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Презентация на тему Мультимедийная презентация по теме Москва к уроку в 6 классе

Answer the questions: What is Moscow famous for?On what river does Moscow stand on?Why is Moscow the seat of the Russian government?What other important institutions are there in Moscow?What is the central square called? What can
MoscowMoscow Answer the questions: What is Moscow famous for?On what river does Moscow Moscow, the capital  of Russia, is one  of ancient Russian cities. It was founded by Prince Yuri Dolgoruki in 1147. The city stands on the Moskva River. Moscow is the country's political, economic, religious, financial, educational and transportation centre. Its total area is about  900 sq. km. About 11 million people  live in Moscow. Moscow is the seat of  the Russian Government. It is  a financial and business centre of the country.Paveletskaya Tower, a business centre The The Supreme Court of Russia  is a place  where laws  are interpreted. Moscow is one of the most popular tourist destinations. The heart of Moscow is the Kremlin. Its 20 towers attract tourists from all over the world. The main tower is the Spasskaya Tower.  The famous clock called Kuranty strikes on it. On top you can see a ruby star.  Its diameter is 1.5 metre. Monomakh's Cap was the crown of all Muscovite Grand Princes and Tsars The Tsar Cannon on the territory of the Kremlin  is 5.34 The Tsar Bell is 6.24 m high and weighs about  200 Near the Kremlin Wall there is  the Unknown Soldier’s Grave. One of the most famous sights is  Red Square. St. Basil’s Cathedral was erected in 1555- 60 by two architects  Postnik and Barma. The monument to Minin and Pozharski was designed  by Ivan Martos The Moscow State Historical museum of Russia was founded in 1872. The total number of objects  in the museum's collection numbers  in the millions. Kazan Cathedral is also located in Red Square.  It commemorates the You can buy presents for your friends and relatives in GUM right In winter you can skate at the skating-rink near GUM. The Grand Kremlin Palace There are over 70 theatres in Moscow.  The world-known Bolshoi The Tretyakov Gallery is also worth visiting. In 1892, the Moscow merchant Another art museum in the city of Moscow  is the Pushkin The Museum-Panorama “Borodino Battle” reminds us of the events of 1812. The Ostankino TV Tower  is the tallest construction  in Moscow. The All-Russia Exhibition Centre is a permanent trade-show in Moscow, Russia. Here you can admire a fountain called “The Stone Flower.” The Cathedral of Christ the Saviour is the tallest Eastern Orthodox church The Monument  Have a walk along  the Old Arbat. It’s impossible to imagine Arbat without artists and singers. Arbat is the centre of the youth life. Moscow is home to many scientific and educational institutions. Moscow State University The headquarters  of the Russian Academy  of Sciences. The main building of Plekhanov Russian Academy of Economics.. Muscovites are great sport-lovers. They possess numerous sport facilities. The Grand Sports The Khodynka Arena ice palace,  built in 2006. Moscow was the host city  of the 1980 Summer Olympics. Moscow possesses  a complex transport system, that includes one of the Slavyansky bul'var - MosMetro - Pavillion The Moscow Monorail Line Moscow also has two passenger terminals on the river and regular ship There are 96 parks and 18 gardens in Moscow, including 4 botanical Patriarshiye Ponds (Patriarch's Ponds, nicknamed Patriki (Патрики), is a popular residential area Sokolniki Park is one of the oldest parks in Moscow. With an Welcome to Moscow  full of history, wonders, humour, beauty, and life!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Answer the questions:
What is Moscow famous for?
On what

Answer the questions: What is Moscow famous for?On what river does

river does Moscow stand on?
Why is Moscow the seat

of the Russian government?
What other important institutions are there in Moscow?
What is the central square called?
What can a visitor see there?
What is the most famous theatre called?

Слайд 3 Moscow, the capital of Russia, is one of

Moscow, the capital of Russia, is one of ancient Russian cities.

ancient Russian cities.

Слайд 4 It was founded by Prince Yuri Dolgoruki in 1147.

It was founded by Prince Yuri Dolgoruki in 1147.

Слайд 5 The city stands on the Moskva River.

The city stands on the Moskva River.

Слайд 6 Moscow is the country's political, economic, religious, financial,

Moscow is the country's political, economic, religious, financial, educational and transportation centre.

educational and transportation centre.

