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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему: The UK ( United Kingdom)

The UK ( United Kingdom)1. Parts of the UK2. Symbols3. Capitals4. Places of interest
Учитель: Забелина М.А. СОШ№10 Набережные ЧелныКласс: 6Учебник: New MillenniumРаздел: 4Урок: 3Тема: Соединенное Королевство The UK ( United Kingdom)1. Parts of the UK2. Symbols3. Capitals4. Places of interest Clock BuddiesAre you free at 12 (3,6,9) o’clock?Yes, I amNo, I’m not 1. How many parts are there in the UK? Write them. 1. Clock Buddies ( 12 0’clock)I think that there are …….. parts 1  keys1. England2. Scotland3. Wales4. Northern Ireland 2. Which flower is a symbol of…1. England2. Scotland3. Wales4. Northern Ireland 2. Clock Buddies ( 3 o’clock) I think that the symbol of 2. Keys1- b (England –rose)2- c (Scotland – thistle)3- d (Wales – 3. What is the capital of1. England2. Scotland3. Wales4. Northern Ireland ?a) Belfastb) Cardiffc) Londond) Edinburgh 3. Clock Buddies ( 6 o’clock) I think that the capital of 3. Keys1- c (England – London)2- d (Scotland – Edinburgh)3- b (Wales 4. The places of interest in1. England2. Scotland3. Wales4. Northern Ireland a) 4. Clock Buddies ( 9 o’clock) I think that in …….. we 4. Keys1- b, d, f, h (England – Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, 5. What would you like to do in the UK? (inside-outside circle)In
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The UK ( United Kingdom)
1. Parts of the

The UK ( United Kingdom)1. Parts of the UK2. Symbols3. Capitals4. Places of interest

2. Symbols
3. Capitals
4. Places of interest

Слайд 3 Clock Buddies
Are you free at 12 (3,6,9)

Clock BuddiesAre you free at 12 (3,6,9) o’clock?Yes, I amNo, I’m not

Yes, I am
No, I’m not

Слайд 4 1. How many parts are there in

1. How many parts are there in the UK? Write them.

the UK? Write them.

Слайд 5 1. Clock Buddies ( 12 0’clock)
I think that

1. Clock Buddies ( 12 0’clock)I think that there are ……..

there are …….. parts of the UK:

Thank you! I agree with you I think that…..
I disagree with you. In my opinion, there are …

Слайд 6 1 keys
1. England
2. Scotland
3. Wales
4. Northern Ireland

1 keys1. England2. Scotland3. Wales4. Northern Ireland

Слайд 7 2. Which flower is a symbol of…
1. England

2. Which flower is a symbol of…1. England2. Scotland3. Wales4. Northern

3. Wales
4. Northern Ireland ?
a) shamrock
b) rose
c) thistle
d) daffodil

Слайд 8 2. Clock Buddies ( 3 o’clock)
I think

2. Clock Buddies ( 3 o’clock) I think that the symbol

that the symbol of England is…..

Scotland is…..
Wales is ….
Northern Ireland is …..
Thank you! I agree with you I think that…..
I disagree with you. In my opinion, ….

Слайд 9 2. Keys
1- b (England –rose)
2- c (Scotland –

2. Keys1- b (England –rose)2- c (Scotland – thistle)3- d (Wales

3- d (Wales – daffodil)
4- a (Northern Ireland –


Слайд 10 3. What is the capital of
1. England
2. Scotland

3. What is the capital of1. England2. Scotland3. Wales4. Northern Ireland ?a) Belfastb) Cardiffc) Londond) Edinburgh

4. Northern Ireland ?

a) Belfast
b) Cardiff
c) London
d) Edinburgh

Слайд 11 3. Clock Buddies ( 6 o’clock)
I think

3. Clock Buddies ( 6 o’clock) I think that the capital

that the capital of England is…..

Scotland is…..
Wales is ….
Northern Ireland is …..
Thank you! I agree with you I think that…..
I disagree with you. In my opinion, the capital of …

Слайд 12 3. Keys
1- c (England – London)
2- d (Scotland

3. Keys1- c (England – London)2- d (Scotland – Edinburgh)3- b

– Edinburgh)
3- b (Wales – Cardiff)

4- a (Northern Ireland

– Belfast)

Слайд 13 4. The places of interest in
1. England
2. Scotland

4. The places of interest in1. England2. Scotland3. Wales4. Northern Ireland

4. Northern Ireland

a) Loch Ness
b) Big Ben
c) Eisteddfod

Buckingham Palace
e) bagpipes
f) Baker Street
g) castles
h) Tower Bridge
i) kilts
j) the Giant’s Causeway

Слайд 14 4. Clock Buddies ( 9 o’clock)
I think

4. Clock Buddies ( 9 o’clock) I think that in ……..

that in …….. we can visit (see, watch) ……….

Thank you! I agree with you I think that in …..
I disagree with you. In my opinion, in … we can visit (see, watch) …

Слайд 15 4. Keys
1- b, d, f, h (England –

4. Keys1- b, d, f, h (England – Big Ben, Buckingham

Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, Baker street, Tower Bridge)
2- a,

e, i (Scotland – Loch Ness, bagpipes, kilts)
3- c, g (Wales – Eisteddfod, castles)
4- j (Northern Ireland – the Giant’s Causeway)

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