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Презентация на тему для 6 класса на экологическую темуПодумай о будущем!

Help the Earth !At home :1 Don’t throw away paper if you can use it for notes. Write on both sides of the paper.2 Recycle old newspaper.3 Save electricity .Turn the light off when
THINK OF THE FUTURE !What do you think are the  most Help the Earth !At home :1 Don’t throw away paper At schoolChange your shoes when entering the school. If you don’ t In the street 1 Pick up any litter you see when you In the countryside 1 Never break off branches from the trees and Some rules to protect the EarthDosAsk your governments to make laws to
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Help the Earth !
At home :

Help the Earth !At home :1 Don’t throw away paper

Don’t throw away paper if you can use it

for notes. Write on both sides of the paper.
2 Recycle old newspaper.
3 Save electricity .Turn the light off when you do not need them.
4 Save water. Turn the taps off when you are not using them.
5 Don’t throw away old clothes. Recycle them.
6 Either don’t buy drink in plastic bottles, or recycle the bottles.Buy cans or glass bottles.

Слайд 3 At school
Change your shoes when entering the school.

At schoolChange your shoes when entering the school. If you don’

If you don’ t the floor will be dirty

and we will breath dusty air.
Don’t throw chewing gum, plastic bags or bottles on the floor.
Pick up any litter you see find throw it in a dustbin.
Don’t waste paper.
Don’t damage school furniture. Save trees!
Take care of the flowers and plants in your classrooms and ntar your school.
Save electricity. Turn the light off when you don’t need them.
Take care of your schoolyard. Give it a regular clean.
Be very attentive at the lessons of geography and biology and you will be able to help the earth.

Слайд 4 In the street
1 Pick up any litter

In the street 1 Pick up any litter you see when

you see when you walking.
2 Place litter in

litter bins.
3 Never throw whole or broken glass bottles on the ground because ypu may harm the environment jr animals.
4 Plant a tree in front your house and your school.

Слайд 5 In the countryside
1 Never break off branches

In the countryside 1 Never break off branches from the trees

from the trees and bushes.
2 Don’t leave paper

and food in the woods.
3 Pick up all your litter and take it home.
4 Don’t pick wild flowers.
5 Leave birds’ nests alone or the chicks may die.
6 Don’t throw anything into rivers or lakes.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-dlya-6-klassa-na-ekologicheskuyu-temupodumay-o-budushchem.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 101
  • Количество скачиваний: 0