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Презентация на тему He's Russian 5cынып сабақ жоспары

Checking up the home task Exercise:13 Write. Where do you want to go on Saturday and on Sunday?
dear teachers and children ! Checking up the home task Warm up Think.Look.FindF n e r h c –K a a h The 9 th of February Monday The theme: New wordsFrench [frentʃ] - француз Grammar  Present  Simple Exercise : 1 Look, listen and read Ex:2 Read Colin: Who’s this?Omar: He’s my friend.Colin: What’s his name?Omar: Victor.Colin: Exercise:4 Look ,listen and repeat Exercise:5 Listen and repeat.-Where do camels come from?-They come from in ________. Exercise:7 Match the picture with the descriptions. It is a big cat. Сергіту сәті Ex:11 You must write nationalities 2. She is ___________.1. He You must write nationalities 6. He Exercise: 13 Talk to your friend about famous people. 1.Who is he?2.What’s 1.Who is he? 2.What’s his nationality? 3.Where does he from? 1.Who is she?2.What’s her nationality? 3.Where does she from? 1.Who is she?2.What’s her nationality? 3.Where does she from? Conclusion.Game: ‘Snow ball’ HomeworkExercises 15 and 16 Marking The  lesson is over.    Good-bye.    You are free
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Checking up the home task

Checking up the home task    Exercise:13 Write. Where

Exercise:13 Write. Where do you want to

go on Saturday and on Sunday?

Слайд 3 Warm up Think.Look.Find
F n e r h c –

Warm up Think.Look.FindF n e r h c –K a a

a a h k z –
A e m c

r a i n –
E g n i l h s –
K r e o n a –
S h s a p i n-
C i h e n e s-

Слайд 4
The 9 th of February Monday

The 9 th of February Monday The theme:   He is Russian

He is Russian

Слайд 5 New words
French [frentʃ] - француз

New wordsFrench [frentʃ] - француз     English [‘ɪŋɡlɪʃ

English [‘ɪŋɡlɪʃ

] – ағылшын ]
Chinese [,tʃaɪ’ni:z] - қытай
Japanese [dʒæpә’ni:z] - жапон
Russian [ ‘rʌʃən ] - орыс
Turkish [‘tə:kɪʃ ] - түрік
Spanish [spænɪʃ] - испан
Italian [ɪtæliən ] -итальян
Korean [kərɪən] - корей
Indian [ɪndiən] – үнді
German[‘dʒə:mən] -неміс
Indian[‘indiәn]-үнді адамы

Слайд 6 Grammar

Grammar Present Simple  ( Осы шақ )

( Осы шақ )

А) Күнделікті болып жатқан оқиға , іс әрекеттер туралы айтқанда қолданылады.
He plays dombra every day.

Ә) Нақты фактілер туралы айтқанда қолданылады.
She comes from Kazakhstan (She is Kazakh)
I do not speak French.

Сұраулы сөйлемдерде ( Where ,What сұрақ сөздерінен кейін ) do/ does көмекші
етістіктері қолданылады.

Слайд 7 Exercise : 1 Look, listen and read

Exercise : 1 Look, listen and read

Слайд 8 Ex:2 Read
Colin: Who’s this?
Omar: He’s my friend.

Ex:2 Read Colin: Who’s this?Omar: He’s my friend.Colin: What’s his name?Omar:

What’s his name?
Omar: Victor.
Colin: Where does he come from?

He comes from Kazakhstan.
Colin: What’s his nationality?
Omar: He’s Russian.

Слайд 9 Exercise:4 Look ,listen and repeat

Exercise:4 Look ,listen and repeat

Слайд 10 Exercise:5 Listen and repeat.
-Where do camels come from?

Exercise:5 Listen and repeat.-Where do camels come from?-They come from in ________.

come from in ________.

Слайд 11 Exercise:7 Match the picture with the descriptions.

Exercise:7 Match the picture with the descriptions. It is a big

is a big cat. It lives in jungle.

They live in Africa.

It leaves in Africa and India. It eats grass and leaves.

This animal sleeps all day in winter. They live in China.

It lives in the desert . They live in Kazakhstan.

Слайд 12 Сергіту сәті

Сергіту сәті

Слайд 13 Ex:11 You must write nationalities

Ex:11 You must write nationalities 2. She is ___________.1. He

2. She is ___________.
1. He is ____________.
3. She is


4. He is ___________.

5. He is ___________.

Слайд 14 You must

You must write nationalities 6. He is ____________.7.

write nationalities

6. He is ____________.
7. She is ____________.

He is ____________.

9. He is ____________.

Слайд 15 Exercise: 13 Talk to your friend about famous

Exercise: 13 Talk to your friend about famous people. 1.Who is

1.Who is he?
2.What’s his nationality?
3.Where does he from?

Слайд 16 1.Who is he? 2.What’s his nationality? 3.Where does he from?

1.Who is he? 2.What’s his nationality? 3.Where does he from?

Слайд 17 1.Who is she?
2.What’s her nationality? 3.Where does
she from?

1.Who is she?2.What’s her nationality? 3.Where does she from?

Слайд 18 1.Who is she?

2.What’s her nationality?
3.Where does
she from?

1.Who is she?2.What’s her nationality? 3.Where does she from?

Слайд 19 Conclusion.
Game: ‘Snow ball’

Conclusion.Game: ‘Snow ball’

Слайд 20 Homework
Exercises 15

HomeworkExercises 15 and 16 Marking

and 16


  • Имя файла: hes-russian-5cynyp-sabaқ-zhospary.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 91
  • Количество скачиваний: 0