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Презентация на тему Глобальные проблемы. Голод

Problem of hungerAfrican children with swollen due to protein-energy starvation. Many of them will die from this incurable disease.
Presentation on theme:   Hunger Problem of hungerAfrican children with swollen due to protein-energy starvation. Many of Food problemFood problem - perhaps the oldest of all the global problems The causes of hunger The problem of hunger is closely interrelated with Mass starvation- Famine - the most important and sad aspect of backwardness Hunger Children suffering from hunger Only people will be able to fix it. You need to be Thank you for your attention!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Problem of hunger
African children with swollen due to

Problem of hungerAfrican children with swollen due to protein-energy starvation. Many

protein-energy starvation. Many of them will die from this

incurable disease.

Слайд 3 Food problem
Food problem - perhaps the oldest of

Food problemFood problem - perhaps the oldest of all the global

all the global problems of mankind. Hunger is the

extreme manifestation of a huge social disaster. At the moment, the world's most hungry people - the population of Africa.

Слайд 4 The causes of hunger
The problem of hunger

The causes of hunger The problem of hunger is closely interrelated

is closely interrelated with the problem of underdevelopment countries.

Significant impact on hunger in the modern world have uncontrolled population growth in developing countries.
Most directly on the food situation in developing countries affected by high rates of urbanization.
The developing world is an extremely unfavorable position in international economic relations.
We cannot ignore the consequences of the economic crisis.

Слайд 5 Mass starvation
- Famine - the most important and

Mass starvation- Famine - the most important and sad aspect of

sad aspect of backwardness of developing countries; the crisis

that threatens to escalate into a disaster. Every fifth Earthman (about 1 billion people) today lives from hand to mouth. Die of famine every day from 12 to 18 million people, of whom 75% are children. - 1 worker of agriculture feeding in the third world countries a minimum of 2 people, whereas in Western countries - more than 20 people; including the United States - 80, in Belgium, the Netherlands and 100 people.

Слайд 6 Hunger


Слайд 7 Children suffering from hunger

Children suffering from hunger

Слайд 8 Only people will be able to fix it.

Only people will be able to fix it. You need to

You need to be more humane and kind, not

afraid to help. Only together we can solve this global problem.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-globalnye-problemy-golod.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 269
  • Количество скачиваний: 14