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Презентация на тему 7- form Illness and injuries

Be active and get points! 5438-7 p6-5 p4-3 p
Be active and get points! 5438-7 p6-5 p4-3 p Ex 4(b)on p.95.Complete the sentences with mustn’t or dont’t have to.You _____ VIDEO 1. She feels sick. 2. He’s broken his leg. 3. Ow! I’ve Lizzie: That woman’s fainted! Ana: She looks terrible! What should we do?Martin: VIDEO Key grammar.I		You   should     call an ambulanceHeShe Work with poster Candle Be active and get points! 5438-7 p6-5 p4-3 p Ex 7 on p. 97
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Слайд 4 Be active and get points!
8-7 p
6-5 p

Be active and get points! 5438-7 p6-5 p4-3 p

Слайд 5 Ex 4(b)on p.95.Complete the sentences with mustn’t or

Ex 4(b)on p.95.Complete the sentences with mustn’t or dont’t have to.You

dont’t have to.
You _____ swim here.
You _____ be a


You _____ pay. It’s free.

You _____ take your dog on the beach.

You _____ talk.

You _____ wait for a long time.

Слайд 6 VIDEO


Слайд 7 1. She feels sick. 2. He’s broken his leg. 3.

1. She feels sick. 2. He’s broken his leg. 3. Ow!

Ow! I’ve hurt my finger. 4. I’ve got a sore


5. She’s having an injection.
6. She’s just fainted.
7. He’s got earache.
8. Here’s the first –aid box.

Слайд 8 Lizzie: That woman’s fainted!
Ana: She looks terrible!

Lizzie: That woman’s fainted! Ana: She looks terrible! What should we

What should we do?
Martin: I think we should call

an ambulance. I’ll ring 999.
Man: you shouldn’t leave her on the ground like that. Let’s put her on that seat.
Lizzie: No, we shouldn’t move her.
Man: I’ve done a first –aid course, you know. We should put her head between her knees.
Lizzie: No, we shouldn’t.
Ana: Yes, we should! Oh, look… she’s opening her eyes.
Woman: Oh …
Martin: It’s OK. I’ve called an ambulance.
Woman: Oh, thanks. Thanks very much.
Martin: You’re welcome. How do you feel?
Woman: I feel a bit sick.
Lizzie: Don’t worry. The ambulance will be here in a minute.
Woman: Thank you. That’s very kind of you.
Lizzie: No problem…. I think I can hear it now.

Слайд 9 VIDEO


Слайд 10 Key grammar.
You should

Key grammar.I		You  should   call an ambulanceHeShe	  shouldn’t move her We They

call an ambulance
She shouldn’t move


Слайд 11 Work with poster

Work with poster Candle

Слайд 12 Be active and get points!
8-7 p
6-5 p

Be active and get points! 5438-7 p6-5 p4-3 p

Слайд 13 Ex 7 on p. 97

Ex 7 on p. 97

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-7-form-illness-and-injuries.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 180
  • Количество скачиваний: 1