Слайд 7 Its total area is about 900 sq. km.

Its total area is about 900 sq. km.

Слайд 8 About 11 million people live in Moscow.

About 11 million people live in Moscow.

Слайд 9 Moscow is the seat of the Russian Government.

Moscow is the seat of the Russian Government.

Слайд 10 It is a financial and business centre of

It is a financial and business centre of the country.Paveletskaya Tower, a business centre

the country.
Paveletskaya Tower, a business centre

Слайд 11 The "Moscow International Business Centre"


Слайд 12 The Supreme Court of Russia is a place

The Supreme Court of Russia is a place where laws are interpreted.

where laws are interpreted.

Слайд 13 Moscow is one of the most popular tourist

Moscow is one of the most popular tourist destinations.


Слайд 14 The heart of Moscow is the Kremlin.

The heart of Moscow is the Kremlin.

Слайд 15 Its 20 towers attract tourists from all over

Its 20 towers attract tourists from all over the world.

the world.

Слайд 16 The main tower is the Spasskaya Tower. The

The main tower is the Spasskaya Tower. The famous clock called Kuranty strikes on it.

famous clock called Kuranty strikes on it.

Слайд 17 On top you can see a ruby star.

On top you can see a ruby star. Its diameter is 1.5 metre.

Its diameter is 1.5 metre.

Слайд 18 The Kremlin Armoury is one of the oldest

The Kremlin Armoury

museums of Moscow, established in 1808 and located in

the Moscow Kremlin. It contains collections of weapons, jewelry and various household articles of the tsars.

Слайд 19 Monomakh's Cap was the crown of all Muscovite

Monomakh's Cap was the crown of all Muscovite Grand Princes and

Grand Princes and Tsars from Dmitri Donskoi to Peter

the Great.

Слайд 20 The Tsar Cannon on the territory of the

The Tsar Cannon on the territory of the Kremlin is 5.34

Kremlin is 5.34 m long and weighs about 40

tons. It was made by A. Chokhov in 1594.

Слайд 21 The Tsar Bell is 6.24 m high and

The Tsar Bell is 6.24 m high and weighs about 200

weighs about 200 tons. Its diameter is 6.6m. It

was made by I.F. Matorin and M.I. Matorin in 1733-1735.

Слайд 22 Near the Kremlin Wall there is the Unknown

Near the Kremlin Wall there is the Unknown Soldier’s Grave. People

Soldier’s Grave. People come here to honour the unknown

soldiers killed during the Second World War.

Слайд 23 One of the most famous sights is Red

One of the most famous sights is Red Square.


Слайд 24 St. Basil’s Cathedral was erected in 1555- 60

St. Basil’s Cathedral was erected in 1555- 60 by two architects Postnik and Barma.

by two architects Postnik and Barma.

Слайд 25 The monument to Minin and Pozharski was designed

The monument to Minin and Pozharski was designed by Ivan Martos

by Ivan Martos in 1818.
Its height is 8.8


Слайд 26 The Moscow State Historical museum of Russia was

The Moscow State Historical museum of Russia was founded in 1872.

founded in 1872.

Слайд 27 The total number of objects in the museum's

The total number of objects in the museum's collection numbers in the millions.

collection numbers in the millions.

Слайд 28 Kazan Cathedral is also located in Red Square.

Kazan Cathedral is also located in Red Square. It commemorates the

It commemorates the liberation from the Polish aggressors in


Слайд 29 You can buy presents for your friends and

You can buy presents for your friends and relatives in GUM right here in Red Square.

relatives in GUM right here in Red Square.

Слайд 30 In winter you can skate at the skating-rink

In winter you can skate at the skating-rink near GUM.

near GUM.

Слайд 31 The Grand Kremlin Palace

The Grand Kremlin Palace

Слайд 32 There are over 70 theatres in Moscow.

There are over 70 theatres in Moscow. The world-known Bolshoi

The world-known Bolshoi Theatre holds performances of ballet and


Слайд 33 The Tretyakov Gallery is also worth visiting. In

The Tretyakov Gallery is also worth visiting. In 1892, the Moscow

1892, the Moscow merchant Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov presented his

already famous collection of paintings to the Russian nation.

