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Презентация на тему по английскому языку Проблемы подростков

The good we have today Becomes the happiness tomorrow.
«Teenage Problems» The good we have today Becomes the happiness tomorrow. The topic of the lesson How to Tackle our problemsProblem of pocket money.Smoking.School problems.Conflicts with parents.Conflicts with Smoking.less important.more importantProblem of pocket money.School problems.Conflicts with parents.Conflicts with sisters or Быть подавленным p.89 Answer these questions1. Who is the author of the letter? p.90 Bad for your health disgusting Smoking.Problem of pocket money.School problems.Talk with your Put in the missing words. (I вариант) I think teenagers all over Why smoking is bad for health? Home task1) нарисовать буклет или плакат о вреде курения, защитить его. Критерии РефлексияWhat was the topic of our lesson?What will you do, if you How do you like the lesson?
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2
The good we have today 

Becomes the happiness tomorrow.

The good we have today Becomes the happiness tomorrow.

Слайд 3 The topic of the lesson

The topic of the lesson

ocket money
to feel ti ed
to listen t smb
to find a jo
to be un ucky
to g t angry
to call smb na es
to be depre sed

Слайд 4 How to Tackle our problems
Problem of pocket money.

How to Tackle our problemsProblem of pocket money.Smoking.School problems.Conflicts with parents.Conflicts

Conflicts with parents.
Conflicts with sisters or brothers.
Conflicts with


Слайд 5 Smoking.

less important.
more important
Problem of pocket money.

School problems.

Conflicts with

Smoking.less important.more importantProblem of pocket money.School problems.Conflicts with parents.Conflicts with sisters


Conflicts with sisters or brothers.

Conflicts with friends.

The most

important problem for me is….

Слайд 6 Быть подавленным

Быть подавленным      (в депрессии) problemsteenagersto be

(в депрессии)
to be fed

up with
to be depressed
to call names
to smoke, smoking
to be frightened

Круто, крутой



Курить, курение



Надоесть (сыт по горло)


Слайд 8 Answer these questions
1. Who is the author of

Answer these questions1. Who is the author of the letter?

the letter?

How old is she (he)?

2. What is his (her) problem?

3. What is the reason of the problem?

4. Have you got the same problem?

Слайд 10 Bad for your health disgusting

Problem of pocket money.

School problems.


Bad for your health disgusting Smoking.Problem of pocket money.School problems.Talk with

with your parents
Help about the house

To do a lot

of extra works

How to Tackle our problems

Слайд 11

Put in the

Put in

the missing words. (I вариант) Use: with, fed up, teenagers, problems, need, depressed, have to, names. I think … all over the world have the same …. As for me, I get along … other students in my class rather well. They don’t call me … , they help me if I … any help. What I’m really … with is sharing a room with my younger brother. I … take care of him. I’m … of doing his homework with him every day. Put in the missing words. (II вариант.) Use: fed up, cool, smoking, call, frightened, smoke, trouble. All my friends …, they think it’s really … but I don’t. I’m … with them telling me to try. I really don’t want to. They … me names and say I’m … of getting into …, but it’s not true. I just don’t want to. And if anything is anti-social, it is … .

Слайд 12 Put in the missing words. (I вариант) I think

Put in the missing words. (I вариант) I think teenagers all

teenagers all over the world have the same problems.

As for me, I get along with other students in my class rather well. They don’t call me names , they help me if I need any help. What I’m really fed up with is sharing a room with my younger brother. I have to take care of him. I’m depressed of doing his homework with him every day. Put in the missing words. (II вариант.) All my friends smoke, they think it’s really cool but I don’t. I’m fed up with them telling me to try. I really don’t want to. They call me names and say I’m frightened of getting into trouble, but it’s not true. I just don’t want to. And if anything is anti-social, it is smoking.

Слайд 13 Why smoking is bad for health?

Why smoking is bad for health?

Слайд 14 Home task
1) нарисовать буклет или плакат о вреде

Home task1) нарисовать буклет или плакат о вреде курения, защитить его.

курения, защитить его.
Критерии оценивания: отражение идеи, красочность, четкость

выступления (творческое задание по желанию).
2) Упр. 138 стр. 91

Слайд 15 Рефлексия
What was the topic of our lesson?

What will

РефлексияWhat was the topic of our lesson?What will you do, if

you do, if you have the problem of smoking?

Will you smoke?

What will you do, if you have the problem of pocket money?

What will you do, if you have the school problems?

What will you do, if you have conflicts with parents, sisters, brothers and friends?

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-problemy-podrostkov.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 196
  • Количество скачиваний: 3