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Презентация на тему Furry friends (5 класс)

Ex.2, p.71 Vocabulary Leaf- leaves (листья) claw-claws (когти) marsupial-сумчатоеliquid - жидкостьmammals - млекопитающее
‘Furry friends”5 form‘Furry friends” Ex.2, p.71  Vocabulary Leaf- leaves (листья) claw-claws (когти) marsupial-сумчатоеliquid - жидкостьmammals - млекопитающее The Koala meets only in Australia and only in eucalyptus woods in
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Ex.2, p.71 Vocabulary
Leaf- leaves (листья)

Ex.2, p.71 Vocabulary Leaf- leaves (листья) claw-claws (когти) marsupial-сумчатоеliquid - жидкостьmammals - млекопитающее

liquid - жидкость
mammals - млекопитающее

Слайд 5 The Koala meets only in Australia and only

The Koala meets only in Australia and only in eucalyptus woods

in eucalyptus woods in a southeast of the country.

They are under protection of the state, as they are threatened with extinction. These harmless, lovely and curious animals have a lot of enemies. They are production for the foxes, dogs Dingo and predatory birds.
The poachers kill them for the sake of valuable fur. Koalas perish on fire. The cutting down eucalyptus of woods conducts to reduction of territory them habitats. The new generation at Koalas occurs very slowly- child occurs all once per two years!

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-furry-friends-5-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 173
  • Количество скачиваний: 5