February,  1953.Queen Elizabeth II37

of February, 1953.
Queen Elizabeth II

Слайд 40 Q u e e n
B r i t

Q u e e nB r i t i s hE

i s h
E l i z a b e

t h I I


Слайд 41 The Queen`s birthday.

The Queen`s birthday.39

Слайд 42 Most of the time the Queen spends away

Most of the time the Queen spends away from Britain.40

from Britain.

Слайд 43

Y o u a r e

Y o u a r e w e l c о

w e l c о m e !
It has

the largest library in the world.

There are 6 million books in the library.

The library has modern electronic equipment.


Слайд 44
Madame Tussaud `s famous waxworks museum
Here you can

Madame Tussaud `s famous waxworks museumHere you can see actors, film

see actors, film stars, pop-singers and sportsmen .
Thеre is

a special place for the Queen`s family in the museum.


Слайд 45
So our tour has finished.
I hope you

43So our tour has finished. I hope you have enjoyed our

have enjoyed our tour of London.
Thank you and

good- bye !

Слайд 46
Good luck !!!
Test yourself

Good luck !!!Test yourself 45

Слайд 47 S c o t l a n d


S c o t l a n d48

Слайд 48 England


Слайд 49 Northern Ireland

Northern  Ireland

Слайд 50 Wales


Слайд 51 T h e U K

T h e  U K46

Слайд 52 T o w e r B

T o w e r  B r i d g e 51

r i d g e

Слайд 53 T h e T h a

T h e  T h a m e s52

m e s

Слайд 54 Tower of London

Tower of London53

Слайд 55 the Houses of Parliament

the Houses of Parliament54

Слайд 56 B i g B e n


B i g B e n55

Слайд 57 London. Oxford Street

London. Oxford Street56

Слайд 58
Trafalgar Square

Trafalgar  Square57

Слайд 59 British Queen
Elizabeth II

British QueenElizabeth II58

Слайд 60
Madame Tussaud`s famous waxworks museum

Madame Tussaud`s famous waxworks museum59

Слайд 61 The UK

The UK60

Слайд 62 Statue of Admiral Nelson

Statue of Admiral Nelson61

Слайд 63 Westminster Abbey

Westminster  Abbey62

Слайд 64 Green Park

Green Park63

Слайд 65 Changing the Guard in Buckingham

Changing  the Guard in  Buckingham Palace64


Слайд 66 England


Слайд 67 S c o t l a n d

S c o t l a n d66

Слайд 68 Northern Ireland

Northern  Ireland67

Слайд 69 W a l e s

W a l e s68

Слайд 70 London Zoo

London Zoo69

Слайд 71 London`s home of the Queen
B u

London`s home  of the QueenB u c k i n

c k i n g h a m P

a l a c e

Слайд 72 Famous clock
B i g B e

Famous clockB i g B e n

Слайд 73 National English Hero
Admiral Nelson

National English  HeroAdmiral Nelson

Слайд 74 The main Square in London

The main Square  in LondonTrafalgar Square


Слайд 75 The Seat of the

The Seat of the BritishGovernmentThe Houses of Parliament

Houses of Parliament

Слайд 76 The Symbol of England
a r

The Symbol  of Englanda r e d r o s e

e d r o s e

Слайд 77 the main river
the Thames

the main riverthe Thames

Слайд 78 the most popular
park in

the most popular park in LondonLondon Zoo

London Zoo

Слайд 79 the capital of the UK
L o

the capital  of the UKL o n d o n

n d o n

Слайд 80 In Buckingham Palace
at 11. 30
Changing the

In Buckingham Palaceat 11. 30Changing the Guard


Слайд 81 Official language
E n g l i s

Official languageE n g l i s h

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-welcome-to-london.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 54
  • Количество скачиваний: 0