Слайд 34 Another art museum in the city of Moscow

Another art museum in the city of Moscow is the Pushkin

is the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts. It is

the largest museum of European art in Moscow.

Слайд 35 The Museum-Panorama “Borodino Battle” reminds us of the

The Museum-Panorama “Borodino Battle” reminds us of the events of 1812.

events of 1812.

Слайд 36 The Ostankino TV Tower is the tallest construction

The Ostankino TV Tower is the tallest construction in Moscow. Standing

in Moscow. Standing 540 metres in height, Ostankino was

designed by Nikiolai Nikitin. Constructed in 1967.

Слайд 37 The All-Russia Exhibition Centre is a permanent trade-show

The All-Russia Exhibition Centre is a permanent trade-show in Moscow, Russia.

in Moscow, Russia.

Слайд 38 Here you can admire a fountain called “The

Here you can admire a fountain called “The Stone Flower.”

Stone Flower.”

Слайд 39 The Cathedral of Christ the Saviour is the

The Cathedral of Christ the Saviour is the tallest Eastern Orthodox

tallest Eastern Orthodox church in the world. It is

situated in Moscow, on the bank of the Moskva River. Rebuilt in 2000.

Слайд 40 The Monument "To the Conquerors of Space" was

The Monument

erected in Moscow in 1964 to celebrate achievements of the

Soviet people in space exploration.

Слайд 41 Have a walk along the Old Arbat.

Have a walk along the Old Arbat.

Слайд 42 It’s impossible to imagine Arbat without artists and

It’s impossible to imagine Arbat without artists and singers.


Слайд 44 Arbat is the centre of the youth life.

Arbat is the centre of the youth life.

Слайд 45 Moscow is home to many scientific and educational

Moscow is home to many scientific and educational institutions. Moscow State

Moscow State University was founded by the great

Russian scientist
M.I. Lomonosov in 1755 and later it was named after him.

Слайд 46 The headquarters of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The headquarters of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Слайд 47 The main building of Plekhanov Russian Academy of

The main building of Plekhanov Russian Academy of Economics..


Слайд 48 Muscovites are great sport-lovers. They possess numerous sport

Muscovites are great sport-lovers. They possess numerous sport facilities. The Grand

facilities. The Grand Sports Arena of the Luzhniki Olympic

Complex in Moscow , or briefly Luzhniki Stadium , is the biggest sports stadium in Russia.

Слайд 49 The Khodynka Arena ice palace, built in 2006.

The Khodynka Arena ice palace, built in 2006.

Слайд 50 Moscow was the host city of the 1980

Moscow was the host city of the 1980 Summer Olympics.

Summer Olympics.

Слайд 51 Moscow possesses a complex transport system, that includes

Moscow possesses a complex transport system, that includes one of the

one of the world’s busiest metro systems which is

famous for its architecture and artwork.

Слайд 52 Slavyansky bul'var - MosMetro - Pavillion

Slavyansky bul'var - MosMetro - Pavillion

Слайд 53 The Moscow Monorail Line

The Moscow Monorail Line

Слайд 54 Moscow also has two passenger terminals
on the

Moscow also has two passenger terminals on the river and regular

river and regular
ship routes and cruises along Moskva

and Oka rivers.

Слайд 55 There are 96 parks and 18 gardens in

There are 96 parks and 18 gardens in Moscow, including 4

Moscow, including 4 botanical gardens.
The Central Park of

Culture and Rest, named after Maxim Gorky, was founded in 1928.

Слайд 56 Patriarshiye Ponds (Patriarch's Ponds, nicknamed Patriki (Патрики), is

Patriarshiye Ponds (Patriarch's Ponds, nicknamed Patriki (Патрики), is a popular residential

a popular residential area in downtown Presnensky District of


Слайд 57 Sokolniki Park is one of the oldest parks

Sokolniki Park is one of the oldest parks in Moscow. With

in Moscow. With an area of 6 square kilometres,

it is four times larger than London's Hyde Park.

Слайд 58 Welcome to Moscow full of history,

Welcome to Moscow full of history,

Слайд 59 wonders,


Слайд 60 humour,


Слайд 61 beauty,


  • Имя файла: multimediynaya-prezentatsiya-po-teme-moskva-k-uroku-v-6-klasse.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 169
  • Количество скачиваний: 0